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Bournemouth Bridge Congress
12th Aug 2024 16:29 BST
Release 2.19r
Playing & Scoring Information

Bridgemates and EBUScore software are used to record and calculate the results for an evening's play.  For this to be an accurate and efficient process everyone’s co-operation and involvement is important. 

The results are ‘provisional’ for 48 hours after they have been put onto the website after which they become accepted automatically.

Players’ Responsibilities

  1. It  is the responsibility of all the players to ensure the correct player numbers are entered into Bridgemates and the names are checked.
  2. All players are responsible for ensuring that the correct players and boards are at the table.  However, where there are stationary pairs North/South have the primary responsibility.
  3. North (or South where North is unable to do so) should enter the detailed information into the Bridgemate: board number, contract, declarer and tricks taken.  The Bridgemate is then passed to East (or West if East is unable to do so) to check that the input is correct. If it is correct East presses “Accept”: if it is not, the Bridgemate is passed back to North to make the change
  4. Call the Director if there are any queries, errors, inconsistencies, etc. with the scoring.  This should be done as soon as the query is raised.  Call the Scorer if there is a problem with the BridgePad itself.

Tournament Director’s Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Director to resolve scoring issues that are raised on the evening and take appropriate action where necessary  

Scorer's Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Scorer to:

  1. Ensure the movement is set correctly before play commences.
  2. Draw the attention of the Tournament Director (TD) to any suspicious scores identified by EBUScore
  3. Make any amendments to the scores required by the TD.
  4. Upload the results to the website. Results should normally be posted immediately after the game but, if WiFi is not available, the Scorer should make arrangements for them to be posted as soon as possible.

If for any reason a player disagrees with the results on the website it must be brought to the attention of the Director for game or the  Chief Tournament Director/Secretary, who can be contacted via the committee page on the website, within 48 hours of the results first appearing.  The information on Bridgemates will be presumed to be accurate unless there is substantial evidence that it is in error, e.g. both pairs must agree to it being changed.