West Hants Bridge School
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Reviews / Testimonials
What Our Students Have To Say




"I have just returned from a few days in the Dordogne area of France playing Bridge with friends while supported with very clear teaching and guidance by Chris who travelled with us. We covered a refresher on some basics normally achieved in level 2 and accompanied by additional topics which feature in higher levels in courses run by Chris. His guidance in normal play allows a possible re-think in bidding and help in developing a plan for the declarer when necessary as well as support for defence. Chris has a wonderful ability to create confidence and continued enthusiasm for the game of Bridge from a beginners level to those with many years experience."

David Marsh, Dorset, July 2024



"I feel very lucky that I chose the West Hants Bridge School. Chris, our very enthusiastic tutor, guided our group through the modern Bridge bidding and game techniques.  We were provided with very clear and informative notes plus a video of each class; the practice hands were very useful too.  I have now completed the Step 1 and Step 2 courses and have signed up for Step 3!  I thoroughly recommend Chris’ Bridge tuition courses".

Rodney Hartle, Dorset, April 2024



"I enrolled on the Step 1 course in September 2023 as a complete beginner to Bridge. Chris has an enthusiasm for the game which is infectious. His unending patience and humour make for a friendly atmosphere and plenty of fun during the learning process. The classes have been exceptionally well-planned and are backed up by Chris' excellent notes and video recordings. Highly recommended!"

Jill Hartle, Dorset, April 2024



"I am so grateful to Chris for being such a good teacher with so many qualities: knowledge, experience, patience, clarity, consistency and last but not least charm, which is so important as Bridge needs a lot of concentration and sometimes a bit of charm and wittiness are necessary.  For somebody who would like to learn this wonderful game, I can highly recommend him."

Lupita Aish, Poole, December 2023



"I am a complete newcomer to Bridge but understood the importance of having a good teacher. The Beginners Course ('Step 1') with Chris has been fantastic. He does not disappoint! He is clear, concise, easy to follow and manages to inject humour and his boundless passion for the game.What has been surprising is how effective his online classes are. No fuss, no travelling – just wonderfully focussed sessions with a good mix of learning and practice via Zoom and two online Bridge sites. I find it hard to imagine that face to face sessions could be as good! I’m subscribing to the next Course and even if it were possible to do face to face, I’d probably still opt for the online class!"

Karen Morgan, Cardiff, April 2023



"Many years ago I decided that I should learn to play Bridge and to this end joined a well known London Bridge school. Many people I knew played the game, so how difficult could it be? It was a terrible experience and I came away feeling a bit of a failure and very much disheartened. When we all went into lockdown my husband suggested we learn Bridge together. He’d played Bridge on and off and wanted to learn the game properly. Without much enthusiasm I agreed. I’ve now completed 4 courses! Being taught on Zoom by Chris Mower has been a revelation and very enjoyable to boot!  He brings the game alive with humour and has untold patience. Talk about efficiency, at the end of each evening's class, easy to follow notes for the following week are waiting in my inbox!  Students can be as interactive as they wish - have the mute off and take part in the practice hands, or just watch them. But it’s all very friendly with mute off and chats with Chris before and after the classes are great fun. He also runs a free of charge Saturday morning Questions Clinic. No Partner? No problem! - if you so desire Chris will match you up with someone of your ability so that you can practice together online. I so wish there had been a ‘Chris’ at that Bridge school I went to so many years ago, if there had been I wouldn’t have wasted so many years NOT playing Bridge. Thanks Chris see you later on the Step 5 course!"

Gabrielle Burn, Newbury, April 2023



"Fantastic courses, easy to understand, taught by Chris who holds a black belt in Bridge! I look forward to receiving his email with the new link each week. I find it easier to learn via the recording and notes option, but if I have questions I email them to him for an almost immediate reply or notification that it will be included in the free 'Questions Clinic' held via zoom on Saturday mornings. I thoroughly recommend to anyone who is looking to learn but is precluded from attending classes because of work and other commitments. Still loving my Bridge..."

Matt Smith,  Highcliffe, April 2023



"I have had a fantastic time learning to play Bridge on the Step 1 course with Chris at the West Hants Bridge School. Chris has a charismatic and engaging teaching style which makes it an absolute joy to attend and learn. I'm totally new to the game, as I had always been told that Bridge was too complicated - this is not true! Chris explains the rationale behind the decisions, which makes the game understandable and enjoyable. The course follows a logical structure, covering each topic in turn, and the pace of the individual sessions is spot-on. The flexibility of Zoom classes is also a real bonus. I'd thoroughly recommend anyone who is thinking about taking up or improving their Bridge to consider signing up with the West Hants Bridge School. I can't wait to get started with Step 2!"

Laurence Telesia, London, April 2023



"What an amazing stroke of luck that I have found Chris to teach me and for me to be able to attend lessons online. Chris has opened my eyes to all the rookie  errors I was making and how I could correct them now with my new found knowledge!  It has been quite eye opening to discover quite how many holes I had in what I had been previously taught. It is so reassuring to have a Bridge teacher who is so approachable and explains things so well . I have found a new excitement for the game and I'm looking forward to the Step 4 course in September."

Debbie Fireman, Mill Hill, London, April 2023



"Brilliant on every level. Chris makes learning the game an absolute pleasure - highly entertaining (I still chuckle when I see a mole hill or a Rottweiler!) and he has the patience of a saint."

Jeremy Lee, Dorset, April 2023



"The Step 3 course has been a joy. The sessions have been a lot of fun and I love Chris's firm, clear, and well-structured style…I do laugh a lot as his sense of humour is very refreshing! I am a teacher and find that the art with which Chris deals with questions is to be admired…. calm repetition of the explanation given; no-one is made to feel stupid for asking. The playing of the hands is particularly useful… Chris sets the hands up and gets some of us to play them. Understanding the concepts is one thing, putting them into practice is another! Highly recommended!"

Sally Barrett, Cambridge, March 2023



"If you want to learn Bridge then you couldn’t have a better teacher than Chris. He puts the subject over well. He’s patient but best of all - he’s kind. He doesn’t think any of the questions you ask are silly and he gives you confidence.  I’ve learnt so much about card play on the Step 3 course and I’m really starting to believe I can play this game!"

Linda Jose,  Cornwall, March 2023



"Having played social Bridge intermittently over the last 30 years I was uncertain whether to join the Step 1 or Step 2 course. I’m so glad I went back to basics. There were so many gaps in my knowledge. I feel so much more confident to play with friends & in Bridge groups now. I plan to do the Step 2 course later in the year knowing that I have a very sound base. Chris’s teaching is excellent, professional and enjoyable.  Questions are answered patiently and clearly with the Saturday morning Q&A sessions for back up. These courses are simply the best and highly recommended!"   

Sue Cramb, Birmingham, February 2023



"My interest in Bridge was aroused after hearing Chris being interviewed on BBC Radio 4. At the time, I was looking for a mentally stimulating hobby and learning Bridge has more than fulfilled that need. I opted to enrol on the Step 1 course on a recordings only basis as I could not commit to a regular timeslot. As a complete novice, this has worked exceptionally well for me and I would recommend it to anybody. Chris is an excellent teacher - patient, thorough, methodical and with a human touch that makes learning both accessible and enjoyable."

Anne Davies,  Staffordshire, February 2023



"Chris is a wonderful teacher, so patient and understanding.  Using on zoom is an excellent way to learn and it is so easy. Chris sends you notes and includes you personally in the classes.  He gives you plenty of time to ask questions, and no question is every a silly one.  I have just finished Step 2 and am looking forward to starting Step 3 soon.  He makes it such fun.  I really look forward to the classes.  Thank you Chris."

