Weald of Kent Bridge Club



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Headcorn Village Hall

Emergency contact number

use if you are going to be late for a session

01622 891901

Welcome to the Weald of Kent Bridge Club
Weald of Kent Duplicate Bridge Club
  • Headcorn Village Hall
  • Headcorn Village Hall
  • Headcorn Village Hall
The Weald of Kent Bridge Club, affectionately known as the "WOK", was founded in 1992 and
is affiliated to the English Bridge Union. 
Duplicate Bridge is played on Monday evenings and  Wednesday and Friday afternoons
We use the Bridgemate electronic scoring system.
Play starts promptly at 7:10 on Monday and 1:30 on Wed and Friday.
We have a reputation for being a friendly club and visitors are welcome by arrangement  
Players need to be seated 10mins before a session starts.
A host system is in operation except for special events, parties and some club competitions. 
Always check website on the day to confirm host available.  See below for more info on the host system


Week day sessions are usually hosted,
see Calendar page.
No host at pre booked events

We endeavour to ensure a host is available at designated bridge sessions. We do however rely on members volunteering. The host will be indicated on the calendar and home page of our website. A hard copy of the host list will also be available on the club noticeboard where members may volunteer or indicate changes. 
Players are encouraged to find partners and not rely on regular use of the host.
We are very grateful to our members who support our hosting system.
If you put your name down on the host list we kindly ask that you inform  Valerie Golding so your details  can be  added  to our website.  This will prevent two hosts turning up on the same day
If you are available please contact 
Val  07833 581044          valerie.golding@me.com
Bridge for Players with a Little Experience

Gentle Bridge 

Tuesdays 2-4


booking required

If you are interested please

contact   valerie.golding@me.com

07833 581044



Mon 29th July 2024
Club Play
Director: Grahame Pope
Scorer: Ian Balmer
Wed 31st July 2024
Club Play
Director: Grahame Pope
Scorer: Ian Balmer
Fri 2nd August 2024
Club Play
Director: Grahame Pope
Scorer: Ian Balmer
Club Play
Director: Valerie Golding
Ladder Pairs
Director: Valerie Golding
Club Play
Director: Valerie Golding