Unit 252 - Low Country of South Carolina
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Welcome to Unit 252 - Low Country of South Carolina

Congratulations to Unit Members achieving a new rank 

Ruby Life Master - Ed Bailey,  Eileen Griffen

Bronze Life Master -  Edie DiGiulo, Thea Heimlich, Mary Noakes

Life Master- Alan Ardell, Marilyn Frazer, Marilyn Knowlton, Jay John Cuccio

ADV NABC Master - Phylis Hurst, Ingrid Klove

NABC Master - Martha Grote, Alphone Nathewitch

Regional Master - Phil Dombrowski 

Club Master - Vincent Ferullo, Carl Greenway, Robert Langon

Jr. Master - Carol Hevey, salvatore Scuto 

Unit 252 Lifetime Totals

Lifetime Master Points  


Barry Crane competitions, - all years.