Pam Woodhead, West Berkshire, February 2023 



"I thought I had a rough knowledge of bidding. I was therefore not sure about going back to the beginning with the Step 1 course. Oh my goodness - Step 1 is an amazing, fast paced, thorough enlightenment to playing good solid Bridge. I have learnt so much, and Chris teaches with encouragement and patience. He expects hard work but is always available to explain. The rewards for me have been high as my confidence has improved, I feel I can now play Bridge and I have a clear understanding of the basics of bidding. I’m looking forward to developing my Bridge with Step 2. Thank you Chris."

Jennie Juchniewicz, Dorset, December 2022



"I have thoroughly enjoyed the face to face Bridge Step 1 course with Chris, when it feels that this game is so complicated, Chris is able to provide reassurance that you will master it with practice. The sessions are a good mix of theory and practice and the notes and video back up are great, particularly if you can’t make a session - it ensures that you can catch up. I would definitely recommend Chris’s classes."

Martine Morrison, Bournemouth, December 2022


"Last year I decided to try one of Chris's pre-recorded lessons (available as downloadable Zoom videos) in the hope it would throw some light on a confusing topic. The teaching and presentation were excellent so I decided to revisit the basics in the 'Step1' course. So far, I have worked my way up to Step 5 and found the standard consistent throughout. The lessons are fun and engaging yet delivered by Chris in a clear, concise manner. For someone like me with a poor memory where nothing seems to stick, the logical sequence of the course topics, the structure and pace of the lessons and the provision of notes have been a great help. I'm delighted to report an improvement in my duplicate results too! Thank you Chris. I thoroughly recommend this route to learning Bridge or improving your game."

Ellie Meyerhoff, Isle of Man, April 2022



"I am still enjoying the courses. Chris is an informative and inspirational teacher and has made bridge easily understandable. I am looking forward to Step 5!"
Janis Kay, Dorset, April 2022



"We learnt to play in a local Bridge Group 20 years ago and were in a rut feeling that we never improved our standard of play.  This year we have progressed with Chris’s Bridge courses from Step 2 to Step 4 and we are amazed at how much we have learnt. Chris’s Zoom classes combined with hands on examples help embed each individual session. His Saturday Q & A sessions are also very valuable opportunities to reinforce or clarify our understanding.  He continually inspires us to realise just how much we have progressed to levels we would never have expected.  He even makes it fun!"

John & Kathy Walker, Dorset, December 2021



"I have always loved cards and knew that Bridge was for me. Having completed Steps 1 and 2 live I decided to try the recorded approach. Both methods are great but with the recorded sessions I can complete the course as and when I have time. I have now completed Step 4 and can't wait to progress further!   My point is, if you think you don't have the time to commit to a set evening every week, just get the recordings! It works perfectly. Thanks Chris, looking forward to Step 5!"

Allan Hutchins, Dorset, December 2021   



“I knew nothing about the game of Bridge other than it involved cards!  My friend, who lives in Bournemouth, was convinced that I would enjoy the game (she and her husband took up the game in lockdown and are now keen players) so I was persuaded to sign up. I live in South Wales so the fact it was accessible via Zoom suited me. I think it’s fair to say that after one or two sessions I was hooked!  With regard to the Zoom aspect, you are able see all the participants on the screen which is good as it makes you feel more part of the group.  Chris is clear, concise and very, very patient. You are never afraid to ask what may appear to be a stupid question. His notes are detailed and they always arrive pre class.  The lessons are delivered professionally but with a sense of fun added.  Chris’ passion for the game is infectious and his desire to make us all competent and skilful bridge players is important to him. Can’t wait for Step 2!"

Karen Cuttiford, Swansea , December 2021 



"Step 3 may have been a 'step change' from the first two courses but was equally, if not even more of an eye opener! Chris guided us brilliantly through the skills, guile and craft of actually playing the cards. His teaching was lucid and very thorough. He has armed us with plenty of ammunition to play the game, teaching us clever strategies and drilling us in the importance of making a plan.  Unlike Steps 1 and 2 , where bidding was centre stage, Step 3 involves more need for judgement and common sense re which card to play. Overall, it was less prescriptive or formulaic than the hard graft of getting to grips with the pre-determined  rules required to learn the ‘knowledge’ of bidding. Chris is a top teacher who weaves thoroughness, passion for his subject, a desire to share skills for playing Bridge correctly and to a high standard with great humour and a sense of fun. I recommend his classes to anybody considering taking up this fine game or indeed anyone looking to refresh and hone their skills further."

Neil Sommerfelt, West Berkshire, December 2021



"I have really enjoyed the Step 1 course, Chris's good humour and patience has been evident all the way through, and he presents each class with the theory bit before the break and then the practice part afterwards. There is plenty of time for questions even though I haven’t asked many as I find the answer is usually just around the corner! I am very much looking forward to the next steps, especially playing hands as at the moment I fall to pieces doing this! "  

Jane Firth, Bromley, December 2021



"Step 3 is a corker!  How I have enjoyed Chris's humour and his ability to put the concepts over to us.  When Christmas and New Year are over I look forward to repeating the Step 1 course again so that I may consolidate the basic rules before moving on to Step 4. Thank you Chris, for making it such an enjoyable journey."

Jan Botfield, Guildford, December 2021



"Worry No Longer! Follow Chris and you will master becoming a respectable Bridge player. He presents his courses in a thoroughly clear and easily comprehensible format, breaking them down into manageable bite size chunks. He will improve your play and confidence." 

Brian Gordon, Stanmore, December 2021



"I was quite nervous about the Step 3 course as I am a beginner and am just starting to grasp the basics of bidding. However this level stands alone really well as it is all about learning which card to play and when - yes there is a logic to it, and now at the end of the course I definitely feel confident about which are the wrong cards to play and why, and with some practice I'm sure that getting the right card will become second nature. This course suits both beginners and more experienced players who lack confidence in card play. As always, Chris is kind and patient and explains things in a really easy way and there is lots of revision along the way if confusion sets in! Although some of the concepts are challenging, Chris makes them easy to understand and the lessons are always great fun as promised! I feel confident to carry on now with Step 4. in January" 

Wendy Holden, Newbury, December 2021


“The Step 3 course has been just as enjoyable as Steps 1 and 2, this time with lots of techniques on how to play the game as both declarer and as defence. Chris has a great style of keeping a difficult subject light, he doesn’t rush things and there are clear notes to back up the classes. I also enjoy the Questions Clinic Chris runs at the weekend for all his students on top of the Step 1 - 6 classes. He engenders a real sense of community and is careful to make newer players feel comfortable. Classes may have a mix of new and more experienced players but Chris keeps everything at the right level so that as a new player I never feel classes are over my head.”

Sarah Packer, Bermuda, July 2021



"I have completed the ‘Step 5 On Demand' course with Chris. His tutorials are very clear and structured, and there is plenty of time to practice the new conventions and techniques. The 'On Demand' service is very convenient if you don’t want to commit to a certain time, and the Zoom question and answer session is usually available on Saturday mornings as well. Chris is very responsive, any email is usually answered in a very short time.  I would highly recommend Chris to anyone who wants to learn Bridge."  

Regina Gilbert, Bath, July 2021



"Having played Bridge for about four years, albeit intermittently, I felt that I was not understanding fully the various strategies and conventions. Joining the West Hants Bridge School has been of huge benefit to me in that the progression is well paced and reinforced with readily available advice and backup through questions sessions and 'No Fear Bridge'. Chris is extremely proficient at explaining all the many convolutions encountered in this game and has made the game so much more enjoyable for me."

