2024 - 2025
Following another very successful Beginners’ Bridge course in 2023-2024, a new session is planned for 2024-2025 and will take place at Trowbridge Rugby Club, Hilperton, BA14 6JB commencing 26th September 2024.
The Beginners’ Course will be two terms in length with ten lessons each term. Term One will run from September 26th to December 5th. Term Two will run from January to March (dates to be confirmed). There will be a break of one week in the middle of each term to coincide with schools’ half term holiday.
Lessons will take place on Thursday mornings and will last two hours starting at 10am with a break for coffee. The course will be run by EBU trained teachers with helpers at each lesson from the Trowbridge Bridge Club.
The cost will be £15 per lesson, but for those who wish to pay in advance the cost for the ten lessons will be £100 which offers a great saving. We encourage you to pay this way.
Please feel free to come along to the first class to meet us and find out more about the game of Bridge. As well as learning something new you will discover that Bridge provides an opportunity to meet new friends and have some fun.
If you decide that Bridge is not for you and do not wish to sign up for the course after the first lesson there will be no charge. Please let us know if you plan to come along to the first lesson so that we have an idea of numbers, and if you have any further questions please email us at .