We have a USEFUL LINKS section, accessible by the MENU on the LEFT HAND SIDE of the home page.

Currently it is where you can find links to blank EBU CONVENTION CARDS.

Links will be maintained and updated by Andrew Merrison. Please e-mail him ideas of any usefulnesses.

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Pages viewed in 2024
Release 2.19q
Session Guidance
Details of each Regular Session
This page describes the regular standard sessions at York Bridge Club and is intended primarily for new members giving them information to select the sessions that they may wish to attend. Click here for an explanation of the colour attached to each session. The page refers to EBU grades as a percentage, these are provided solely to give the reader a view as the relative strengths of the players attending sessions with stronger fields having a higher percentage. The EBU website gives a detailed explanation of these grades for those interested.
Non-members are always welcome. Tea and coffee is available at all sessions. In most cases (unless time is pressing) there will be a short break around half way through the session. All sessions are led by a TD who sets the movements between tables.
Most sessions require you to have a pre-arranged partner, although some sessions are hosted which gives you the option of turning up without a partner.
See separate guidance on Partner Finding for non-hosted sessions.
Key to annotations
                   = Session is hosted – no partner required          
                  ♣  = Restrictions on experienced partnerships
                    = Social Bridge
Sessions Run Each Week
 Monday Morning Learn Through Play
A guided practice session with some teaching aimed at beginners and improvers (Learn through play). These sessions provide extra practice for players who may already be attending bridge classes. Boards are played at the learner’s own pace, and guidance on bidding and play (if required) is provided by the teacher who leads the session. You can attend without a partner.
 Monday Afternoon Club Session
Normal session attended by players with average EBU grade of up to 54%. This session is popular with a wide range of players including improvers who may wish to stretch themselves. You may encounter some of the more complex conventions. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace in line with TD announcements. It is a duplicate session playing at least 24 boards. You will need to attend with a prearranged partner.
 Monday Evening Transitional Session ♣ 
This session is for beginners and improvers who wish to play duplicate bridge with people of similar ability and experience. The session is “Transitional” because its aim is to increase the confidence of participants so they feel more equiped to transition to other afternoon and evening sessions. Players above an EBU grade of 51% will normally be excluded unless playing with a less experienced partner. You are expected to play at a relaxed but reasonable pace in accordance with EBU rules. It is a duplicate session but the number of boards should not exceed 22. You will need to attend with a pre-arranged partner. If you are looking for a partner please contact John Guest at
 Tuesday Evening Club Session
This session is attended by more experienced players and those people with high EBU grades (average 55% to 56%). It is a duplicate session playing at least 24 boards, played at 8 boards an hour. Players often use some of the more complex bridge conventions. Anyone is welcome who are comfortable playing at a reasonable pace and bidding against a wide range of conventions. As some of the Club's better players attend on that night, this is an excellent opportunity to compete against them. It might particularly suit players from afternoon sessions who wish to develop further. You will need to attend with a pre-arranged partner.
 Wednesday Afternoon Club Session
Normal session attended by players with average EBU grade of up to 50%. This session is suitable for players who want to challenge themselves by progressing from the No Fear and relaxed sessions. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace in line with TD announcements. It is a duplicate session playing at least 24 boards. You will need to attend with a pre-arranged partner.
 Wednesday Evening No Fear Session  ♣
This session is for people who wish to begin duplicate bridge and for improvers who come from the classes. Only simple systems are allowed (found after clicking ‘gentle duplicate’ on home page). Players of higher grades may attend if partnering a less experienced player. This is the ideal session for mentors to play and coach beginners and improvers. Play is at a relaxed pace in accordance with EBU rules. The number of boards is limited to between 15 and 18. The session is hosted so you may attend without a pre-arranged partner and will be guaranteed a game.
 Thursday Afternoon Club Session
Normal session attended by players with average EBU grade of up to 50%. This session is suitable for players who want to challenge themselves by progressing from the No Fear and relaxed sessions. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace in line with TD announcements. It is a duplicate session playing at least 24 boards. You will need to attend with a pre-arranged partner.
 Thursday Evening Guided Play (upstairs)
Guided practice session aimed at beginners and improvers (Learn through play). These sessions provide extra practice for players who may already be attending bridge classes. Boards are played at the learner’s own pace, and guidance on bidding and play (if required) is provided by the teacher who leads the session. You can attend without a partner.
 Thursday Evening Club Session (downstairs)
Normal session attended by players with average EBU grade of up to 54%. This session is suitable for those players wishing to stretch themselves at a more challenging session. You may encounter some of the more complex conventions. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace in line with TD announcements. It is a duplicate session playing at least 24 boards. You will need to attend with a prearranged partner.
 Friday Morning Gentle ♣  
This session is for people who wish to begin duplicate bridge and for improvers who come from the classes. The TD normally provides a tip for the week at the start of each session. Only simple systems are allowed (found after clicking ‘gentle duplicate’ under Bridge Classes) Players of higher grades may attend and are expected to assist others when asked. Play is at a relaxed pace in accordance with EBU rules. The number of boards is limited to 21. You will need to attend with a pre-arranged partner.
 Friday Evening Club Session  
Normal session attended by players with average EBU grade of up to 54%. This session is suitable for those players wishing to stretch themselves at a more challenging session. You may encounter some of the more complex conventions. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace in line with TD announcements. It is a duplicate session playing at least 24 boards. The session is hosted so you may attend without a partner.
 Saturday Evening Social Bridge (played on the second Saturday of the month)  
This session is aimed at inexperienced players but we also encourage stronger players to attend and assist with learning. Non-members are particularly welcome and pay the same table money as members. Bridgemates are not used for scoring so results are not uploaded or published. Emphasis is given to the session being a social event which is more friendly than competitive. Only simple systems are allowed. Dependent on numbers, scoring and movements may be either arranged individually or in fixed pairs. The session is hosted so you may attend without a partner.