Kathy Hammett, Lymington, July 2021



"Many, many thanks to Chris for the excellent Step 3 course - I learned so much . In my experience, most Bridge teachers concentrate on the bidding, so it was really enlightening and confidence-building to learn such useful playing skills. I won’t look back! 

Helen Bowen, Bristol, July 2021


"I have just completed the Step 1 course which has been absolutely excellent. I spent a year doing lessons at a local Bridge club previously but found the instructions and EBU book confusing, some of the instructors frankly rude, and I was put off by going on my own and being paired with someone who used his own bidding system which only added to my muddle! I have loved the way that Chris goes through each step slowly and carefully, with simple instructions and very easy to understand crib sheets at the same time as using No Fear Bridge. The pace is just right and I have used a mixture of live and recorded classes which have really suited my working pattern.Learning through Zoom has been perfectly paced and very convenient, and the recordings have allowed me to skip through bits that I understand already or repeat things that are a bit harder. It's been perfect as a single person but would work equally well as a couple. I have spent a few minutes every day doing No Fear Bridge exercises which are great for staying one step ahead and for getting the most from each class. One thing that I have especially liked is that Chris has concentrated in Step 1 on mastering the bidding rules rather than jumping straight into card play which can be very confusing as a beginner, but he has also introduced simple important card play concepts which I am sure will become much more prominent in Step 2, like promoting and finessing and looking for shortages when playing in a trump contract which now make complete sense to me. Chris has a great sense of humour and is incredibly patient with any question and the sessions are not at all intimidating. I am really looking forward to Step 2 and beyond! "

Wendy Holden, West Berkshire, May 2021



"I was persuaded to join the West Hants Bridge School course by a family member who wanted another person to play with. Having last played Bridge 20 years ago I was very apprehensive! Thirteen weeks later and no regrets. Who would have thought that learning to play the ‘wonderful game’ via Zoom would be so captivating? This is all thanks to Chris who has excellent teaching skills and handles the sessions with great humour and sensitivity. Lots of repetition and time for questions - no matter how simple, they were answered with clarity and respect. I have struggled at times but the notes we receive are so clear and practice on the No Fear Bridge website (free for chris's students for 13 weeks) has usually ironed out any problems. I can’t wait to start the Step 2 course next week!"   

Sylvia Walker ,St Albans, May 2021



"I've tried to learn Bridge a number of times over the past 20 years but found remembering the rules difficult and my friends all seemed to offer different advice!  Chris's Step 1 course made everything so much clearer.  The pace of the course was excellent, with lots of examples and practice to drum home the techniques.  Chris provided notes before each session so we knew what we were going to cover and also had crib notes for the session itself.   Chris is an excellent teacher and made the sessions fun and interesting.  I would highly recommend his courses to anyone considering learning Bridge or wanting a refresher.  I've already signed up for Step 2!"

Sue Hashemi, Birmingham, May 2021


"I have very much enjoyed the Step 1 course.  Chris explains everything so clearly and I think it is such a good way to learn Bridge, especially with his notes and additional practice available on the No Fear Bridge website.  I am completely hooked and look forward to Step 2!" 

Cathryn Quinn, Salisbury, May 2021



"My husband has played Bridge before and has completed an evening course, but he says that Chris’ training is far superior and is very keen to continue. I have never played before and have found the Step 1 course a bit of a challenge as there is so much to learn! Chris however is very supportive and informs us that it is the most difficult course he does, so we are going to continue with Step 2 and hope eventually to play as a pair. Chris’ teaching is logical and carefully planned and he is always upbeat and encouraging, as well as fun!  He includes everyone who wants to be included in the practice sessions but is careful not to put anyone on the spot who is less confident and gives them the opportunity to opt out. He is very patient with questions but manages to move things on at a good pace."

Lindy and John Clarke, West Berkshire, May 2021



"I had been looking unsuccessfully for ages for a local Bridge teacher. So I was delighted when West Hants Bridge School was recommended to me. It has been so easy to do the Zoom courses and I have enjoyed Step 1 very much. The addition of the provided notes and the questions clinic are a real bonus and I am looking forward to continuing my Bridge education with Chris!"

Dianne Macro, Berkshire, May 2021



"Thank you so much to Chris for teaching me on the Step 1 Course.  Although far from easy, chris made it fun and taught with humour and humility. Thank you for making sure I never looked an idiot!  Looking forward to Step 2!"

Jan Botfield,  Guildford, May 2021



"A difficult subject presented quite brilliantly. Chris is a skilled communicator and the 13 week course went by at a steady pace and never did I feel at all uncomfortable. Well done and thank you Chris." 

Leigh Fletcher, South Yorkshire, May 2021



“As complete newcomers to the exciting but challenging game of Bridge, we felt very nervous when logging on for our first Zoom lesson with Chris. There was no need! Chris has guided us through the Step 1 course with well planned lessons, clear explanations, frequent recaps and reinforcement, endless patience, and most importantly, humour! He is excellent at recognising the challenges of learning the game from scratch, and gives you plenty of confidence and opportunity to ask questions, either within the class itself or at the Saturday morning Questions Clinics. The technical side of running this online course has gone very smoothly, with plenty of help and support provided if necessary. Being able to catch up by video recording when we miss a session due to work commitments is also invaluable. We have already recommended this course to friends, and will continue to do so. Looking forward to Step 2!”

Jen & Iain Hogan, New Milton, April 2021



"I was a complete beginner to Bridge when I joined Chris's Zoom classes last September. I have now completed Steps 1& 2 and am signed up for Step 3! The Tuesday evening classes became a very enjoyable Lockdown distraction. The classes are well organised, well paced, enjoyable and are accompanied by weekly notes. You can also ask for a recording of any of the classes .  I found the revision sessions very helpful too. The online tools that Chris uses to help teach us and we use to practise are very good. I have enjoyed learning a new skill and it has definitely been good for my mental agility! Would highly recommend (and have already!)."

Susie Thornton, Nottingham, April 2021



"For anyone thinking about Bridge but not sure whether to take the plunge - I would definitely recommend West Hants Bridge School. Chris is an excellent teacher and makes learning Bridge both comprehensive and inclusive. Learning via Zoom has been a God-send during lockdown and allows Chris to interact with everyone in the group and also ensures that the lessons are punctuated with lots of practice hands. I couldn't imagine when I started learning a year ago that I would come to love the game so much - and this is mainly testament to Chris and the work he's put in to make it so enjoyable."

Rose Haines, Dorset, April 2021


"Having played Bridge for 20 years socially and not very well, we came upon Chris’s Zoom classes.  We have just completed Step 2 and feel our approach to the game has been transformed. Chris is an excellent communicator and teacher and makes the classes so much fun.   We are hooked and have signed up for the Step 3 course feeling inspired by Chris’s enthusiasm and encouragement to become good Bridge players" 

John and Kathy Walker, Dorset, April 2021



"I started learning on the Step 1 course with Chris earlier this year and I am loving it. Chris is an excellent teacher; he is very clear in his explanations and after the 2 hour class you really feel that you understand the subject of that week. It is hard to not get bogged down in the detail when you know a subject so well, as Chris knows his Bridge, but he has a clear and concise approach to his teaching. Chris is infinitely patient when at times he must be tearing his (substantial lockdown) hair out. He never makes you feel stupid asking what might be a really simple question. He approaches teaching with a great sense of humour which is refreshing. The Q&A session on Saturday mornings for Steps 1-2 is very helpful. I am soon to embark on the Step 2 course and hope to carry on learning Bridge with Chris for the foreseeable future." 

