Swainby Bridge Club
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Minutes of the Committee Meeting 4th February 2020


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 4th February 2020

Present: David Rossiter, Tony Francis, Steve Loble, Elsie Jones, Martin Rayner, David Auty ,Sue Pearce and  Ray Hutchinson

Ray Hutchinson was welcomed as a newly co-opted member of the committee

  1. The minutes of 3rd January were agreed

  1. Matters arising.
    1. Questionnnaire. There were 50 replies of which 28 requested more teaching. There were no surprises in the responses. The most common reason for not coming on a Thursday was that members were already busy that day. A number of responses commented on the pleasant atmosphere of the club.
    2. After a wide ranging discussion it was AGREED that David R. and Ray would put together a teaching programme based on the use of system cards use and content, to be offered to all, probably on a Wednesday.
    3. If anyone is interested in running a beginners group, perhaps a small group in a house, then David R and Ray have a plentiful supply of resources.
    4. David R. is currently running a small group of improvers in a member’s house for 4/5 weeks to consolidate basic Acol.
    5. Sue has e-mailed Northallerton regarding extra players for a Thursday, as yet no takers.
    6. It was AGREED that the Thursday group could use crib sheets.
    7. Tuesdays subsidise Thursdays.
    8. Nothing wrong with existing pattern of organisation.
    9. Tuesdays with 12 tables to be split at Directors discretion. Two sections of 6 tables means two share and relay groups, or perhaps split 7 and 5 to avoid this.


  1. Lottery bid.

After further discussion with the EBU David has submitted a Lottery Bid for a dealing machine. The preferred option now is the PlayBridgeDealer which is claimed to be more robust than the Duplimate machine originally considered. The lottery bid was submitted after much e-mailing to committee members. No response yet from the Lottery Board which can take up to 15 weeks.

  1. Insurance.

It was agreed to take out a comprehensive insurance policy as recommended by ’Mr.Bridge’ at a cost in the region of £70pa.

Last updated : 10th Feb 2020 10:29 GMT
Minutes of the Committee Meeting 3rd January 2020


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 3rd January 2020

Present: David Rossiter, Tony Francis, Steve Loble, Elsie Jones, Martin Rayner, David Auty and Sue Pearce

  1. The minutes of 16th July were approved.

  1. There were no matters arising.

  1. Treasurer’s Report.
  1. A healthy situation showing a positive balance of about £1882.
  2. Balance largely due to members subscriptions
  3. Table monies essentially cover the rent with a slight subsidy from Tuesday to Thursday.
  4. Rent is approximately £32 per session for 1.30.-4.15. In practice we operate 1.00.-4.30. The Chairman reported that he was in discussions about a small rent increase with a 20% discount which would mean £33.60 rent. The first increase since we started to use the hall.

  1. Review of Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  1. A total membership of 84
  2. Tuesday sessions are bursting at the seams with 11-13 tables on 5 occasions.  
  3. Thursday averages 5 tables plus 1 or 2 playing Chicago.
  4. We had expected that some of the weaker/slower players would switch from Tuesday to Thursday but this did not happen, nor did as many stronger players opt to play on Thursday as well as Tuesday.  It was thought that the Chicago group might feel as though they were a separate part of the club as progression to other sessions was very limited.
  5. It was AGREED that we needed to know why people didn’t come on Thursdays and we should therefore carry out a short anonymous questionnaire to try to find out.          David R/Tony would draw up a questionnaire base on some ideas from David A and Sue.

           5. The future.

  1. All clubs need to keep replenishing membership. It was felt that current members are the best source of recruitment and that they could push the advantage of afternoon bridge
  2. We now have a very experienced member of the club. Would he be willing to run a consolidation course of say 6-8 weeks on bidding and card play? Would he also be willing to be co-opted to the committee to help us develop the club further? The Chairman agreed to talk to the member concerned. Perhaps he would also consider a new beginners course.

