Tavistock Millennium Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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1    The name of the club shall be “Tavistock Millennium Bridge Club”.

2    The purpose of the club is to promote the pleasure of the members in playing the various forms of contract bridge by arranging, organising and supervising games and tournaments in accordance with the wishes of the members.

3    All applications to join the Club must be considered and endorsed or rejected by the Club Committee.

4    The management, control and administration of the club and its membership shall be vested in a committee consisting of honorary officers and members who will be elected annually at a General Meeting of club members.     

5    The Committee will consist of a Chairman, a Director, a Secretary, a Treasurer and two ordinary Committee Members.  One person may hold more than one office if this should be deemed desirable, and the committee is empowered to co-opt additional or replacement members pending the next General Meeting.

6    The Chairman is the chief executive of the club and his/her main duties encompass the supervision and guidance of the officers and committee in their management of the club’s activities.  He/she will normally take the chair and preside over all General or Special meetings of the club members and meetings of the club committee, and at these meetings he/she will have an additional or casting vote which he/she may use or refrain from using as he/she thinks fit.

7    The Director is the officer responsible for the technical management of all tournaments and competitions, and for the arrangement and supervision of development aids and assistance for less experienced players.  The Director, or an appointed Scorer, will be responsible for scoring and publishing the results of competitions.  The Director, or any appointed Assistant Director, will be responsible for the conduct and discipline of club events and they are empowered to take such action as they deem necessary to control such events including the suspension or expulsion from the premises of any member or visitor whose conduct or misbehaviour warrants such action.  If any form of disciplinary action is found to be necessary a full written report of such matter must be made to the Committee as soon as possible.

8    The Secretary is the officer responsible for the conduct, supervision and co-ordination of all administrative functions of the club.  He/she will arrange all General and Special Meetings of club members and all Committee Meetings;  will make and maintain a permanent record of the minutes of all such meetings in a minute book;  will distribute copies of these minutes to all committee members for their information and any necessary action;  and will produce the minute book for verification at the next meeting of the members or the committee.

9    The Treasurer is the officer responsible for the conduct of the financial affairs of the club.  He/she will receive and be responsible for all monies paid into the club and all securities held by the club;  will pay all debts and discharge any financial commitments incurred by the club;  will maintain proper and adequate records of all transactions carried out by or on behalf of the club;  will keep the committee advised of all important factors which may or could affect the solvency of the club;  and will present to each Annual General Meeting a Statement of Accounts summarising the financial activities of the club during the year and a Balance  Sheet showing the financial status of the club at the end of the year.  The Treasurer will operate the club’s bank or building society account and will ensure that all outgoing payments in excess of fifteen pounds will be made by means of a cheque or other written authority approved and signed by any two of three officers/committee members who will be nominated from time to time by the club committee.

10  An Auditor shall be appointed at each A.G.M. to make an official examination of the accounts of the club on behalf of the members to ensure that they are being maintained in a proper manner, and who will make an independent check and verification of the bank/building society account balances and any securities held by or on behalf of the club.  The Auditor need not be a regular member of the club but he/she must be a person with a sufficient knowledge of business and accounting matters and be of unquestioned integrity.

11  An Annual General Meeting of club members shall be held in February of each year, and members shall be given at least 10 days notice of the date, time and venue.  The Quorum necessary to conduct the business of an A.G.M. shall be 10 members or one third of the current membership whichever is the lesser number.

12  A Special or Extraordinary General Meeting of club members may be called by the committee at any time on giving 14 days notice to the members of the reason for the meeting;  or may be called by a petition from 10 members or one third of the current membership whichever is the lesser number, who will state in writing the reason for the meeting and the proposal or proposals which they wish to be decided at such meeting and will allow the Secretary adequate time to issue to members a notice and agenda of the meeting.  At any Special or Extraordinary General Meeting the only matters to be discussed will be those motions detailed on the agenda and any such motion shall only be approved if at least two thirds of the members attending the meeting shall vote in favour of such motion.

13  Committee Meetings will be held as and when the committee decide that they are necessary to conduct the normal business of the club.  The quorum required to conduct business at a Committee Meeting shall be three members.

14  Membership Fees and Table Money shall be determined and published from time to time as may be necessary by the committee.

15  The rules regarding the introduction of visitors and the fees payable shall be determined and published by the committee.

16  The Committee is empowered to make, publish and enforce local rules regarding the normal activities of the club and the conduct of games and competitions.

17  In the event of the club being wound up and disbanded the committee will realise all the assets of the club;  will discharge any debts and pay any necessary expenses;  will prepare a final Statement of Accounts and a current Balance Sheet;  have these checked by the Auditor and copies distributed to current members;  and will finally call a Special General Meting to approve the distribution of the remaining balance of the funds equally between all those current paid up members who have been members of the club for at least twelve months prior to the decision to wind up the club.

Revised version February 2024 to confirm official slight change in name of club
