Waltham Forest Bridge Club
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2012 News
  Success at Middlesex Congress 11th November 2012

Well done to Tony Verran  for coming joint first with team mates  (Pat Johnson & Peter Scotting and Brian Gladman) at the Middlesex Congress. Middlesex ran two green pointed events in 2012 and in both of these Waltham Forest members finished in joint first place. Not bad for such a small club.


  Success at Tony Kelvin

Tony Kelvin Trophy 11 November 2012

Congratulations to John Stimson  and Winnie Godber for coming first with team mates (Sue and Chris Taylor) in this event.

  Herts Green Pointed Teams, Ware, 29th Sept 2012
Herts Green Pointed Teams, Ware, 29th Sept 2012


Well done to Tony Veran and Remi Tatur for coming 2nd with team mates in this event.

  Thursday Ladder 2011-12

Well done to Phil Mattacks winner of this year's ladder. Phil finished fractionally above Ken Rolph. Colin Elliott was third.

  Success in Essex Leagues
Success in Essex Leagues

Tony Veran's team (Tony, Remi, Phil, Stuart and Andy Barker) have won the  2012 West Essex League. They seem to win this competition more often than not. This year they won seven matches out of  seven. Well done the Foresters!

Not as successful but still deserving of congratualations are Winnie Godber and John Stimson. Playing with Chris and Sue Taylor they came second in the East Essex First Division.

These days the Essex Leagues are great fun. It is easy to enter at the correct level. If  club members want to put a side together they would be very welcome. Just visit The Essex County Web site for details.

  Success at Middlesex Green Pointed 75th Event. 22 April 2012

Well done to Winnie Godber aand John Stimson for coming equal first (with two other teams!) in this event. In fact Dhondy's team were declared 'official' winners on matches won. Nevertheless 99 VPs (out of a possible 140) represents a very good result.

  80% Again!

Well done to Ken Rolph and Phil Mattacks scoring 80.56% on the Thursday 29th March session. They managed two clean sweeps, both against respectable opposition and 10 complete tops out of 21 boards. Very impressive!

  Success Hellier Trophy 2012
Success Hellier Trophy 2012

Waltham Forest teams did well in The Hellier this year.

The event played 19th February at Mountnessing, and smoothly run by Tournament Director Nichole Cook, attracted 22 teams. 

Congratulations to Colin Elliott/Martin Baker with John Stimson/Winnie Gober  who were first, well clear of the field.

Well done  too to the other Waltham Forest team: Ken Rolph/Phil Mattacks with Stuart Dunstan/Tony Veran who were 7th.

First placed secured the Hellier Trophy. However the event also decides who goes forward to represent Essex in the Garden Cities. Unfortunately we just missed out on qualification for this being pipped by Thorpe Bay.

  Essex Swiss Pairs 15th January 2012

Well done to Winnie Godber and John Stimson for coming first in this event. The Swiss Pairs was played at Mountnessing. There was an entry of 30 pairs.

  Winner: Phil Mattacks Thursday Ladder 2012
Winner: Phil Mattacks Thursday Ladder 2012

The 2012 Thursday Ladder has been won by Phil Mattacks. In second place was Ken Rolph.