September & October Bridge
All bridge sessions are running.
Tuesday evening assisted play and improvers sessions
Last month, we moved the Thursday evening assisted play session to Tuesday evening. We also started a new Tuesday evening improvers session.
If you want to play on a Tuesday evening you have the choice of either session:
- Assisted Play 7pm to 9pm - Around 12 boards
- Improvers Duplicate 7pm to 9.30pm - Around 16-18 boards - No assistance is provided.
Both sessions are hosted; so you can turn up without a partner.
Week commencing Monday 16 September - Continuing Bridge Lessons
A new series of continuing bridge lessons will be run weekly - 7pm Mondays or 10am Wednesdays. Please check the website to see what topics are being taught.
You can turn up to any individual session for £12.60. No pre-booking is necessary. Many of you would benefit by refreshing your knowledge. The next few sessions are:
Wednesday 18 September - Bidding Unbalanced Hands
7pm Monday 23 and 10am Wednesday 25 September - Bidding Balanced Hands
7pm Monday 30 and 10am Wednesday 2 October - Bidding Weak & Strong Hands
7pm Monday 7 and 10am Wednesday 9 October - Planning The Play - SWOT
7pm Monday 14 and 10am Wednesday 16 October - Losing Trick Count
7pm Monday 21 and 10am Wednesday 23 October - 4th Suit Forcing
7pm Monday 28 and 10am Wednesday 30 October - 3rd Hand Play & Signalling
Sunday 6 October - Training Day - Slam Bidding - BOOKING OPEN
We have booked an excellent trainer, Charlie Bucknell, for two training sessions on Sunday 6 October 10.00am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4.00pm.
This is the equivalent of an Andrew Robson day and is suitable for all bridge players. Slam bidding is the topic for the day. The morning session will be Cue Bidding. The afternoon session will be Roman Keycard Blackwood. We recommend you attend both sessions. The cost will be £19.80 per session.
Put your name on the sign up sheets at the club or email me. Please pay on the card machine by debit card.
You will see 2 orange buttons: 'Slam QCB Morning' and 'Slam RKCB Afternoon'. You will receive receipts that you can hand to me, or save for the day.
Don't worry if you lose your tickets; we will be checking online to see if you have paid.
1.30pm Wednesday 9 October - Steve Green training session
Following a successful series of Steve Green training sessions, we have scheduled a further two:
1.30pm Wednesday 9 October - The art of pre-emits
1.30pm Wednesday 20 November - Showing support in competition
We continue to receive very positive feedback. Come along and learn how to improve your bridge. Please sign up at the club or email me.
Competitions commence October
Our completion season commenced in October:
1.30pm Monday 7 October - Monthly Pairs 1 of 9 - Best 6 count
1.30pm Thursday 10 October - Monthly Handicap Pairs 1 of 9 - Best 6 count
1.30pm Thursday 24 October - One of Teams Competition - Anyone can enter, but to win, no more than 2 team members can have NGS 10 or higher on 31 August 2024
Dates for your diary
a) 1.15pm Thursday 7 November - AGM + Free Bridge
Our AGM will be followed by a free bridge session.
b) 2pm Friday 13 December - Christmas Social
More information will follow in a few months' time.
c) Monday 31 March to Thursday 3 April 2025 - Bridge Club Holiday
Our Hayling Island trip is now fully booked. However, places may become available. If you haven't booked on and want to attend, please email Lynne Ballinger, She will put you on the reserve list.