Welcome to the Tallahassee Duplicate Bridge Club's (TDBC) website.
TDBC was established in 1959 as a not-for-profit organization by local bridge enthusiasts and continues to provide opportunities for all bridge players, no matter their experience or skill level, to enjoy this wonderful game.
In-Person Play
TDBC games are held at the Tallahassee Senior Center, 1400 N Monroe St, on Tuesday, at Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 3158 Shamrock St. S on Wednesday & Friday and
at the Pool House on 1210 Commencement Cove at Westminster Oaks, on Sunday.
Daytime games begin at 1:00 PM except for Sunday Games at Westminster that start at 1:30 PM.
The fee for games at Fellowship are $7/person.
At Westminster, remember, no parking on the grass. Plenty of parking is available in the garage.
Schedule Highlights
On Thursday, February 6th & 20th, we will have 499er games at 1:00 PM at the Senior Center.
Limited to players with 499 or less Masterpoints.
A STaC Team Game is scheduled for Thursday, February 13th at the Senior Center.
Teams can have no more than two members with 1000+ MP.
Casual Bridge will be Thursday, February 27th at the Senior Center.
Club Dinner on Friday, February 21st at Pepper's Mexican Grill & Cantina following the Friday Game.
Free Classes on Wednesdays in February
Roy Forman - February 19th & 26th
Classes begin at 12:15 at Fellowship Presbyterian
STaC Games
(Sectional Tournament at Clubs)
February 10-16 (Results when available)
January 20 - 26 (Results)
We are now offering a partnership service for our members.
Contact Club Manager, Nancy Ross with your name and date you want to play.
Click on "Calendar Month" (main menu on left) to view all the upcoming in-person games.