Carly Miller, Bristol, April 2021 



"In January 2021, I read an article in The Sunday Times about Chris Mower setting up Bridge lessons online for complete beginners, and within minutes I had signed up. I am so glad that I did so! The Step 1 course has taken me from ground zero, with absolutely no knowledge of the game, to learning the rules and procedures for bidding 1NT and leading suits, ‘ruffing’ (a new word to me although as I like to do the cryptic crossword I suspect it will come in useful!), finessing, transmitting messages to partner, and the complexities of making a contract and scoring. Chris has a great way of making the various mantras stick in the memory. Through a mixture of talking, demonstrating, playing, and using checklists and matrices, he has managed to make it such fun and he is ever patient. There is a great deal to learn but there can’t be a better time to give it a whirl than during a pandemic! The challenge now is to get this all firmly in my head ready for Step 2 which is starting on 19th April."   

Susan Olding, Buckinghamshire, April 2021 



"I am a complete beginner to Bridge, having thought vaguely about taking it up for a long time. I was very nervous joining my first session, but from the very start Chris put my mind at rest.  Chris is great at making the sessions fun, and relaxed, and the pace and content are both excellent. Chris is very happy to answer questions during the sessions and to stay behind at the end of the sessions to answer more detailed queries.  The Saturday morning question clinics are relaxed and informative. I have learned an incredible amount and I am now committed to improving my Bridge skills.  Having completed Step 1, I am looking forward to Step 2 and would highly recommend Chris to anyone thinking about taking up Bridge."

Joanne Swalwell, Sonning-on-Thames, April 2021



"We have both been playing Bridge – both duplicate and social – for many years. We considered ourselves to be average players but have always loved the game. During Lockdown we were recommended to attend a few lessons with Chris Mower which have proved invaluable. We are both 'old-fashioned' Bridge players and realised that Chris was teaching a modernised way to play Bridge.   We therefore joined the Step 4 course last January which has proved so beneficial that we will be starting the Step 5 course in a couple of weeks' time!  Chris is a logical teacher – so patient and so encouraging.   We just wish we had known Chris many years ago – we would have played a much improved game!" 

Linda Lew & Ziva Dwek, London, April 2021



"After playing Bridge for many years including at local clubs, my Bridge was stuck and my scores were poor. We heard about Chris on BBC Solent Radio by chance, and joined his Step 4 class, with occasional videos from Step 2 and Step 5. Joining Step 4 has transformed my game. I now understand why we either over or under bid, why we miss slams and get into the wrong contract! The mix of lesson and practice really makes the difference and I have now signed up for Step 5.   I have really loved the course. I wish I had heard of Chris years ago." 

Elizabeth Ralley, Lymington, April 2021 



"I was recommended to Chris by a friend whom I continue to thank. I have just finished Step 2 and am looking forward to the next course. Although I have played for two years there were many things that I never seemed to grasp. The lessons have certainly helped me, especially the fact that I can watch the recordings more than once. His patience, explanations and humour have made it so much easier for me."

Sandra Wall, London, April 2021



"I have really enjoyed the Step 4 course with Chris. I've learnt lots of different things and I am amazed how easy it was to learn by using Zoom.  Brilliant way of teaching - looking forward to Step 5."

Lynne Rowcroft, Isle of Wight, April 2021



"Step 1 was a great course, with an excellent tutor.  It was fun, educational and we have learned so much.  We highly recommend it."

Sarah and Chris Musgrave, Wiltshire, May 2021



"Thank you so much to Chris for his inspirational Bridge classes. Having played bad Bridge for probably 40 years plus I was suddenly aware of when I suggested playing Bridge to 3 friends instead of tennis on rainy days, that I was totally outclassed especially with the bidding, as they all happened to be doing Chris's Bridge classes and had done so for some time! It was then that I decided to sign up and have loved doing the classes but wished that I had started them sooner. The four of us now play regularly, not just on rainy days, and it’s great fun and a real brain teaser, although it is going to take me a little while to catch up and speak the same Mower Bridge language as them!" 

Joanna Dunn, Dorset, April 2021



“Last September I knew nothing about the game of Bridge and I wasn’t sure whether it would be for me, but it has been a great experience. So having completed the Step 1 course, I continued onto Step 2, and have now signed up for Step 3! Chris is an amazing teacher, he pitches the classes at exactly the right pace, and includes plenty of time for questions and examples. Chris has a great enthusiasm for the game which is infectious, and during the Step 2 course he organises participants to form into Bridge 'fours' so they can practice together in their own time. This has been hugely beneficial, especially as we’re all at the same stage, and we are able support one another.”

Sarah Packer, Bermuda, April 2021



"Chris is a great teacher and I have learnt so much from taking his  Step 1 and Step 2 courses.   I had sporadic teaching before that was not always very clear and I was rather a reluctant Bridge player, but doing Chris's courses has really improved my understanding of the game! He is a very patient and encouraging teacher and really explains problems well with good humour. I highly recommend his courses".

Jill Bladen, Poole, April 2021



"Having completed the Step 1 course with Chris I thought Step 2 couldn’t be as good - but it was! I’m starting to believe that  I can actually become a Bridge player!  Also I now play online with three other people I met on the course. I never thought I would be able to do this and I can’t thank Chris enough for all his help and encouragement."

Linda Jose, Cornwall, April 2021



"We were recommended to try out a course with the West Hants Bridge School which we have just finished.  I have to say that for us it has been a silver lining during the recent lockdown.  We are London based and would never have found Chris in the ’normal’ world.  We joined Step 4 having missed a few classes but that wasn’t an issue because Chris sent us through the video recordings of the classes we had missed so it was easy to catch up.  Having learned the basics at our local club a few years ago, it was clear from the start that Chris’s teaching methods were going to be a real eye opener.  His passion for Bridge comes across in every lesson and he has given us confidence in a game that can be quite confusing if it’s not taught correctly.  He makes every lesson fun and inclusive and is always available for any questions either via email or at his weekly Saturday morning 'Questions clinics'.  We are looking forward to starting the next course that we’ve already signed up for!"

Karin Ilsen & Michael Morris, London, April 2021



“I have enjoyed the course, Chris is an informative and inspirational teacher and has made bridge comprehensible and enjoyable.”

Janis Kay, Dorset, April 2021



"I've been playing Bridge on and off for many years but never properly learnt the bidding system, so I decided to sign up to Chris's classes.  My eyes have been opened following the Step 1 course and I can't wait for Step 2!  Not only is Chris extremely knowledgeable and explains it all very well, but he moves at an ideal pace, and has the patience of a Saint!" 

Amanda Davis, Bristol, April 2021



"Having made numerous attempts to learn to play Bridge via friends and local teachers, I commenced Chris's Step 1 course with slight apprehension  (and some scepticism). This was quickly dispelled - the course is logical, incremental and structured and there is always the opportunity to ask 'the question everyone feels too silly to ask' . The Saturday questions clinic and homework, the online quizzes, practice and notes all add to the experience . Highly recommended - I move soon onto Step 2 and I look forward to it."

