Release 2.19q
Annual General Meeting



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Click on 'Membership' ( above on a tablet or phone, to the left on a laptop) 

Select ‘Member area’  

Enter your email address & click 'Set/Reset Password'.

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Welcome to Wells City Bridge Club
Summer Social
Summer Social

For more information contact Carol  or CLICK HERE

Last updated : 12th Jul 2024 20:38 BST
Wells City Bridge Club

We meet at St Thomas's Church Hall each Thursday evening.  Arrive at 6.45 for a 7.00 pm start.  Players of all standards are welcome.  

Our objective is to enjoy an evening of duplicate bridge to a reasonable standard, (but we are certainly not all experts) and to create a relaxed, informal atmosphere where everyone feels welcome.  Hands are dealt at the table. 

We hope to be the ideal club both for players who wish to start playing duplicate bridge and for more experienced players.  

The Club is affiliated to the EBU via the Somerset Contract Bridge Assosciation (SCBA). 
Guests and new members are always welcome. 

See Menu -  'Information'-  for where and when etc..

Last updated : 6th Mar 2024 11:40 GMT

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Last updated : 28th Mar 2024 19:32 GMT
Director: Glen
Scorer: Mike
Director: Glen
Scorer: Mike
Director: Charles
Scorer: Johnny
Director: Glen
Scorer: Mary
Director: Valerie
Scorer: Jules
1st Aug 2024
Director: Charlie
Scorer: Mary
8th Aug 2024
Director: Dick
Scorer: Jules
15th Aug 2024
Director: Dick
Scorer: Johnny
22nd Aug 2024
Director: Dick
Scorer: Mary
29th Aug 2024
Director: Charlie
Scorer: Mike

Congratulations to the following members promoted in the EBU Masterpoint tables this month : 

Yvonne Eve promoted to Master

Mary Loakes and Phil Collins to County Master

Ian and Carole Spencer to Club Master

Well done to you all.

if you would like to know more about Masterpoint tables click on this link,
to find your own position and rank click on 'Annual Leaderboard'' then search for your name in the box, top right.  Lots of information to be found there. 



Please remember that it is both a condition of club membership and important to always adhere to the EBU Code of Best Behaviour which can be found here Best Behaviour