Spring bridge holiday at the Bedford Hotel Lytham St Annes Friday 28th February to Monday 3rd March 2025 |
3 nights dinner, bed & breakfast at the Bedford Hotel in Lytham St Annes
Prices: Single & Double - £330pp
Classic Plus - £345pp
Premier - £360pp
Single Occupancy - £20 supp/pn
Pre-dealt hands and bridgemates. Drinks reception on Friday 28th February.
Contact the hotel directly on 01253 724636 (reservations@bedford-hotel.com) to reserve a room & pay the required deposit of £50 per person.
Partners provided on request.
For more information please contact Judith on 0161 282 6475 or gilderjudith@gmail.com
Online-RealBridge - alternative payment link |
Please use this link to pay by debit/credit card using secure onlne payments
Visitors are welcome to join our Online-Realbridge sessions |
After Paying Click HERE to go directly to the Trafford Bridge Club Online RealBridge session:
Tuesday 7.00 pm Online
You should join about 10-30 minutes ahead of the start time and arrange a partner beforehand.
For Instructions, see more >>. Enter your full name and your EBU number in the space for ID Number. (or leave blank if you don't have an EBU number) then click LOGIN.
This will take you the Lobby where you will see a number of tables. Click on a seat at any table (Sit N, S, E or W). If your partner is logged in then sit opposite them.
Click HERE to test your camera & microphone at any time before you actually join the session to play.
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Bridge Club Live - play bridge onlne. |
We are registered with Bridge Club Live so members can use the online "club" facility.
Full membership is required to make use of the "club" facility and all the features. Please click here to go to the website. This only costs £12.00 for the first 30 days so well worth giving it a try (£25.20 for every three months after that).
- To benefit from the CLUB facilities, each club member, must be a full member of BCL.
- Go to the "CLUBS" page which is visible from the Main Menu page of BCL under "Members->Clubs". There you will see your other club members listed by ALIAS
- Play at any time of day or night and see your results specific to your partnership and other club members on the "CLUB" page.
- When online, you can now press a new 'LOCAL CLUB' button, and see just those members of your local club and whether they are online or playing or just waiting for a game.
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We are registered with Bridge Club Live so members can use the online "club" facility.
Full membership is required to make use of the "club" facility and all the features. Please click here to go to the website. ..........
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