Yateley & Hawley BC
BBO Duplicate
BBO Duplicate
F2F - Championship Teams (3/6)
BBO Duplicate
Wed 25th Sep 2024
F2F - Beryl Doughty Cup (6/12)
Director: June Booty
Wed 25th Sep 2024
Director: Vivek Radhakrishnan
Thu 26th Sep 2024
BBO Duplicate
Director: John Gatrell
Wed 2nd Oct 2024
Director: John England
0 0 0 0 0 0
All time hits
Release 2.19r
19th Nov 2016 (Strong Hands)
  Hand 1

19th Nov 2016 - Hand 1:

Ian's view:

North Open 2♣ - 8 Playing tricks or 21/22 NT
East Pass
South Bid 2 - Forced relay bid (regardless of points of shape)
West Pass
North Bid 2♠ - Showing 8 playing tricks if ♠ are trumps
East Pass
South Bid 4♠ - Partner is showing 8 playing tricks and I have 3, so 11 tricks should be all that is on (partner would have opened 2 if stronger or more tricks
All Pass
Play Always have 2 losers, a ♠ and a ♣ - still, play out the winners and all bar 1 trump and see if they throw the wrong cards for a chance to make 12
  Hand 2

19th Nov 2016 - Hand 2:

Ian's view:

East Open 2 - 8 Playing tricks or 21/22 NT
South Pass
West Bid 2 - Forced relay bid (regardless of points of shape)
North Pass
East Bid 2NT - Showing a flat hand with 21/22 HCP
South Pass
West Bid 3NT - With nothing in the majors and 3+ points
Play Assuming a low ♣  lead, take the finnesse as no harm done if it fails. It works !  Take it again and ditch the  's on the long , 13 tricks made !  All the cards are where you want them, I don't think this is a biddable slam.
  Hand 4

19th Nov 2016 - Hand 4:

Ian's view:

West Open 2 - Showing 23+ or 9+ Playing Tricks
South Pass
West Bid 2 - Negative (and you REALLY mean it !!!!)
North Pass
East Bid 3NT - Showing 25/26 HCP (2NT would show 23/24) and a flat hand
All Pass
Play All finesses work, unfortunately you can never get to Dummy to take them !!!!!  Unless the defence give you a trick, 1 off - don't you just hate it   crying
  Hand 5 - Test Hand, all play in 4H

19th Nov 2016 - Hand 5 (Test Hand):

Ian's view:

North Open 1
East Pass
South Bid 2♣ - Showing 9+ HCP and a natural suit
West Pass
North Bid 3 - No other suits to show, with partner having 9+ HCP we must be close to game
East Pass
South Bid 4 - Opening hand and 3 card support
All Pass
Play Assuming 5♠  lead (4th highest showing an honour), win trick 1 and play a low   (let it run if they don't play A or K as no cards higher than the 6 !!!
Keep attacking   until A and K out (E is likely to continue the Spades each time, they did against me !!!
Now play Q and J ♣  and cross to dummy to A  (do NOT finesse as no need to risk it, a finesse should always be a last resort)
Play 2 more ♣ s from dummy to ditch the remaining  s - 11 tricks made
If opps play a   before the hearts removed, 10 tricks is all you can make (I made 11) - can defence get it right?  YES.........
If you play a discard system, West can signal on the 2nd   that they want a   wink
  Hand 8

19th Nov 2016 - Hand 8:

Ian's view:

West Bid 2 - 8 Playing tricks or 21/22 NT
North Pass
East Bid 2  - Forced relay bid (regardless of points of shape)
South Pass
West Bid 2  - Showing 8 Playing Tricks in  
North Pass
East Bid 3♣ - Natural suit, this is describing your hand and keeping the bidding open
South Pass
West Bid 4NT - We now know there is more than minimum in partner's hand - how many Aces do they have
North Pass
East Bid 5  showing 1 Ace
South Pass
West Bid 6NT - 6  is a safe slam missing only one A but by all means but 5NT to be sure on the Ks - 6NT is equally as safe and in Pairs, the extra 10 points makes all the difference
All Pass
Play On any lead (but assume a ♠ lead) all you need to do is lose the A♣  - 6 made !


  Hand 9

19th Nov 2016 - Hand 9:

Ian's view:

North Open 2 - Showing 23+ or 9+ Playing Tricks
East Pass
South Bid 2 - Showing less than an A+K
West Pass
North Bid 2NT - Showing 23/24 HCP
East Bid 3NT - Showing less than 9 (not enough for slam)
All Pass
Play Assuming a ♠ lead, win the first trick and then top 2  and cross to dummy for remaining  - should only lose a ♣ and a  - 11 tricks made!
  Hand 11

19th Nov 2016 - Hand 11:

Ian's view:

South Open 2♣ - 8 Playing tricks or 21/22 NT
West Pass
North Bid 2  - Forced relay bid (regardless of points of shape)
East Pass
South Bid 3  - Showing 8 Playing Tricks in  
West Pass
North Bid 3♠  - Natural and forcing
East Pass
South Bid 3NT
All Pass
Play Fairly straight forward - ♠ is biggest worry, A is on side but even if they lead 4th highest, duck first and guarantee the K on 2nd or 3rd round.
  Hand 14

19th Nov 2016 - Hand 14:

Ian's view:

East Open 2♣ - 8 Playing tricks or 21/22 NT
South Pass
West Bid 2 - Forced relay bid (regardless of points of shape)
North Pass
East Bid 2♠ - Showing 8 Playing Tricks in ♠
South Pass
West Bid 4♠ - We have 2 tricks and partner has 8, that's game
All Pass
Play We have 1  and 1♣  to lose - if we are lucky, we can lose the first  and then use the other  to ditch the losing ♣ and make 12 !!!
  Hand 15

19th Nov 2016 - Hand 15:

Ian's view:

South Open 2♣ - 8 Playing tricks or 21/22 NT
West Pass
North Bid 2  - Forced relay bid (regardless of points of shape)
East Pass
South Bid 2NT - Showing 21/22 HCP
West Pass
North Bid 3NT - With nothing in the majors and points for game
All Pass
Play A non  lead will make 12 - if the defence find a  lead, I believe 11 is all that can be made.  Still squeeze with the minors though