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20th Sep 2024 16:35 BST
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10th Sep 2024 09:27 BST
Bournemouth Bridge Congress
12th Aug 2024 16:29 BST
Release 2.19r
Bridgemate Best Practice

North should enter the Contract and lead card at the beginning of play rather than at the end of the hand but if North is Dummy he should lay out his cards before entering the contract on the Bridgemate. If North is "on lead" lead the card first and then put the Contract into the Bridgemate. 

At the end of play North enters the number of tricks taken and presses OK, the Bridgemate calculates the Score.  North passes the Bridgepad to East who checks the entry and sends the Results.

East then puts the Bridgmate on the table so other players  can see the traveller.