♦ Monday 17 at 13.30 – Annual Club Competition - Championship Pairs
♥ Wednesday 19 at 13.30 - Strong Hands: Reverses and 2 Club Opener
The first of a series of Graham Cope Jack High Training session. Please sign up at the club. Cost £19.80 payable on the day.
♣ Wednesday 26 at 13.30 - Bid n Natter on Strong Hands: Reverses and 2 Club Opener
The "Bid and Natter" session is being held to support the consolidation of the learning for those who attended the Graham Cope training session. It is open to all members, provided they have knowledge of using reverses and opening strong hands.
♣ Tuesday 11 at 13.30 - Annual Club Competition - Championship Improver Pairs (NGS < 7)
♦ Sunday 16 at 12.30 – WCBA Teams of 8 Competition at Coventry Bridge Club
♥ Saturday 22 at 10.00 - 12.30 & 13.30 - 16.00 Learning to Count like an Expert
The 2 sessions will be linked with the morning focusing on point counts and the afternoon on shape of hands. You can attend one or both. Please sign up at the club. Cost £19.80 per session, payable on the day.
Abbey was taught bridge by her dad when she was 12 years old and has been playing ever since. At age 16 Abbey was selected to play for the British Junior Squad and the English Under 20s team. In 1995, she partnered Sandra Landy in the Beijing World Championships. At the time she was the youngest player to represent their country at non-junior level for any Nation. Abbey’s highlight of her international experience was being a member of the British Ladies Team, which won the European Championships in Malta in 1999.
These events supplement our normal weekly timetable of bridge and teaching sessions.
Improver sessions
- Defensive techniques against Trump contracts - Monday 17 February at 1900 & Wednesday 19 February at 1000.
- Cue Bidding - Monday 24 February at 1900 & Wednesday 26 February at 1000.
These sessions are suitable for everyone and cost £12.60 payable on the day. There is no need to book.