Taunton Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

New Venue 1st December

Friday Evenings - 7pm start

Brittons Ash Community Hall


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Constitution and Privacy Notice
  CONSTITUTION - Ratified at Annual General Meeting held 9th November 2011




























The Club shall be called Taunton Bridge Club.























The object of the Club shall be to provide Duplicate Contract Bridge.





















The Club shall be based in the Taunton area.





















The Club shall be affiliated to the Somerset Contract Bridge Association and to the English Bridge Union.




























Membership shall be open to all bridge players, although the Committee reserves the right to refuse membership.

















Any person wishing to become a member should complete a membership application form.















Non-members may play up to three times in any calendar year, but will be required to become members should they exceed that number.




























The Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and up to six others.  All members of the Committee shall hold honorary positions.  The immediate past Chairperson may also attend Committee Meetings as a non-voting ex officio member.



























The four officers shall retire at each Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election.  Officers shall not, other than in exceptional circumstances, hold a post for more than five consecutive years.  Other members of the committee  will serve a maximum of three years. All those standing down, including officers, will not be eligible for re-election as ordinary Committee members until the following Annual General Meeting.















At its discretion, the Committee may co-opt a further one or two extra members who must retire at the following Annual General Meeting.















Nominations for all posts should be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting.















A quorum at meetings shall be four including at least one officer.















The Committee may, from time to time, appoint sub-Committees to undertake on its behalf such aspects of the administration as it may think fit.  Members of such sub-Committees may include non-Committee members.















The Chairperson shall report to each Annual General Meeting relevant matters since the previous Annual General Meeting.




























The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the Committee which shall have the power to determine any issue arising in connection with the affairs of the Club which is not specifically provided for in this Constitution.















Provided there is no conflict with this Constitution, the Committee may, from time to time, formulate and publish such rules as it feels expedient for the harmonious running of the Club.  Such rules may be varied by a resolution of Club members at a properly constituted General Meeting.




























An Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held within 60 days of the end of the Club’s financial year.  At least 3 weeks notice shall be given of the date of such meeting.















Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened by the Committee, or upon receipt of a request signed by at least ten members, specifying the reason for the meeting, and such meeting shall take place within 30 days.  At least 3 weeks notice shall be given of the date of such meeting.















Any member may propose a motion to be discussed at the Annual General Meeting provided that such a motion is delivered, in writing or email, to the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the date fixed for the meeting.















A quorum for any General Meeting shall comprise at least 20% of the paid up members at the date of any such meeting.















If 15 minutes after the time fixed for a General Meeting no quorum has been achieved the meeting shall be adjourned to a new date.  In the case of such an adjournment, a quorum will constitute that number in attendance.















Voting at a General Meeting shall be by show of hands unless the Chairperson considers it appropriate to do otherwise.  Postal voting is permitted for the election of officers and committee members if a signed form has been submitted to the Secretary at least one week before the date of such meeting.  Postal voting is not permitted for any motion proposed for discussion at a General Meeting.





















Nominations for the posts of officers or Committee members shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing and be signed by the proposer, seconder and nominee prior to the Annual General Meeting.  In the absence of sufficient nominations for election, members may be proposed and seconded from the floor.




























The annual subscription for each year shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.  For individuals joining six months after the start of the year, for students and those residing outside of Somerset the subscription shall be 50% of the set amount.















If payment has not been made within three months of the start of the financial year, membership will be considered terminated.















Table money per player for each bridge session shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting. Non-members are required to pay an additional amount as agreed by the Committee.






























Audited accounts showing the income and expenditure for the preceding financial year and a statement of assets and liabilities shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting.  Any surplus shall be held in reserve for maintenance and development.















The Committee is authorised to spend up to £1000 for a single transaction without reference to the members.  Above this amount the Committee shall seek the approval of a General Meeting.















No Committee member shall receive any form of payment for serving in their capacity except for the re-imbursement of expenditure incurred on behalf of the Club.





















An Honorary Auditor shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting and is required to audit and certify those accounts prepared for the succeeding Annual General Meeting.




























All Club trophies will be competed for annually and may be held for one year.  Only paid-up members may compete for trophies.















From time to time the Club will host competitions sponsored by the Somerset Contract Bridge Association and the English Bridge Union for which the above restrictions do not apply.















Teams representing the Club will be chosen by the Committee.





















The assets of the Club, including trophies, furniture and other possessions shall be adequately insured at all times unless the Committee decides that it is not economically prudent.  The Committee shall ensure that there is adequate public liability insurance.






























The Committee will investigate any complaint about the conduct of a member of the Club which has been presented in writing and signed by at least three members. Any Committee member deemed to have a conflict of interest should withdraw.















A member about whom a complaint has been made shall be allowed to answer in person and be represented by a third party, not necessarily a member of the Club.















The Committee, after due consideration, may reprimand, suspend or expel any member.  Such a member has the right of appeal to the Somerset Contract Bridge Association.















The Club will endeavour to run under the English Bridge Union’s “Best Behaviour at Bridge”




























On all questions of interpretation of this Constitution the decisions of the Committee shall be binding until or unless overturned at a General Meeting.  Any point not covered by this constitution shall be decided by the Committee.















The constitution of the Club shall be altered only by a majority vote at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.  Notification of any proposed change will be published and displayed on the Club notice board for at least three weeks before the meeting.




























In order for a resolution that the Club be wound up to have effect, at least two thirds of the votes cast must be in favour and must exceed one half of the number of members of the Club entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting.















If a resolution to wind up the Club is passed, the Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the winding up by disposing of all assets.  This may involve the sale of items of value and the disbursement of funds to such organisations as may be deemed fit.















Under no circumstances can the Committee gain from the exercise of winding up the Club.  Assets shall be transferred to the English Bridge Union, the Somerset Contract Bridge Association, another members’ club or a suitable registered charity.











The personal data which is collected is name, address, telephone number, (which is taken from the membership application form), rankings and NGS grade. It is shared with the EBU for competitions, rankings and master points.

Information which has been collected in the past and included on the ‘Membership List’ will only be used by the Club for purposes in connection with the Club, which covers communicating by post, telephone and email.  It will never be disclosed for marketing purposes.

The data will be stored in an Excel / Access file on the Treasurer’s and the Secretary’s personal computers with ‘back-up’ copies on memory stick and/or CD.  Copies may be provided to committee and other members by email and telephone only when it is needed to facilitate the running of the Club and to provide the benefits of membership to you.  It is also held on the Club’s website which can only be accessed by club members via the members’ area.  If you wish to check what data is held for you go to the members’ area using your own personal password.  

The committee intends to produce, and update as necessary, a membership list with telephone numbers and a programme of competitions which will only be distributed to members.  Your details can be removed from our stored records within 28 days of a written request to do so to the Secretary – but not from the printed and distributed list.  The Secretary will inform the webmaster.

In the event of a member’s death data will be removed after 12 months because earlier removal would affect other members’ competition results. If the annual subscription has not been paid within three months of the start of the financial year, membership will be considered terminated and the member will be removed from the database. 

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you believe there is a problem with the Club’s handling of your data. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require and further information.

May 2018