Club Office Bearers 2024

President: Greg Nicholson

Vice President

Secretary: Roxy Lamond

Treasurer: John Marsiglio

Contact Details

Mail: The Secretary, P.O. Box 1849, Traralgon 3844


- will be checked on Bridge days.

Partner Requests

Anne on mobile 0407749641


How to find us
How to find us

open in Google Maps


Latrobe City Council

Our council has helped us to relocate and update our premises. They have done some of the larger works on it and are most helpful when we need assistance. They can be contacted on


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Release 2.19q
Welcome to Traralgon Bridge Club
2024 Traralgon Congress
  • Date: 17th & 18th August
  • Director: Keith Kat
  • Entry fee: $45 for Saturday, $50 for Sunday
  • Swiss pairs: 11am start Saturday
  • Swiss teams: 10am start Sunday
  • Hosted by: Italian Australian Club (entrance via Chickerell Street)
  • Entries through Bridge Unlimited
2024 Traralgon Congress
Where and When
  • Venue:  Traralgon Masonic Function Room, 9 Oswald Street, Traralgon
  • Bookings not required.
  • Sessions:
    • Mondays 19:15 (but not 2nd Mon of most months)
    • Tuesdays & Thursdays 13:00
    • (new) Saturdays 13:00 (only in May & June 2024)
  • Please be at clubroom 15mins prior.
  • Please turn all mobile phones off.
  • If you are expecting an urgent call please advise the Director before play commences.
2024 July Calendar

click here for full calendar of 2024

Champion Team of 2023 Traralgon Congress
Champion Team of 2023 Traralgon Congress

Congratulations to Eastern Region team, comprised of

Anna Kearon, Judy Banks, George Campbell and Sandor Varga

Fourth Pair in 2023 Traralgon Congress

Congratulations to Rob Graham and Glenis Lohr

Fourth Pair in 2023 Traralgon Congress
Winners of the CFA teams
Winners of the CFA teams

Congratulations to Kaye Douglas and Greg Nicholson, Carole Cheyne, Heather Henley and Fred Kaminski

2023 Sale Congress
2023 Sale Congress

Don Tylee, Helen McAdam, Moira Hecker and Robin Hecker came second. Well done! Congratulations.

2023 Gippsland Interclub Game

Very successful inter club challenge with South Gippy, many thanks to the people who came early and stayed late to set up the room plus thanks to everyone for providing the scrumptious afternoon tea.

52 happy bridge players!

2023 Gippsland Interclub Game
2023 Draw for Partners Winners

Congratulations to Alison Strickland and Ken Tierney

2023 Draw for Partners Winners
Congratulations to Ken!

Ken was awarded Life Membership of the club

Congratulations to Ken!
2023 Thursday Team Champions
2023 Thursday Team Champions

Congratulations to Glenis Lohr, Helen McAdam, Moira Hecker and Don Tylee.

(Glenis, Helen and Moira pictured. Don camera shy.)

Tuesday Pairs Champions

Congratulations to our Tuesday Pairs Champions Jan Williams and Peter Lonie.

Tuesday Pairs Champions
2023 Annual General Meeting

Dear Traralgon Bridge Club member,

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st March, commencing at 11.45am (prior to the bridge session).

This is also a reminder that annual membership fees are payable now, and should be paid before the AGM which will be held on Tuesday 21st March. About half of our members have paid to date.

Fees are still $30 for home club members and $20 for non-home club members.

You can pay in cash at any bridge session. If you prefer to pay on-line, our bank details are:

Account name:    Traralgon Bridge Club
BSB:        633-000
Account No.    159521640

Receipts will be issued once our Treasurer processes your payment.


Good Bridge etiquette means you greet opponents, praise both partner and opponents (well played), do not criticize, do not make gratuitis comments (if you had bid this or led that), nor gloat (we got 100%) and finally speak politely to your partner, opponents and especially the Director.

If you are interested in learning to play bridge.



Click Here to Leave a Message

Afternoon pairs
afternoon pairs
club pairs
afternoon pairs
Sat 27th Jul 2024
afternoon pairs
Mon 29th Jul 2024
club pairs
Tue 30th Jul 2024
Thu 1st Aug 2024
afternoon pairs