      6.Dealing Machines

    1. Dealing machines provide prepared hands, more randomised, printed sheets of the hands, hands can be added to the website, no need for curtain cards. The Chairman reported that the company concerned selling the most popular machine has a second hand Mark IV machine available (current version is a Mk V) with 32 boards and cards (cards have to be barcoded) and a 3month warranty together with a trial period of 4-5weeks. Cost would be £1450 for the machine instead of £3500 new and £96 for one set of boards and cards. It was AGREED to purchase this machine together with a second set of boards and the two cases needed to carry the cards.  When we are up and running efficiently we could then offer to provide other clubs with pre-dealt hands for a small fee as Darlington do currently.

  1. Any Other Business.
  1. Elsie reported that Refreshments continue to make a small surplus which is used for special events.
  2. Tuesday large numbers. It was AGREED to separate Tuesday into Red and Green sections whenever there are 12 or more tables.

The meeting closed with thanks to the Chairman for hosting us and providing delicious biscuits (from his Christmas hamper) and tea.

Last updated : 7th Jan 2020 11:58 GMT
Chairman's Report 2019

Swainby Bridge Club

Chairman’s Statement

As you are aware the Club started its activities last September, bridge having previously been run as part of Stokesley U3A. Our aim was to make the transfer as seamlessly as possible and I hope you all agree that this has been the case. In particular we have continued to play and mix in a very friendly and relaxed environment which to me is so important. So many bridge clubs have a reputation for being somewhat daunting and forbidding. That description can never be directed to Swainby Bridge Club which is a credit to you all, and long may it continue.

We have 98 members of which 66 are Tuesday members. During the year we have run sessions on a Monday, Tuesday and fortnightly on a Thursday. Tuesdays have averaged 11 tables with a high of

13 ½. 14 tables is probably the maximum this hall can accommodate so Tony keeps a careful eye on numbers and only invites new members as and when others drop out. Mondays have averaged 5 tables with a high of 8 and Thursdays 5 tables and a high of 7. Mondays have always been run and supervised by myself, Martin and Lorna, and perhaps it is no surprise that after several years in this role we have all felt the need to reduce somewhat our time commitments as many weeks we have been attending 3 Swainby sessions apart from other outside bridge activities. As a result your committee has considered various scenarios and have changed the sessions to reduce these commitments but with the aim of still providing as many opportunities as possible for members to play and develop their game.

 So, as I am sure you are all aware, we now have bridge weekly on both Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays are unchanged but on a Thursday you now have the opportunity to play either in the duplicate section or in the Chicago section. The duplicate session plays more hands than on a Tuesday, at a faster pace and without help or memory aids. Chicago enables you to talk about the bidding and the hands and help is always available. For the duplicate you do need to come as a partnership but if you need a partner at any time please let me know and I will do my best to find you one.

We would like to see a few more tables on a Thursday so perhaps some of you might like to give it a try and challenge yourselves a little more. I know that many of you also attend other bridge clubs and groups so please do spread the word about bridge at Swainby. Visitors may attend 3 times before they need to make the decision to join or otherwise. The committee will, of course, keep the sessions under review during the course of the year.

So we have had a very successful first year, including on the financial front, as we shall hear from Steve in a moment, but, of course, only as a result of a lot of work behind the scenes by a number of individuals and one of my principal tasks as Chairman is to express on your behalf my sincere thanks to them. to Tony our Secretary, Steve our Treasurer, David our Membership Secretary, Martin and Lorna for their tremendous help on a Monday, Elsie for the most efficient managing of refreshments,  Sue for collecting table monies and contributing to committee discussions and Sheelagh who, unbidden, is always one of the first here and sets out the kitchen for our tea break, a very very big thank you. Finally, many many thanks to you the members for making the club what it is and making me proud to be its Chairman.    

