Sudbury Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Welcome to Sudbury Bridge Club
Regular Game Schedule


 Norm's Mini lesson & Game for 99ers at 9:30 am 


Tuesday Afternoon, Open Game @ 1:00PM 


Wednesday Afternoon Open Game @ 1:00 pm


Thursday Afternoon, Open Game @ 1:00 pm


Saturday Games Suspended until further notice



Notice to Sudbury Bridge Club members – Call for interest for Directors

The intent of this posting is to provide the SBC membership with an update on a potential issue which has been identified by the board. 
The SBC is expected to provide ABCL accredited games to our members. A requirement for a game to be accredited is for the game to be Directed by an ACBL certified director. Recently the bulk of directing during our bridge club play has been done by two of our members: Norm Malette and Ray Lendt Jr.  This has been a great service for the club and all members; however, Ray is relocating to Ottawa and Norm has committed to work during the upcoming Federal Election. To reduce the impact on our playing membership the board has been working on actions to address the permanent loss of Ray’s services as well as the reduced availability of Norm during the election period.
The first item to address this concern for the immediate need is to re-engage and support members who are already certified directors. In addition to this a longer-term approach is to seek additional Directors to facilitate our bridge sessions on an ongoing basis.  Once a member is a certified director (achieved by achieving 60% on an ACBL on-line exam) they would be eligible to direct SBC games.  Directors are compensated for this service. 
If you are, or anyone you know is, interested in this opportunity, please contact Dawson Proudfoot by email at or by phone at 416-898-4066.

Stratified Open Pairs
Director: Norm Malette
Open Pairs
Director: Ray Lendt Jr
Stratified Open Pairs
Director: Norm Malette
99ers Pairs
Director: Norm Malette
Open Pairs
Director: Norm Malette
Open Pairs
Director: Ray Lendt Jr