Dr Rob McNeilly, Salisbury, April 2021 



"I have just completed Step 4 with Chris after having previously completed Step 3 - both online using Zoom (where would we all be without that?)!  Step 3 enables you to play a reasonable game of intermediate Bridge. It's then a question of how well you bid and how well you play.  Step 4 is all about the bidding and giving you 'the edge'. How often does one overbid or particularly under bid, regardless of how well one plays? Step 4 teaches you to bid a hand more accurately to its full potential. Each lesson is a separate topic , each with its 'ahah' moment or 'so that's what you do'...with revision lessons included along the way and weekend 'Questions Clinics' for those who wish; and as ever, always with a wonderfully convivial group, very pleasantly taught (including written notes and practice play) in a very friendly way, always time for questions and no such thing as a 'silly' question.  Many thanks indeed to Chris.  Great fun"

Richard Winter, Putney, April 2021



"We have so enjoyed our Bridge journey with Chris and we really looked forward to our Tuesday evening sessions. Zoom is an ideal way to learn Bridge and Chris makes it clear and interactive with lots of practice to help confidence building. We are looking forward to Step 3 - the bidding free course !!!  Thank you, Chris."

Lynn Davies and Jeremy Bailey, Wimbledon, March 2021



"My wife and I have just attended the first session of the Step 1 course. It was very well run and excellently presented by Chris. The preparation that Chris put in to ensure all were in a good place ahead of the session, plus the quality of support tools used meant that the Zoom session was both informative and enjoyable. Also there were lots of tips about where you can find help and practice online through 'No Fear Bridge' and 'Bridge Base Online' which allows you to play against others virtually once you have started to master the game and bidding. Chris also puts a further hour session in to allow for a roll on, roll off 'any questions' session on Saturday mornings. Highly recommended- well done Chris".   

Tony & Gina Longden, South Manchester, 5 January 2021



“I recently completed both Step 2 & Step 3 of Chris’s Bridge courses which I thoroughly enjoyed.  Chris is a very patient teacher and never makes you feel stupid by the questions you ask. He helps, encourages and makes you feel empowered to play the game he so obviously loves. Thank you Chris - I would recommend you unconditionally.”

Jillie McLaren, Dorset, January 2021



"Having played Bridge sporadically over the last 30 odd years, and having just completed the Step 1 'Back to Basics ' refresher course, I now realise just how poor my Bridge and in particular my bidding has been!  Chris is a superb Tutor using a combination of  Zoom, 'white board' and online Bridge teaching aids and these combined with his good humour and endless patience ensures that the learning of this magical game progresses at a good pace. Moreover, his involvement of his students via Zoom ensures that no one is left behind and adds flavour and enjoyment to these sessions. My enthusiasm for the game has been reinvigorated and I am now looking forward to the Step 2 course in the New Year."

Lloyd Doble, West Berkshire, December 2020


"I have found the Step 3 course one of the most enjoyable and informative courses I have ever taken.  Although I have played Bridge for a number of years, I have never been confident on how to defend;  Chris explains clearly and patiently the reasons how, when, why and what cards you should play to talk to your partner in order to get the Declarer down! Now defence is so much fun!     Thank you, Chris."  

Rosemary Morris, West Berkshire, December 2020



"I tried  to learn Bridge elsewhere sometime ago but I never really understood what I was being taught. Chris however is an excellent teacher, he makes Bridge not only comprehensible but fun as well. I’ve so enjoyed the Step 1 course and thanks to his patience, kindness and teaching I feel I will eventually be able to play this wonderful game."

Linda Jose, Truro,  December 2020



“The "Step 1' course has been absolutely wonderful. Huge fun, superbly taught, and has significantly brightened up a Covid year! Fantastic!" 

Gilly & Martin Wise, Fareham,  December 2020 



"Step 1 is a simply wonderful course!  Unfortunately I had  some real family and health difficulties at that time but Chris accommodated all the classes and videos around me. Great fun and real learning - you will love it" ! 

Sheila Scott, Glasgow, December 2020



"Having first attended the Step 1 Course about 4 years ago and played with friends and occasionally at the Bridge club I enjoyed it but didn't really feel like I knew what to do at all and never seemed to have the time or the patience to read the books! Chris's teaching on Zoom has been amazing. I completed Step 2 first, then Step 1 again and then completed Step 3 and I feel like I'm getting much better and that I finally understand so much more on how to bid, lead, defend and play the cards. I still make mistakes - but a lot less!  Chris is a brilliant teacher, explaining what we need to do and making it so much fun and easier to understand. Zoom is such a great way of having a lesson. It takes less time, with no driving there and back, the silence of your room means you can listen without distraction and you can still meet others on Zoom to play Bridge with. Give it a go, you'll be so pleased!"

Bev George, Dorset, December 2020



"Zoom classes were the perfect introduction and a great interactive way to learn from home before taking part in some 'real life' Bridge games. Chris is a brilliant teacher, always full of enthusiasm for the game as well as taking genuine delight in teaching others! He is patient and thorough in his teaching but manages to keep the class moving at a good pace with lots of opportunity to 'have a go yourself'. Thanks Chris!"

Lizzy Totten, London, October 2020



"Learning Bridge with Chris has been a revelation. His good humour and huge patience has made my journey to improve my Bridge a delight."

Elaine Barton, Esher, October 2020



"Chris is an amazing teacher! His perfectly paced Zoom classes are filled with a bountiful amount of energy and patience. I highly recommend doing his lessons from step 1 thru to step 5. I’ve been lucky to have met Chris at some friends on a Bridge weekend in Dorset. And wow, my knowledge and understanding of the game improved by leaps and bounds. I’ve followed Chris’s lessons from step 3 to step 5 and have enjoyed all of them with the same amount of pleasure and in as much awe!"

Patricia Choo Quan, London, October 2020



"Chris is an absolutely fantastic Bridge teacher. I have taken part in the step 1 and step 2 classes and I am now attending the step 3 course. Chris has made learning the game so enjoyable - his enthusiasm is infectious! The Zoom classes work really well. He spends the first hour doing some teaching and then things get interactive - although there is always the option to opt out if you just want to watch. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to learn the game."

Olivia Bracken, London, October 2020



"I have thoroughly enjoyed Chris’s classes, having completed both the step 1 and step 2 courses, I am now taking part in the Step 3 Course! Chris is a fantastic teacher. He is very clear and encouraging, and is always ready to clarify any queries. The Zoom classes have been a wonderful tool enabling me to join in from wherever I am, while also taking part in an interactive supportive class. His enthusiasm for the game is infectious and I would highly recommend these courses to anybody interested in learning Bridge."

Amelia Whillans, Birmingham, October 2020



"Really enjoyed the course with Chris! Great teacher and very well organised. Would definitely recommend to others! I am a complete beginner so don't be afraid to take it up!"

James McNeilly, 23, London, October 2020



"I would highly recommend learning to play Bridge online. Chris makes the lessons clear and easy to follow as well as fun. It is possible to practice and play between sessions so you are continually learning." 

Julia Butterfield, Nottingham, October 2020



"Would recommend for anyone of any age wanting to learn Bridge from scratch or improve their game. Chris’s passion for the game is infectious and his classes are engaging and interactive. His self-made course structure teaches the game in logical steps making it really accessible to all."

Joe Murgatroyd, Bournemouth, October 2020



"Chris provides all the building blocks needed to enjoy Bridge at any level. Well structured and very clear tuition. Never too serious and always smiling this is a great, relaxed, snob-free place to learn Bridge. With the classes all online you can participate as much or as little as you like and dial in from anywhere!"

George Harold, Exeter, October 2020



"Chris provides friendly tuition which is entertaining and never intimidating. Would highly recommend."

