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SL 2019 Autumn

Div 1

Well done for Team de Botton winning Division 1 with 97.88VP followed by Team SAAJ with 87.21VP

Tom Townsend won the butler with 1.01 butlerpoints


Div 2

Team Juniors won with 151.05 VPs.

The winner of 2nd place were very close to the very last board but Team Creamer became 2nd with 135.65 VP.

Congratulations to both being promoted to 1st Division

Tony Ye won the butler with 1.35 butlerpoints

Team Harris and Team Mueller will join 2nd Division in the 2020 Spring season. RAC has decided to withdraw. So next season 10 teams in the 2nd Division.


Div 3

Team Good to be Gay (new name now Glad to be Gay) won 3rd Division with 129,46 VP followed closely by Girls Allowed with 128.85 VP

Team Davina Regina will join Division 3 in new season so there will be 6 teams.