Last updated : 22nd Sep 2019 12:19 GMT
Treasurer's Report 2019

 Swainby Bridge Club

Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31 August 2019



£ 1,020.00

Table Monies

£ 3,832.30


£ 4,852.30


Hall Rentals

                              £ 3,110.50

(inc £224 Aug Rent)

Cards & Stationery

 £     352.58

Software Licences

£        66.00

Purchase of Equipment

£       292.17


  £  3,821.25

Surplus for Year

£ 1,031.05

Represented By

Cash at Bank

£ 1,255.05

Cash in Hand

£          -

Creditor - Hall Rental (Aug)


Actual surplus for year

£ 1,031.05

Steve Loble, Treasurer

David Rossiter, Chairman


Last updated : 22nd Sep 2019 11:22 GMT
Minutes of 1st AGM 17th September 2019


Minutes of the 1st. AGM held on 17th September2019

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Chris Shutt, Helen Moody, Sylvia Fitzpatrick, Betty Griffin, and Judy Gotts.  45 members were present.

  1. The Minutes of the EGM of the 28th August were approved with no matters arising.

  1. Chairman’s Review of the Year.  (Full report attached)

98 members, of whom 66 play on a Tuesday with an average of 11 tables but a high of 14 (maximum hall will hold). Mondays have averaged 5 tables with a high of 8. Thursdays average of 5 and a high of 7.

Mondays has been very reliant on David and Martin/Lorna to supervise but because of commitments the committee decided to reduce the sessions and thus have closed down Mondays but provide an opportunity for Duplicate and Chicago sessions every Thursday.

A very successful first year.

  1.   Treasurer’s Report (full report attached)

                    A surplus for the year of £1031.05. Table monies cover expenses of room hire, stationery and equipment. In response to a question from the floor it was explained that the surplus was being built up to purchase a dealing machine (£3250 at current prices) to help improve player performance.

  1. Election of Committee

The current committee were re-elected en-bloc.

  1. Membership fee to remain at £10 per annum.

Table money to be £1 per session

Coffee at 20p.

  1. Refreshments, Elsie reported that sufficient funds exist in the coffee account to supply mince pies and mulled wine at Christmas on Tuesday and Thursday.



Last updated : 22nd Sep 2019 09:35 GMT
Minutes of the Committee Meeting 16th July 2019


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 16th July 2019

Present: David Rossiter, Tony Francis, Steve Loble, Elsie Jones, Martin Rayner, and Sue Pearce

An apology for absence was received from David Auty

  1. The minutes of 27th November were approved.

  1. Matters arising. The Monday member spoken to did choose to give up.

  1. Treasurer’s Report.
  1. The rent is 2-3 months behind so around £800 still to be paid otherwise a healthy situation showing a positive balance of about £800.
  2. Mondays are a loss leader but both Tuesdays and Thursdays cover the costs well.
  3. It was AGREED that table monies and membership should stay the same. NO need for new membership forms or receipts.

  1. Membership Secretary’s report.
  1. A report had been circulated showing a total membership of 99
  2. Average attendance on a Tuesday was about 11 tables with a high of 14½ and the lowest 8 tables.
  3. Monday has 21 regular players plus 7 who also play Tuesday.
  4. Thursday ranges from 7 tables down to 3. Better attendance Sept – Feb.

  1.  Review of the year.
  1. The work covering the Monday sessions is proving too much for those involved. It was agreed to operate with just two sessions per week on Tuesday and Thursday, The Monday group to be accommodated on Thursday as a separate group playing Chicago bridge. (We were assured that these players are quiet and wouldn’t disturb those playing duplicate). We would have one director/scorer looking after both groups on a rota.
  2. A host system was considered for Thursday to accommodate those players who didn’t have a regular partner. It was considered too difficult to run but we would try to ask people on a Tuesday who is looking for a partner and perhaps to sign up on a sheet.
  3. Although our licence allows for 6 scorers it was felt that we had 4 at present and that this was enough and that the same was true for keys.

