SpadeHeart  DiamondClub
Release 2.19o
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TD's Report
Tournament Directors

The role of TD is one of the hardest in the Club and we are very grateful to those members who make the effort to run the Monday nights.  The year saw a significant increase in membership which created many challenges over finding the right movements and John Duthie played a huge role in sorting this out and ensuring that the club PC could cope with any number of tables.  This was supplemented by Steve Lambert's work in ensuring that the physical layout of the room optimally matched the movements that would be played.  It took a few weeks to get right but things now run consistently smoothly on Monday nights.

Two new TD's joined the volunteer group in the year; James Rogers and Gary Kendall and their efforts have been much appreciated.  John Duthie also stood down as a TD but will continue his role as 'custodian of the PC' as well as coordinating and training scorers.

Our other TD's John Stobo, Bob Turnham, Steve Lambert and Colin Leeson did a great job and we look forward to their continuing support in 2019/20

I would also like to thank the members of the newly formed Set-Up team Tess Alexander & Tony Shields, Hilary Nesbitt, Simon Cook and John Roberts who are helping the TDs to get the tables and boards into position quickly at 19.30 each week so that we can all enjoy the evening.

Steve Lambert

Tournament Directors