Release 2.19r
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Many thanks to Mike Tedd for providing material on the early days of Porthcawl Congress. Our website already contained some information on the more recent years, but there is a huge gap between 1945 and 2008!!  If anyone has any pictures/posters/programmes etc for the intervening years which we could include, then I would be delighted if they could email me.

Christine Smith (Webmaster)

Click here to email Chris


    The objective of the West Wales Bridge Association is to control and promote Duplicate Bridge in the Western Area of the Welsh Bridge Union.


  Summary of General Rules

Membership of the Area is open to any person who has satisfied the conditions of membership laid down by the constitution of the Welsh Bridge Union and who has paid the specified Area subscription for the year.




 The affairs of the Area shall be run by the Committee of the West Wales Bridge Association hereinafter called “the  Committee “. The Committee shall consist of the officers of the Area, club representatives and co-opted members. Club representation shall be chosen by Clubs within the Area that are affiliated to the Welsh Bridge Union.




 The Committee shall be responsible for the running of Area events and the organisation of all such matters as delegated to the Area by the Welsh Bridge Union. The Committee shall determine the annual subscription of the Area at the first convenient meeting subsequent to the A.G.M. The Committee shall determine the allocation of the finances of the Area.  The Committee shall appoint other officials of the Area and elect officials of the Welsh Bridge Union as delegated by the Welsh Bridge Union. 




 The Annual General Meeting shall be held prior to the 30th June each year. ~




The Secretary shall give at least twenty-eight days notice of the meeting, in writing, to each club in the Area affiliated to the Welsh Bridge Union. Any member of the Area may request a vote on a particular motion to be taken at the A.G.M. subject to eighteen days notice in writing to the Secretary accompanied by the signatures of two Area members.  The Secretary shall inform all Area clubs of such notices at least eight days prior to the meeting.  Each member present at the A.G.M. except the Chairman shall have one vote. The Chairman shall have the casting vote. The A.G.M. shall contain a report from the Officers on the previous year, including a proper presentation of the finances and expenditure of the Area.   ~




 Any change to the Constitution of the Area shall be effected subject to the approval of two thirds of the members present following which the Committee may require, at its discretion, a poll of Area members in which an absolute majority will be decisive. 







