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23rd Jul 2024 06:09 GMT
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If you need a partner for a bridge game please contact the following people:


Congratulations - ABF Rank Promotions

June 2024

David Carraro - Bronze Local

Bruce Avery - Club

Norah Stassi - Graduate

Welcome to Toronto Bridge Club
Welcome to Toronto Bridge Club
Welcome to Toronto Bridge Club
Last updated : 6th Jun 2024 00:36 GMT
Vale Evelyn Petherbridge

It is with much regret that the Club reports the passing of Evelyn Petherbridge on Monday 22 July.

Evelyn was a long time member of the club who most recently partnered Alan Steele. She was a gentle lady who always had a kind word for all.

Evelyn very generously donated money to assist TBC in purchasing the club rooms.

Last updated : 23rd Jul 2024 06:09 GMT
Under 10 MasterPoints competition

On Wednesday 3rd July TBC held the inaugural Under 10 MasterPoints competition. This competition will be held on the first Wednesday of every month. Players from other Clubs were made welcome and the first winners of the comp were Dewald and Sonnette Jacobsohn from Southlakes Bridge Club. Congratulations!

Thanks to all who took part and we hope this becomes a popular fixture on our Calendar.


Last updated : 11th Jul 2024 11:41 GMT
Social Lunch at Bonnells Bay




Last updated : 6th Jun 2024 04:13 GMT
2024 Presidents Teams Winners

Congratulations to the winning team of the Presidents Teams for 2024

Margaret Ingold, Andrew Toyne, Noel De Losa and John Robinson


Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:53 GMT
2024 Twilight Pairs winners

Congratulations Peter Deed and Alan Nichols who won the 2024 Twilight Pairs competition with a score of 56.82%.

Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:48 GMT
2024 John Linehan Friendship Trophy

On Friday 5 April the Club held the annual John Linehan Friendship competition which is held in memory of John Linehan, a club member who is no longer with us.

Novice players are paired with more experienced players and we had a great afternoon with 21 pairs entered.

The winners of the trophy for 2024 were Bruce Avery and Ted Tait - congratulations! Pictured are the winners and players socialising after the game.





Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:47 GMT
Farewell Margaret Somers

On Saturday 6 April, the Club bid farewell to Margaret Somers who is moving away from Toronto to be closer to her family.

Margaret's good friend and bridge partner, Josie O'Donnell, gave a lovely tribute to her friend and said she had never heard Margaret say a bad word about anyone. Margaret started a social bridge game she and her friends still play on Wednesdays. She joined TBC in 2018 having been a member of the Charlestown Bridge Club previously.

We wish Margaret the best of luck with her move and we shall miss her.



Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:47 GMT
Easter Hat Social Day

Lots of fun and games at Friday's Bridge Session, thanks to Kerrie Stien and Heather Spencer for organising the day

Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:47 GMT
2024 Autumn Pairs Winners

Congratulations to Pam Ingham and Ted Tait who won the 2024 Autumn Pairs Competition out of a field of 15 pairs.

Second were Josie O'Donnell and Margaret Ingold. Third were Scott Grout and David Carraro.

Well done everyone!



Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:46 GMT
2024 Presidents Cup Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Presidents Cup - Noel De Losa and John Robinson!

Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:46 GMT
Australia Day 2024

On Friday 26 January the Club had a fun day playing in the Australia Day competition. There was a good turn out with food and drinks to finish.

Winners on the day were Pam Ingham and Ted Tait (North South) and Pam Green and Scott Grout (East West)


Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:46 GMT
Friendly faces

On Thursday 25 January we had some friendly new faces at the Club.

First was Bronwyn Flanagan playing with her well known mother Kerrie Stien. Second was Chris Williams and Sharon Mayo.

Welcome and we hope you enjoyed your time with us.

Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:46 GMT
2023 AGM and Christmas Party

The AGM and Christmas Party was held on Saturday 9 December.

Awards presented were:

  • President's Cup - Margaret Geddes and Colleen Wilson
  • President's Plate - Susan Mingay and Helen Pelosi
  • President's Teams - Don Miller, Josephine Most, Colleen Wilson and Margaret Geddes
  • Club Teams - Margaret Ingold, Andrew Toyne, Ronnie Antill, Scott Grout and Helen Pelosi,
  • Autumn Pairs - Peter Clarke and Michelle Miller
  • Spring Pairs - Don Miller and Josephine Most
  • Twilight Pairs - Peter Clarke and Michelle Miller

Below are photos of members who won special awards

Anne Reilly Achievement Award - won by Heather Spencer who couldn't be with us today but the award was accepted by her bridge partner Bruce Avery, presented by Kerrie Stien

John Linehan Friendship Trophy - won by Kerrie Barnes and Anne Daniels (absent), presented by Margaret Ingold

The Alan Bryce Award - won by Yvonne Grant and presented by Tony Parrott

The inaugural Hilda Spence award - won by Peter Clarke and presented by Hilda's daughter Mary Williams.

Flowers were presented to Susan Mingay, Pam Greene and Judy McDonald for the enormous effort they made in gathering fabulous prizes for the Christmas raffle which netted over $11,000 in profit for the Club.

Winners of the Crazy Bridge competition held during after the AGM and before the Christmas Party.

Congratulations to all trophy winners and thank you to everyone who made the day a success!

Last updated : 26th May 2024 11:45 GMT

Thank you Avery Property Professionals for sponsoring TBC

New Competition

Contact Bruce Avery (0418 591 677) if you wish to play and aren't a TBC Club member or simply need a partner

Next Bridge Lessons Commence 3 July

To make an enquiry about lessons please fill in the form 'Enquiry about Lessons' from the menu on the left.

New Facebook page

You can now follow us on Facebook. Click on the link below:

Toronto Bridge Club

Purchasing Game Tokens

Please assist the club by purchasing tokens prior to the game from the designated person or online.

No cash will be accepted at the table.

Members please purchase your $8 game tokens in lots of 5 ($40, $80 etc) via online bank transfer.

Account name: Toronto Bridge Club

BSB: 650 000

Account no. 967039001

Please put your name in the reference box.

Session times

Monday Open:   9.30-1.00 pm 

Tuesday Open:  6.15 - 9.30 pm preceded by a sausage sizzle. Arrival is recommended for 5.45 pm

Wednesday Supervised: 1.00-3.00 pm with an Under 10 Masterpoint competition on the first Wednesday of the month

Thursday Open: 10.00-1.30 pm

Friday Open:      1.00-4.30 pm

Saturday Open:  1.00-4.30 pm


A reminder for members

Please refrain from attending bridge if you have Covid or flu-like symptoms.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Club Meetings

Committee Meeting

1st Thursday of the month

TBC Accredited teachers

Peter Clarke

Judy McDonald

Josephine Most