Wodonga Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Keeping Healthy

Providing a Safe, Healthy Bridge Environment.


* Regularly wash your hands with soap and water.

* Use hand sanitising solution regularly during play.

* If you are feeling unwell, please stay at home.


Thank you to Westmont
Thank you to Westmont

Many thanks to Westmont Aged Care for hosting our Bridge Sessions at the Ray Snell Centre while the Wodonga Senior Citizens Centre was unavailable.
Your hospitality was much appreciated and the facilities were excellent.

Welcome to Wodonga Bridge Club
Weekly Sessions

Wodonga Bridge Club weekly session 

Tuesday evenings: 6.30pm for 6.45pm start. 

We will be playing at the Wodonga Senior Citizens Centre from February 11th 2025
except for Tuesday March 4th, May 6th, July 1st and September 2nd when the walkers have a priority booking.


Learn and Play Saturdays have been booked for April 26th, June 28th and August 23rd as well as Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th of November
More Information to follow closer to the date.


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Weekly Sessions
Session Times
Every Tuesday Evening
Table Fees $4.00
Non-member $6.00
Visitors most welcome
Contact: wodongabridgeclub@gmail.com
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Our Location
Our Location
Wodonga Bridge Club Bank Account

Bank Account Details  

BSB: 803070 Acc. No. 100090080

Find a Partner

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Mary Prowse:  0401 132074

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