  1.  Committee.
  1. All members of the committee are willing to stand again next year.

  1. A.G.M.
  1. To be held on 10th September. Two weeks notice has to be given.

  1. Any Other Business.
  1. Boards..Some boards are beginning to break. It was agreed to order two more sets of 16.
  2. Refreshments. In profit so Elsie will again provide Pimms etc for the summer party and mince pies etc for Christmas for both days.
  3. Trophies. It was agreed NOT to have trophies for the present.
  4. Matches. It is hoped that Middlesbrough will offer to play matches again next year.
  5. EBU. It cost about 32p per player each week to join the EBU with only marginal benefits for those who really wish to challenge themselves. It was considered not worth the trouble.

Last updated : 18th Jul 2019 10:36 GMT
Minutes of the Committee Meeting 27th November 2018

Swainby Bridge Club

Minutes of committee meeting held on 27th November 2018

All members were present.

  1. A quick review of the progress of the club included the fact that the equipment had been purchased from the U3A. We now have 97 members and although the rent has not yet been paid for October we re on course for a balance of £2k by the end of the year.

  1. Thursday bridge has been a reasonable success with 5-6 tables. It is self- financing and players seem to enjoy the peace and quiet of the play as well as self service refreshments. After some discussion it was decided to continue to play on the first and third Thursdays of the month but also to play on the 5th Thursday when this occurs.

  1. The Monday group may need to find new ‘teachers’ from September. It was agreed that this group is essential to maintain the viability of the whole club over the years. There is one member who although playing for some considerable time is holding up the progress of other players. It was agreed that The Chairman should approach the player to advise that Bridge  might not be the right game and if this is agreed that the £10 membership should be refunded.

  1. Tuesday group is full. A waiting list will be started for new applicants.

  1. Christmas arrangements:

                    No bridge December 24/25/31st  nor 1st January

                   Monday 17th Mince pies

                   Tuesday 18th Christmas Bridge and mince pies with mulled wine.

                   Thursday 20th Mince pies

                   Committee members invited to join the Monday group on the 17th.

  1. Consideration to be given to introducing a competition on Thursday bridge.
  2. Match against Middlesbrough probably March.

Last updated : 28th Nov 2018 16:56 GMT
Minutes of the Committee Meeting 28th August 2018


Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 28th August 2018

Present: All committee members were present

  1. Purchase of bridge resources from the U3A

The U3A had turned down our initial offer of £100 and a revised detailed offer of £195 to purchase all the bridge related resources currently ‘owned’ by the U3A. They U3A wanted  £285 and that this should be accepted by 1st September.

After much debate it was agreed to make a final offer of £250 in order to resolve the issue without more animosity.

Last updated : 12th Oct 2018 12:05 GMT
EGM Minutes 2018


Minutes of the EGM held on 28th August 2018

This was the first meeting of the newly formed Swainby Bridge Club. There were 44 members present and David Rossiter was in the chair.

  1. With wild acclaim the meeting approved the draft Constitution, the Data Protection Policy and the Privacy policy.

  1. The meeting approved that the unofficial steering group should form the initial new committee for one year:
  1. Chairman    David Rossiter
  2. Secretary     Tony Francis
  3. Treasurer    Steve Loble
  4. Members    David Auty         Membership Secretary
  5.                       Martin Rayner   Additional Scorer
  6.                       Elsie Jones          Refreshments
  7.                       Sue Pearce         Member without portfolio

  1. The meeting approved decisions made by the steering group:
    1. Membership fee of £10
    2. Table money to be £1 on Monday and Tuesday, £2 for visitors. Table money to be £2 on Thursdays with £3 for visitors
    3. A trial duplicate session on 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from October until the end of the calendar year as a more competitive session. Players must come with a partner
    4. Visitors to be limited to three weeks before becoming members
    5. To use Bridgewebs as the website for all club business
Last updated : 12th Oct 2018 12:00 GMT
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Last updated : 15th Dec 2006 08:57 GMT