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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

August 25th, 2022 Corporation Minutes
August 25th, 2022 Corporation Board Minutes


The meeting was called to order by Ron, at 4:45 pm.  David Nelmark, Brad Albers, Bob Yeates, Denise Dornbier, Jessica Chance and Ron Nielsen were present.  Jim McGinn was absent.


Brad made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting and Bob seconded and all approved, motion carried.

Jessie will be retiring as the board secretary.  We all thanked her for her many years of service.  David made a motion to elect Denise as the new secretary to the board.   Jessie seconded and all approved, motion carried.

David will complete the Secretary of State registration online and become our new registered agent with the state.

The board discussed the ability to use the portal with the landlord.  Currently, Ron is unable to access the portal.  The board further discussed who should have access.  The board decided that Ron, David and Brad will have access.  The new form will be completed and Ron will deliver to the land lord.   Ron will further discuss with the landlord our late fees in 2022 and clear up that misunderstanding. 

Our rent will continue to be $3100 for 2022.

Brad shared the finance report through 2022 and indicated we should have enough funds to operate through November 1.  The board further discussed the Community Foundation funds.  David made a motion that Brad and Denise have access to the funds.  Bob seconded.  All approved.  Motion carried.  David will prepare the resolution to update the access to the funds.  David is checking into the threshold amount that can be removed each year from each fund.   It was noted that Gustafson-Byers Fund is intended for bridge education.  In other business, Brad has prepared a letter for donations to any donors to our 501C3 corporation.

Covid Vaccination requirements
David shared the current state law on Covid vaccinations.  Businesses are banned from having requirements.  Ron made a motion to follow state law and rescind vaccine requirements, Jessie seconded, all approved.  Motion carried.  Consistent with state law effective immediately, no vaccines will be required to play bridge at the bridge center.

The board also discussed meeting with the unit board.
The board is looking to meet with the unit board after the sectional tourney Sept 9-10.  The board is concerned that the Stars of Tomorrow tourney was cancelled , the dates of tournaments for 2023, and our current table fee structure given our financial situation.    Brad made a motion to increase table rent to $25 for tournaments  in 2023.  Bob seconded, all approved, motion carried. 

Jessie suggested the board begin to meet on Saturday mornings in the future. 

Bob made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Brad seconded, all approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:38 pm.

Denise Dornbier