Bravo SEMBA Bravo |
 The 14th Spooktacular Tournament was a success due to the hard work of Kathy Twomey (chairperson), Dave Fletcher (Zorro!);Jane Gardner (director);Diane Kosuda (hospitality extraordinaire); Dave Cleveland (set up helper even in a mask and not feeling well); and Irv Rosenstein (who wrangled all summer over the MP limit to prepare the flyer).
The 9 1/2 tables of pairs Friday morning and 8 1/2 in the afternoon consisted of many players new to tournaments. Saturday's 3 tables of Swiss Teams, while disappointing, consisted of mostly those new to competing in team events. We drew players from Windsor, Flint, Grand Blanc, Bellaire and other areas outside of SEMBA territory. Free plays for Apple Cider were awarded to the winners and bridge pamphlets were given to those in costumes.
Sincere thanks to the great team who provided this Newcomer opportunity, where we work to make new players comfortable with sanctioned bridge/tournaments.