Daniel Laking, London, October 2020



"Excellent and entertaining courses for all ages. Paced perfectly for beginners, lots of learning by doing and never dull. As one of the younger ones on the group I'd highly recommend giving this a go. Chris is a legend and should be on TV!"

Joe Bunyan, Lancashire, October 2020



"I’ve been playing Bridge for a while so I joined the step 3 class. What a great move... I’m now learning all the tricks that improve your play, sometimes things that I do already but without really understanding the reasoning behind it and so increasing my confidence. Chris is very enthusiastic, explains everything clearly with plenty of opportunity to chip in and ask questions, as well as being able to answer questions if you are up for that. We get lots of practice of playing hands to reinforce what we’ve just been taught. Grade 1 lessons every time! I am so glad that this has gone online since I’d never have had the opportunity to take part in the in-person lessons from way up in the Midlands!"

Jan Foster, West Midlands, October 2020



"What a great introduction to the superb game of Bridge. Chris's enthusiasm for the game is infectious. Step 1 is a great course, can't wait for next week!"

Allan Hutchins, Dorset, October 2020



"It was with considerable trepidation that I enrolled on the step 1 Bridge course with West Hants Bridge School. My knowledge of the game was negligible but the support and tuition by Chris has changed my attitude from apathy to total enthusiasm for learning to play this most fascinating of games. Despite the fact that Bridge is a complex game, Chris gives one confidence and provides superb tuition. I thoroughly recommend his courses."

Maxine Spier, Staines-upon-Thames, October 2020



"Never played Bridge before but Chris explains it all brilliantly. His enthusiasm for the game is infectious! The notes help and if you miss a session you get sent a recording. Couldn’t recommend highly enough."

Fiona Bridges, Dorset, October 2020



"After playing Bridge badly for 30 years it seemed impossible that we would ever improve. Chris Mower cannot do the impossible, but he’s not bad at the occasional Miracle! Our Bridge is transformed. If you want to improve quickly and have fun, sign on to Chris’s fantastic lessons - you will not regret it. The lessons are clear, easy to follow, pleasingly interactive, and humour is his strong suit. We highly recommend these classes".     

Nick & Liz Stanger, Salisbury, September 2020



"From a standing start Chris has led me patiently through 'step 1' and 'step 2'. It has been tremendous fun, thought provoking, and it has been taught in a light hearted manner but with infectious enthusiasm from Chris. From my perspective hugely rewarding and something that I will continue to actively pursue".     

Phil Gready, Salisbury, September 2020



"I have just repeated the 'Step 2' Course with Chris and thoroughly enjoyed the experience! Having already completed the Course from Sept 2019 to April 2020, and having spent some time putting it all into practice on Bridge Base Online and No Fear Bridge, it was apparent that it takes quite some time to 'hone' one's skills and for some of the skills to become automatic. For this reason I decided to do 'Step 2' again in order to consolidate my learning.  I am SO glad I chose to do so!  I thought I may be a little bored repeating the same material, but it takes a while for the bidding to suddenly 'click' and to all make sense, and therefore attending the 'Step 2' Course again was a key factor in consolidating my learning.  Chris's teaching is very thorough and set at just the right pace, and I feel so much better placed to carry on now, knowing that I have properly understood the basics of the bidding process. I am about to repeat the 'Step 3' Course for the same reason because I intend to play Bridge for some years to come, and want to know that I have mastered the basics!"     

Susan Johnson, Bournemouth, September 2020 



"Just completed my 'Step 4' online course with Chris and I can sincerely recommend it. (I am about to start another 13 week Course with him!) Straightforward technology which works (!), subject notes issued in advance, an hour or so each week of clear explanation by Chris of the topic for the day, followed (after coffee break 😃) by examples played through online with everyone, together with the opportunity for questions for clear, friendly answers-every question is appreciated by Chris and considered; plus prompt and helpful emails whenever necessary. Thank you!"     

Richard Winter, London, September 2020



"I started Bridge lessons with Chris at West Hants at the beginning of the year and when COVID struck and lockdown began I was so pleased that Chris carried on giving lessons using Zoom.  Although I am not very computer literate I find it extremely easy to use Zoom, 'No Fear Bridge' and 'Bridge Base Online' and help is on hand if I have difficulties.  I have managed to have a couple of weeks' holiday and the lessons are recorded and can be viewed on my return . This excellent standard of Bridge teaching has given me the confidence to play with people Worldwide.  In these very difficult times it has been a lifeline and now I look forward to 'Step 5' which  will bring me to the end of the 2020!"     

Sue Mayes, Lymington, September 2020



"I stopped playing Bridge 23 years ago, so I was very rusty and therefore booked on the ’Step 4’ Course to bring me up to speed. I have loved it. The pace was appropriately steady, which allowed everyone to keep up and check on particular points themselves with reference to the notes and without the need to interrupt!. The concept of 50% teaching and 50% practice worked perfectly. Also, I very much appreciated getting the notes before each Class. The sessions were very well prepared and flowed easily because they had been planned carefully giving everyone lots of hands on which to practise. Chris has an easy, supportive style so no-one felt under pressure  There were lots of opportunities to ask questions throughout each Class. Chris is a ’natural’ at remote presentation bringing energy to the 'virtual room’ throughout each session.  The Course was great fun and Chris did a fabulous job. He has rekindled my love for the game!"     

Andy Spriggs, Berkshire, September 2020



"I ventured into Chris’s Step 1 Course last September as a complete novice and Bridge has now become an important part of my life. It was a Godsend during lockdown and beyond as I have spent hours playing online bridge with my new friends. The lessons have been excellent and Chris tops them up with weekend catch-up sessions.  The online lessons have been just as good as the face to face sessions with the added advantage that Chris can record them if you miss one. I would thoroughly recommend the West Hants Bridge Club".     

Anne Mynors-Wallis, Bournemouth, September 2020



"My Wife and I made the decision to learn Bridge, and what an experience it has been. We’re just coming to the end of the 'Step 1' Course and I am convinced that Zoom has played its part in our enjoyment as you can see everybody involved in the course and interact with them in a way that I am sure would not exist in the classroom.  In fact Zoom is quite brilliant. However, the best thing about the course is Chris himself – if I had had him as a teacher in my early years at school I'm sure I would have made it to Oxford University! His enthusiasm and encouragement throughout every two hour session is quite amazing.  We get superb 'crib' notes each week and even homework! Thank you Zoom and thank you Chris."    

Andy Daykin, South Yorkshire, June 2020


"We approached our Bridge course on Zoom with a bit of trepidation. We needn’t have. Chris has made our online lessons unintimidating, interesting and enjoyable. He is guiding us through our early steps in this complicated and fascinating game with a great deal of care, clarity and patience, laced throughout with much humour.  We are looking forward to continuing under his instruction until such time as we reach an acceptable level of proficiency in the game. As far as we can tell, Chris’s only flaw is his unquestioning devotion to an under-performing South Yorkshire Football Club......."     

Lillian and Neil Swimer, Herts, June 2020



“I joined the Beginners Bridge Course ('Step 1') with Chris Mower nine weeks ago. Chris’s enthusiasm for the game of Bridge is contagious!   He has the ability to teach in a very friendly way and in a manner that is clear and concise. He emphasises the joy of the game and encourages everyone from the outset.   He’s a natural in ‘Zoom’ and the Course has been a very welcome addition to life in lockdown! I find myself really looking forward to my Friday morning sessions on line . Thank you Chris.  If there’s anyone out there wanting to learn or improve your Bridge, Chris is your man!"    

