
New season will start on Tuesday 11th September 2024. we meet each Tuesday in the New Golf Club, 3-5 Gibson Place, St. Andrews. Registration is from 6:20pm for a 6:45pm start.

News Archive

Previous news items can be viewed in the 2023/24 News Archive

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St Andrews Bridge Club
St Andrews Bridge Club - 2024/25 Season

Our new season started on Tuesday 10th September 2024. We will meet each Tuesday until early May (except 24th and 31st Dec)Unless notified, we will meet each week in the New Golf Club, Gibson Place, St. Andrews

Registration is from 6:20pm, and play will start by 6:45pm

Visitors are always welcome and we look forward to welcoming existing members and prospective new members.

Festival of Bridge 2024

The SBU is organising a series of events to promote the game of Bridge and to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. See more details here.

There is a Hairy Coo Swiss Teams Tournament in Birnam Arts, Dunkeld on Sunday 15th September. See here for details.

Also Dundee Bridge Club is organising the following events in support of the festival. Email dundeefestivalofbridge@gmail.com for more information.

Saturday 7th September – Bridge marathon/Open day
Dundde Bridge Club start 10:00

Tuesday 10th September - Play with a more experienced player
Dundee Bridge Club start 19:00 £5 entry - Register in advance

Thursday 12th September – Non-competitive/Relaxed bridge with tea/coffee and cakes
Dundee Bridge Club start 13:45 £20 per table of 4 - Tickets available to purchase in advance

Saturday 14th September - Open Swiss Pairs with afternoon tea
Dundee Bridge Club start 14:00 £15 entry - Tickets available to purchase in advance

The Scottish Bridge Union (SBU) calendar of national events for 2024/25 is now available on the SBU web site

The SBU is again running several online national tournaments for 2024/25, the next of which is a Festival of Bridge Swiss Pairs tournament for all ranks taking place on Sunday 15th September on RealBridge. All proceeds of this event will be going to Cancer Research UK

Central District Congress 2024 - Montrose

The annual Central District Congress took place on the weekend of 16-18 August 2024 at the Park Hotel in Montrose. Although there are a lot of very good players in attendance, the congress is always extremely friendly and relaxed.

There were 6 pairs involving St Andrews Bridge Club attending. Our youngest pair, Catherine Grainger and Jack Shearer won the 2-board knockout competition.

Cathy Ferguson playing with Anne Perkins came third in the main final of the Congress Pairs and also came fourth in the main final of the Congress Teams with Bob McKinnon and Peter Hodgson.

Sheila Blair and Howard Greenwell qualified for the main final of the Congress Pairs and also for the main final of the Congress Teams with Marion Cadogan and Peter Thommeny. Michèle Grainger and Marc Shearer won the consolation final of the Congress Pairs.

Full results are available here

News Archive for 2023/24 Season

In preparation for the new season, news articles from the 2023/24 season have been archived

They may be viewed in the  News Archive 2023/24

Publication of Results

When the Bridgemates are being used, every effort will be made to publish the results of Tuesday Night Bridge by 11pm. Where paper scoring is being used, every effort will be made to publish the results by 9am the next day, Wednesday.

If there will be a delay in the publication, an announcement will be placed on the home page of the web site.

Lees 1/Cathie Gordon 1
Director: Mike Thorpe
Scorer: StAndrews BridgeClub
Open Pairs
Director: Bob McKinnon
Scorer: StAndrews BridgeClub
Summer Bridge
Director: Pat Duncan
Scorer: StAndrews BridgeClub
24th Sep 2024
Lees 2/Cathie Gordon 2
New Golf Club
6:20 for 6:45
Director: Pat
Scorer: StAndrews BridgeClub
1st Oct 2024
Greenwell Swiss Pairs
New Golf Club
6:20 for 6:45
Director: Howard
Scorer: StAndrews BridgeClub
8th Oct 2024
Pairs Butler Scoring
New Golf Club
6:20 for 6:45
Director: Lesley
Scorer: StAndrews BridgeClub