♠ ♠ ♠ ♥ ♥ ♥ Please see below for details of the sessions we are currently running ♦ ♦ ♦ ♣ ♣ ♣
Welcome to Sidmouth Bridge Club |

Sidmouth Bridge Club is located at the Sidmouth Rugby Clubhouse, The Blackmore, Heydons Lane, Sidmouth. EX10 8NJ
There are currently two playing sessions per week:
Duplicate Bridge on Monday. Please arrive by 1.15pm for play to start at 1.30pm. Doors open at 1pm
Rubber Bridge on Tuesday. Doors open at 1.30pm for a 1.45pm start
VISITORS ARE MOST WELCOME AT ALL SESSIONS. Table money £3.50 - Please read the General Information and Information Tab on Left sidebar
We also are involved in Welfare and Social activities.
The club has been in existence since 1928 and its two greatest assets are its 100+ members and its venue; a light spacious room with views to Salcombe Hill.
Parking |
As the rugby club want to rest the grass there is NO parking on the field
The View from the Room |

It really is a beautiful view but don't let it distract you from your game of bridge!!
For further information regarding the club please send an e-mail to sidmouthbridgeclub@gmail.com
If you have a question for a specific club officer their details are below.
You can include their name in the subject line or mark you message "For the attention of" in the message text. All replies will come via the club e-mail address.
Chair - Martyn Pinfold
Secretary - Jean Ledbury-Moore
Treasurer - Jerome Hagen
If you wish to view the Members Only site you will need first to give permission for your email address to be registered on the membership list. This will then enable you to log in via email + a password of your choosing. If you wish to log on to the Members Only site then please contact Chris Kraus and confirm the email address you want to use for this purpose.