Delia Grodner, Liverpool, June 2020



"Learning Bridge via Zoom has proved to be an incredibly rewarding experience! Although it is a complex and challenging game, it has been fun, informative and interactive despite the digital format. In these strange and potentially isolating times it successfully connects you with other people sharing a common interest. The success of the digital format is testament both to the Tutor and the participants. The Tutor with his high energy and encompassing approach and the participants with their willingness to engage. Long may it continue as I'm able to learn in the comfort of my own home from the other end of the country! Thank you West Hants Bridge"    

Sue Cullen, Durham, June 2020



"Just as my wife and I decided to learn to play Bridge properly, along came the coronavirus! Chris responded by developing lessons on line via Zoom. To our surprise, far from reducing the effectiveness of the Course it has added new dimensions. As well as all being able to participate directly in the lesson, we can practice hands on clever web sites such as No Fear Bridge and Bridge Base Online all under Chris’s supervision. It’s proving to be a brilliant experience worth continuing after Coronavirus has become a distant memory!"    

David & Geraldine Waldron, Poole, June 2020



“I have thoroughly enjoyed the Step 1 Course. My head is sometimes spinning with the rules on top of rules, but with talking through examples, recaps and practice it does sink in. Amazing how much we have learnt. Thanks to Chris for simplifying the complicated - easier said than done!  Zoom is a great way to learn and NFB is really a fabulous resource too.“    

Ciara Plunkett,  Poole, June 2020



"Just finished 'Step 3' with Chris 'the Zoom' Mower.  It has flown by (not unexpectedly I suppose) but not only because of Zoom but because of the level of interest that Chris maintains, even to a tired old fogey like me who attends after I get home from work. I can't wait for 'Step 4'. Chris has opened our eyes to a new way of teaching and playing Bridge. Gone are the stiff knee jerk responses to situations that rarely happen; it is a logical response to the majority of situations which if not immediately apparent can be worked through from first principles. He takes it at a comfortable pace with reasonable expectation and phenomenal support; progress is steady and well founded.  To someone who played Bridge ' flying by the seat of my pants' and more by inspiration than science, starting again at 'Step 1' and progressing through the structure has been a revelatory joy; only surpassed by watching the progress of the beginners - how I wished I had started like that."

Colin Davidson, Dorset, June 2020



"Like many other aspiring Bridge players I was hesitant about joining an on-line Bridge class. I found it difficult to visualise an Instructor,  a whiteboard, and a classroom of tables of four, all in an on-line setting!  So different from what we were all used to. But Chris has made it all so easy.  He has a very encouraging style with a soft touch.  He uses readily available technology to replicate the teaching environment with great success, giving group and individual teaching and help. Chris has convincingly demonstrated the power of on-line teaching in a demanding subject.  We Bridge players are fortunate to have such a resource available to us."     

John Babb, Bournemouth, June 2020



"I have to say I was slightly dubious about enrolling on a Bridge Course online. 'How’s that going to work' I thought but how wrong I was!. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it has been one of the major silver linings of lockdown. Inspired by Chris’s infectious enthusiasm for this great game, he has not only helped me to consolidate my existing knowledge but also exposed me to new ways of approaching the game. Delivered with humour, passion, patience and exemplary preparation, it’s a truly enjoyable and instructive two hours every week. To be highly recommended. Give it a go you won’t be disappointed."     

Mel Ireland, London, June 2020 



"I’d like to thank Chris for the Step 3 Bridge Course on Zoom, which I’m attending just now. The Course is great fun and his teaching is so clear and helpful - he is a born teacher. He is humble , generous and supportive to everyone in the Class. It’s so enjoyable!  I’ve signed up for his next Zoom course, and these Zoom courses work remarkably well!"

Caroline Conway, London, June 2020



"I am currently attending the Zoom 'Step 3' Bridge Course with Chris and it is great!  His teaching is excellent and so clear too, not trying to cover too much, keeping it simple with lots of reinforcement (which I certainly need!).  It's wonderful to be able to keep learning online during this Covid-19 lockdown - what a lifesaver, and it is delivered with such patience and good humour too. I highly recommend the lessons with Chris and I am enrolling on another course with him starting at the end of June.  Thank you so much!"     

Dorothy Winter, London, June 2020 



"We are just coming towards the end of Chris’s 'Step 3' Course, which we have been doing on line via 'Zoom'.  Having played poor quality 'kitchen Bridge' for many years we have now learnt how to play both as Declarer and Defender with some sense of purpose, rather than just in hope of a good outcome! The lessons are excellent; well delivered, nicely paced, and highly recommended.  We have also had a private lesson on line with Chris, which was arguably even better.  We played about 12 boards with another couple, with Chris watching our every play and gently cajoling us into getting to our contracts.  Great fun and again, highly recommended."     

Mike & Jo Foster, Devon, June 2020



"Be very assured that learning or improving your Bridge online with Chris is exciting and instructive. I expect that many players will wish to continue, even when lockdown is just a memory. Zoom complements the teaching process coupled with 'No Fear Bridge' for explanation and revision, plus clear, succinct notes."     

Robin Farman, Norfolk, June 2020



"Chris's Classes are well-delivered, fun and supported by excellent notes. He is patient with us all, he is enthusiastic and he genuinely wants us all to learn and enjoy the game. Highly recommended .....even in lockdown where his on-line teaching has been inspired!"     

Marion & George Mackay, Poole, June 2020



"I would recommend all Bridge Players to look at the West Hants Bridge School website and to scroll down to find Chris Mower’s Zoom Bridge Courses. These classes last for two hours, they are good value for money and they can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home. Chris is an excellent presenter who explains the rules and playing techniques of the game in a very clear and patient way. Whether you are a beginner, an intermediate or an experienced Bridge Player, Chris will improve your game.”    

Roy Tazzyman, Wimborne, June 2020



"When friends mentioned that Chris was running a Beginners Bridge class, I thought that it might be too basic and that we just needed some gentle guidance on how to improve. How wrong could I be?! With Chris’s gentle, humorous & logical approach, the sandy foundations of my Bridge are gradually turning to concrete. His enthusiasm is infectious and I think I would say that we are now both firmly addicted to the game, it’s challenges & how to improve our play. The effort that Chris has made to ensure we can keep learning via technology, during this lockdown, have been exemplary and I think he’s busier than ever. I would also like to extend a huge thank you to Joe Murgatroyd for his calm background technological support (especially to my Mother!) and to David who helps in the classroom. Altogether a top guy with a top team!" 

Pip Davidson, Dorset, April 2020




"We have just completed the 'Step 2' Course. Chris is an excellent teacher - clear , concise, professional … and fun !  We thank him for inspiring us to continue on this Bridge journey!"

Barrie and Suzanne George, April 2020



''The teaching is warm, inventive and insightful. The jokes on the other hand are...terrible!"  (note from Ed:  Yes, I think we would all agree that Chris's jokes are terrible)."     

Marc Lazarus, Bournemouth, April 2020



"Chris is a very clever, amusing and patient teacher. He presents the game in manageable and memorable bite sized chunks and very cleverly steers you through what could otherwise be a minefield. He is clearly incredibly enthusiastic about the game and wants his pupils to enjoy it as much as he does. Now we are at the end of Step 2 Chris is about to embark on teaching Step 3 using the medium of ZOOM to do so.  This adds another challenge for him which so far he has risen to despite the frustration which he must on occasion feel towards his audience!  I would highly recommend Chris’ Bridge School to anyone keen to learn the game, or indeed anyone wishing to update their skills".

