Sully Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
Website Feedback

If any member has feedback (positive or negative) on how the website should develop, we ask that they approach any committee member to start a conversation about future planning.

Bridge Stories & Jokes

Bridge is a game that can engender deep passions. Accordingly, the humour associated with the game, when measured on an 'Irony Spectrum' can range in scale from grey to black!

The Internet carries a vast supply of anecdotes and jokes surrounding the game and links to some of the most popular of these appear below.

Many of these links will take you to sites in the U.S. and although their 'humor' may not entirely resonate with ours, we are confident that you will still find plenty to enjoy and LOL (laugh out loud).

N.B. These links will open in a new window and are included by us in good faith - if you have concerns about any of these links, please let us know immediately.