24th Sep 2024
Tues Morning Duplicate with Avenue/Lewes Online
10.00 am
24th Sep 2024
Tues Evening Duplicate
7.15 pm
25th Sep 2024
Weds Evening Duplicate with Avenue/Lewes Online
7.30 pm
26th Sep 2024
Thurs Afternoon Duplicate with Avenue/Lewes Online
1.30 pm
26th Sep 2024
Thurs Evening Duplicate
7.15 pm
Release 2.19r
Details of WSBC Competitions



This is a competition held in memory of past Chairman Jackie Clinton and the winners are awarded the Clinton Cup. Since it is a "Venture Pairs" competition, one player in the pair will be a less experienced player and the other must have at least 5,000 master points.

Competition not held in 2022. Current holders are Eric Jenner and Chris Gray.


Known prior to 2016 as the Eric Valentine Reeves Memorial Prize, this competition is played on the closest Tuesday to Valentine's Day. There is a prize for the leading pair plus a Flitch prize for the leading married couple.

The winners of the Mixed Pairs Championship in 2022 were Jill Hassan and Ken Ford, with the Flitch prize going to Sue and Brian Cutler.


Prizes are awarded for the highest average score over the Club year (1st April to 31st March) in various categories: ladies', men's, mixed and non-expert. A minimum of six sessions must be played to be eligible. Non-expert players are those with fewer than 5,000 master points as of 1st April, and both members of any eligible pair must meet this requirement.


Created in Coventry by George Cuthbertson and John Pyner, the competition is run in divisions of four tables where, over a period of five months, each pair plays every other pair in their division. After each match, the E/W pairs score up as teams with the other N/S pairs in their division. The final scores for each match are converted from imps to VP’s. Master points are awarded at the end of each series. There is promotion and relegation at the end of each series plus a free entry for the next series to the winners of each division.

Not only is the event very social but over the series, the teams scoring reduces the randomness that is often associated with pairs events. It is important to bid close games and slams and NOT to go for big penalties!

Attendance and Substitutes: 

Full attendance is required for this competition so as to avoid a lengthy sit out. However substitutes are allowed (either individuals or pairs). Any substitute or substitute pair can play more than once and for different people. Their score will be allocated to the original entrants. It is the responsibility of the original entrants to arrange their substitutes.

In 2022-23 the winners of Division 1 were Chris Jepson and Neil Watts with runners-up Brian Kirkdale and Suzy Gray. Division 2 winners were Robert Hirst and Peter Berry with runners-up Colin Mallows and David Williams.


Last updated : 7th Sep 2023 21:25 BST