Sian Gordon, Poole, April 2020   



"I started the Step 1 Course last September as a total beginner. I admit that I was slightly apprehensive as my wife Angela gave me no option! However from the very first lesson Chris put me at ease with his enthusiasm, patience and humour. As someone who taught sixth form students for 23 years, I immediately realised that an extremely gifted teacher was enabling me to enjoy the learning process more than I would have thought possible. I personally find his notes that we are given invaluable because they are very clearly set out and help me prepare for the next lesson. We are now just starting the Step 3 Course and still loving the lessons although we would love to be back in the classroom rather than online but understand that we mustn’t be Covidiots!"

David Lane, Bournemouth, April 2020



"As hardened Bridge players, with many years of kitchen Bridge under our belts, it took Chris, using his charm, humour and considerable knowledge to transform a couple of uninspired players into a dynamic duo! We will never forget the humour and companionship of his Classes- they were brilliant ".    

Felicity and John Meakin, Bournemouth, April 2020



"I have recently completed Chris Mower's Step 1 & Step 2 Courses which have started me on my way to learning to play Bridge.  I did find his initial classes rather painful because I had recently damaged my ribs and his humour kept making me want to laugh - hence the pain!!   However it has been so worthwhile and has kept my grey cells very active!"     

Maureen Keats, Poole, April 2020   



"I have recently completed Step 1 and Step 2 of Chris’s excellent Course for those new to Bridge. Chris’s knowledge and undoubted competence of playing Bridge is of a very high standard. The Course-work is fun but more importantly is comprehensive. The associated notes are clear and succinct and extremely valuable enabling you to recap on any of the points covered during the lessons. For me, Chris’s enthusiasm for Bridge is not only infectious but of great help when you need to clarify various aspects of the game. Chris is determined that all his students achieve as high a standard of play as possible and he makes every effort to assist you in so doing. Bridge isn’t a game that stands still. It appears to be constantly changing as does the medium by which it is taught. Chris embraces these developments and makes full use of them. His latest venture using 'Zoom' video conferencing opens up the opportunity to acquire Bridge skills and experience to a wider audience and from your home! I would encourage any-one wishing to learn to play Bridge or gain enough confidence of the etiquette, knowledge and skills required to venture onto a table with others, to take advantage of Chris’s tuition."     

E.G.M. Duckworth, Poole, April 2020



"Chris’s Bridge classes on Zoom have been excellent. Initially, I was not sure whether teaching Bridge in this way would work. However his sessions very quickly proved that not only could it be taught this way but actually it was also very effective – especially when used in conjunction with ‘No Fear Bridge’ in order to demonstrate or practice particular techniques. Chris is a natural Bridge teacher and his enthusiasm for the game is totally infectious. One cannot fail to enjoy his lessons which are a delight."    

Ann, Poole, June 2020


"Chris is a Fab Teacher.  He knows his stuff and he puts it across in easy-to-absorb chunks. Also, his lessons are great fun!  Highly recommended."    

Lesley Potter, Bournemouth, March 2020



“The '5 Steps' covered by Chris’ courses are a complete guide to modern Bridge and a perfect introduction to the game for newcomers and also for those who have played in the past.  As a former player the explanation of modern bidding has been a revelation to me and made my game much more enjoyable.”    

Alan Frost, Bournemouth, January 2020



"Chris is an excellent teacher. The lessons are clear and informative and somehow Chris manages to make them fun!  'Step 5' was a very enjoyable course, and I now feel as if I have really improved and consolidated my Bridge."     

Sue Thomas, Poole, January 2020



"Having attended the 'Step 4' and 'Step 5'  Courses,I would just like to go on record to say what an excellent Bridge Teacher Chris Mower is. The Courses have been run in a relaxed atmosphere with an amazingly patient Tutor! Highly recommended for anyone wishing to take Bridge to a higher level. I loved every minute."     

Sue Proctor, Poole, December 2019



"Having just completed 'Step 4' and 'Step 5' I would like to express my thanks to Chris who is an excellent Tutor.  The cleverly structured lessons are challenging and fun and delivered with patience and humour in a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere with lovely people.  Chris's fantastic support, encouragement and enthusiasm has helped to build up my confidence and has totally revolutionised my game.  I would absolutely recommend the West Hants Bridge School to everyone and anyone who is interested in learning the Wonderful Game of Bridge!"    

Judy Lambert, Poole, December 2019



“The Step 3 Course proved to be an excellent follow on from the earlier Steps 1 & 2. It provided a very clear insight into the complete game of Bridge in which the importance of competent defending as well as finessing the art of preparing how to play a no trump or trump hand as Declarer became much better understood. 
Chris provides a level of leadership which whilst superbly supportive leaves little doubt as to how to play the great game of Bridge".   

David Marsh, Poole, June 2019



"Chris's lessons are highly structured, easy to understand, full of humour, and with plenty of practice hands.  The evenings always pass too quickly!  Highly recommended for both beginners and improvers."  Alan Frost, Bournemouth, June 2019



"West Hants Bridge School was the best discovery I made when I moved to Poole from Cheshire a couple of years ago. Chris runs an excellent set of Courses for anyone wanting to play Bridge either as a complete beginner or wanting to join in at an appropriate level. Each topic is explained really well and with a great deal of patience followed by practice hands".  

Jill Totten, Poole, April 2019



"I started Bridge Classes last September having never played Bridge before and now I am playing Duplicate Bridge at Knole Bridge Club in Bournemouth!  I can only put this down to the excellent teaching of Chris Mower on a Course that is entertaining and full of helpful advice. I look forward to our 3rd term!".  

Tony Hargreaves, Bournemouth, April 2019



"I cannot recommend enough the Bridge Courses offered at West Hants Bridge School.  Chris has wonderful and innovative methods of teaching which are both inspiring and informative. It’s a great way to learn a complex game with fellow students and to continue on the learning path together .... who knew learning to play bridge could be such fun!"   

Monica Welch, Christchurch, April 2019



"I arrived at West Hants Bridge School last September only knowing the name of the card game Bridge. I didn't even know it was played with only one pack of cards! The notes provided with the course are excellent and I have just completed the second term. Chris makes each  lesson so much fun with lots of humour and nothing is too much trouble for him. The people I met in my group were lovely and friendly and I enjoyed their company very much. I am now fascinated by Bridge and I feel that the Course was money well spent. This game will provide me with hours of entertainment in the future!"   

Roz Peters, Bournemouth, April 2019



"We are very lucky to have access to this extremely high standard of Bridge teaching in Dorset. Chris has the gift of explaining very simply the game of Bridge. He always goes that extra mile to make lessons fun and inclusive for players of all levels."  

Anne Trehane, Wimborne, April 2019



“West Hants is probably the best Bridge School in the World...”  

Phil Spicer, Bournemouth, April 2019



"I never thought that learning Bridge would be so much fun! Chris is such an encouraging and patient teacher. His lessons are informative, concise and fun ! I would highly recommend the West Hants Bridge School as a great place to learn and meet some lovely people".   

Jennifer Wilson, Bournemouth, April 2019



”Chris Mower is a truly fantastic instructor with a well-structured Bridge Course.  He imparts his knowledge with eloquence and with a touch of humour; allowing complete beginners to quickly get-to-grips with this complex game.“  

Scott Wilson, Bournemouth, April 2019



"I have been on two terms of Bridge Classes with Chris Mower. I have found it a wonderful way to learn Bridge, Chris makes the Classes most interesting in a very relaxed atmosphere. I would recommend this Course as a perfect way to learn Bridge".  

Alan Serlin, Bournemouth, April 2019