About the club |
 Tavistock Millennium Bridge Club (TMBC) is a friendly, sociable bridge club that welcomes new members. Its core activity is a session of duplicate pairs bridge played every Thursday evening in the basement church hall of the United Reformed Church, Russell Street, Tavistock, Devon. Members are asked to arrive and be seated by 6.30 pm. Play will start as soon as the Bridgemates have been configured. There is a host system, so it is not necessary to arrange a partner in advance. The club has recently invested in a new Bridgemate II system allowing instant table data entry and results at the end of the evening.
We also have occasional Team events which are proving increasingly popular. We intend to increase the number of Team events as time goes by.
TMBC has recently agreed with Tavistock Duplicate Bridge Club (TDBC) to offer mutual admission to each others clubs for the period Jan-Mar 2025 without charge. TDBC meet at the same venue on a Wednesday rather than a friday. The 2 clubs have some mutual members.
Visitors and new members |
Visitors are welcome with one proviso and may play up to three times before needing to become a member. The cost is £3 for one person or £5 for a pair. Please ring the Chair, Joe Pitt, on 07861638629 to let him know you are going to attend or use the contact form on the information section of this website. The one proviso is that we have a maximum number of tables for any evening of 10. If they are all filled with club members then visitors may be asked to come again another week.
New members are also very welcome both experienced and the less so. If you are planning on taking the step from having recently learnt bridge and are unsure whether club duplicate is for you don't worry - you can come along as a visitor and you will be partnered with an experienced but understanding member who will support you through that process. After 3 sessions you will be advised if you need to maybe delay formal application to join the club. After all everyone playing had to make that step at one time. Again contact Joe who will advise and help.
Andrew Robson Tuition Day Thursday March 14th |
The big day was a huge success with 106 players attending from not only Tavistock but Devon, East Cornwall and even Somerset. Andrew taught about Quick Defence, 4th Suit Forcing and Negative Doubles but made sure the day was interactive, amusing and a mixture of bidding and playing. It was helped by the superb venue of The Kings Centre, the carpark marshalling run by Men in Sheds and the catering by Alison Stacey of the Tea Pod
Charity Event |
Every year the club has an evening devoted towards raising money directly for charity. This November it will be for the benefit of Tavistock Hospital League of Friends
Do you want to learn Bridge? |
Duplicate Bridge is a fantastic card game - quite the best there is. It is sociable, enjoyable, is very good exercise for the brain, and unlike other card games does not rely on you getting dealt the right cards at the right time. There is no luck involved because you are ultimately being compared against other people being dealt exactly the same cards. It's what you do with those cards that matters. The club itself does not currently run teaching sessions but contact Joe through the website and he will be able to point you in the direction of some very capable teachers.