Release 2.19r
There are three types of bridge players .....

.... those who can count and those who can't!

♠   ♣ 

"We're not to supposed to exchange meaningful glances, so stop grimacing when I kick you"
Many a true word . .

South: "Alert!"

East: "Yes?"

South: "I'm requested to further misdescribe my hand."

♠   ♣ 

Bridge - It's A Big Deal (BIABD)

During the week 9th to 15th September, the English Bridge Union are promoting a festival of bridge which they are calling 'Bridge - It's A Big Deal', which will be raising money for Cancer Research UK.  Whilst Tudor isn't running any additional sessions for this event, the face to face session on 12th September will be run in support of the event.  The table money all players will be charged will be sent to the charity and Tudor will bear all the costs of the evening.

If you would like to make your own/additional donations please use the EBU site (Click here to go to EBU BIABD site)

Jim Dewhurst Random Teams Event 17th October 2024

Just turn up as usual to play on Thursday 17th October.  This is a random teams event.  So, on the evening itself the director for the evening will come up with some fiendish way of randomising the pairs into teams.

Of course, for this event to work we need a stoic pair who are happy to turn around and go home again if there is an odd number of pairs - as we can't have a half table in a teams event.  Thanks go to Scott and Christine who have volunteered to be that pair for us this year - thanks guys.

Christmas Party Arrangements
Christmas Party Arrangements

To mark the end of our 40th Birthday year Tudor will be having a drinks party on Thursday 19th December, ahead of the Christmas competition.  So, please book a slot in your diary for drinks at 6 ahead of play at 7.

We are hoping to get in  touch with as many members from years gone by, for a catch up and a chat - and to show off our new venue.

It promises to be a lot of fun.  Please do your best to get there as close to 6 as you can.

Contact Us

Want bridge lessons?  Have something to suggest to help make Tudor a better bridge club?  Just click here, fill in the form and your comments will be sent direct to the committee.  (Please click here)

Need a Partner?

As soon as you find yourself in need of a partner please call Paul on 01454 250176 or send him a What'sApp message on 07833 754352 and he will do his best to match you up with someone.

40th Celebrations Continue

To celebrate the end of Tudor's 40th Birthday year, all bridge games during December 2024, both on BBO and face-to-face will be free to members.  Enjoy!

For more information about how your Tudor Account works ..

Click here

Face to face
BBO Duplicate.
Cancer Research UK Fund Raiser
BBO Duplicate.
Face to face
BBO Duplicate.
Tue 24th Sep 2024
BBO Duplicate.
Please Register by 18.45. Play Starts at 19.00
Scorer: Lesley
Thu 26th Sep 2024
Face to face
Old Sodbury Village Hall
Please arrive by 18.45. Play Starts at 19.00
Tue 1st Oct 2024
BBO Duplicate.
Please Register by 18.45. Play Starts at 19.00
Scorer: Lesley
Thu 3rd Oct 2024
Face to face
Old Sodbury Village Hall
Please arrive by 18.45. Play Starts at 19.00