Trim Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

All members of
Trim Bridge Club
who are not members of
Co. Meath Golf Club must
pay the Annual pavilion fee
of €75.

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Trim Bridge Club Constitution and Rules





The Club shall be known as Trim Bridge Club.





The objective of the Club shall be the playing and promotion of Bridge under the rules, guidance and objectives of the C.B.A.I. and will be fully registered as a club with the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland.





Membership shall be open to both ladies and gentlemen. Each candidate for membership must be proposed and seconded by two members of the Club and the nomination given verbally or in writing to the Hon. Secretary. The Management Committee, after considering objections, if any, by any member of the committee, to such candidate, may proceed with the election which must be by majority vote of the committee. Membership then becomes effective on payment of Annual Subscription. Members who have not paid their annual subscription by 1st December in any year will be deemed to have lapsed their membership and must re-apply for election. Lapsed members will be allowed to play in the Club provided they pay their table money but will not be eligible for any prize.


Members re-accepted between the 1st December and the 31st March will enjoy full membership benefits from date of re-acceptance if their annual subscription is paid.


New or re-accepted members on or after 1st April will be eligible to play in all the Club competitions but will be ineligible to win any prize in any competition listed on our Club calendar.


The Club welcomes guests or visitors. Table money must be paid, but they are not eligible for prizes on competition nights listed on our calendar. Any person who is ineligible for prizes under these rules and forms a partnership in pairs or team events will automatically disqualify the full partnership or teams from the prizewinners.


Lapsed members cannot play as quests within twelve months of lapsing their membership. 


In the event of any member acting in such a manner as to bring the club into disrepute or to disrupt the smooth running of the club or the enjoyment of other members, the Managements Committee shall have the right to reprimand such a member, and to warn them as to their future conduct. This may be done verbally or in writing. If the said member should continue to so act, the committee may, by majority vote, cancel such person’s membership and refund their Annual Subscription for that year.


3.1 All members of Trim Bridge Club must also be members of Co. Meath Golf Club (pavilion or any other category of membership).

3.2 Members must have paid their CBAI and Co. Meath Golf Club subscriptions and also have played in 3 club competitions to be eligible to win a major prize.

3.3 Members may invite guests but not more than 3 times in the bridge year. Guests and partners may win an ordinary club competition only. Handicapping guests shall be as per committee bye law.

3.4 New players may play for 2 to 3 nights before committing to club membership. Table money must be paid and they shall be eligible to win an ordinary club competition (handicapped as per club bye law).






The care of and responsibility for the proper administration of the Trim Bridge Club shall be vested in the Management Committee who shall interpret and administer this Constitution and the playing rules of bridge as laid down by the C.B.A.I.


The Management Committee, shall not act, or allow members to act, in any manner which would militate against Beginner, Novice or Intermediate “B” grades, and shall carry out the objectives of the club at all times.




A Management Committee, elected each year at the Annual General Meeting, which shall be held in County Meath Golf Club, shall control the club.


The Committee shall put into effect all Resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting and shall make such Regulations as they shall from time to time see fit, provided that such Regulations shall not alter, amend or repeal any Regulations embodied in this Constitution.


The Committee shall consist of the President, Captain, Hon. Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Competitions Secretary and 6 Committee Members. The outgoing Captain shall automatically become an ex-officio member of the incoming Committee if s/he wishes.


The Committee have the right to co-opt any member should a vacancy occur.


For any valid meeting of the above committee, there shall be at least five persons present.


The committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees where necessary.


All decisions reached at meetings of the club (Committee, EGM, AGM) shall be by simple majority and the Chair shall have a casting vote in the event of a deadlock.





4.2.1 President

The President shall hold office for a period of 2 years. S/he shall preside over all affairs of the club and shall at all times be afforded the courtesy that the office demands.


The President shall preside over the AGM and any EGM held during her/his period of office.


When her/his period of office ends, the President may nominate her/his successor.


When necessary, the President may nominate the Captain or any other officer to substitute for the President.


4.2.2 Captain

The Captain shall hold office for a period of 1 year. S/he shall act as chairperson of meetings of the Management Committee.


The Captain is responsible for convening of meetings of the Management Committee and shall do so on her/his own initiative or when requested to do so by two or more members of the Committee.


The Captain shall liaise with the President, Hon. Sec. and other Officers to ensure the wishes and decisions of the Committee are carried out.


When her/his period of office ends, the Captain may nominate her/his successor.


4.2.3 Hon. Secretary

The Hon. Secretary shall be responsible for general administration of the club in accordance with the instructions of the Management Committee, including processing club correspondence and recording of minutes of meetings (Management Committee, EGM, AGM).


The Hon. Secretary shall furnish an annual report to the AGM.


4.2.4 Hon. Treasurer

The Hon. Treasurer shall administer the financial affairs of the club. S/he shall maintain a membership list in accordance with Section 3 of the constitution and shall communicate this list and furnish appropriate membership fees to the C.B.A.I. and shall furnish a financial report to the Annual General Meeting.


4.2.5 Competitions Secretary

The Competitions Secretary shall be responsible for the running of all club competitions, including the determination of results and the implementation of a handicap system. The Competitions Secretary may, when necessary, delegate these responsibilities to other members of the Management Committee.


Where the club participates in competitions organised by the C.B.A.I., the Competitions Secretary shall be responsible for the communication of club results to the C.B.A.I.


S/he shall furnish an annual summary of results, including winners of the principal club competitions, to the AGM.





The committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time and must call one at the request, in writing, of one-third of the members of the club.





Notice of the date fixed for the meeting shall be displayed on the Club Notice Board for two weeks preceding the Annual General Meeting. Nominations and Resolutions must be displayed on the Notice Board before the start of the AGM.  A quorum of at least 30% of members must be present at any AGM or EGM.





Alterations, amendments or changes to the Constitution shall be made only at a General Meeting of the members and shall require a two-third majority vote of the members present and voting at the meeting.

Amendment to Constitution

TRIM BRIDGE CLUB. Amendment to Constitution.

Proposed changes to Rules 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 to amalgamate the positions and duties of President and Captain, to be referred to as President, and the addition of a new officer of Vice-President.

4.2.1. President

The President shall hold office for a period of one year. S/He shall preside over all affairs of the club and shall at all times be afforded the courtesy that the office demands.

The President shall preside over the AGM and any EGM during her/his period of office.

The President shall act as chairperson of meetings of the Management Committee.

The President is responsible for convening of meetings of the Management Committee and shall do so on her/his own initiative or when requested to do so by two or more members of the Committee.

The President shall liaise with the Vice-President, Hon. Sec. and other Officers to ensure the wishes and decisions of the Committee are carried out.

The incoming President shall nominate her/his Vice-President.

4.2.2. Vice-President

The Vice- President shall hold office for a period of one year. The Vice-President shall carry out the duties of President in the absence of the President. The Vice- President shall automatically succeed the President at the following AGM.