Seaford Bridge Club is a friendly club suitable for improvers and more experienced players.
We meet face to face 3 times each week at St. Thomas More Hall, 54 Sutton Road Seaford on
♠ Monday and Thursday afternoon 1.30pm - 4.45pm
♥ Wednesday evening 6.30pm - 9.45pm.
Please be seated at least 15 minutes before the start of the session to allow Directors to decide on the movement and the number of boards to be played.
♦ We also have a virtual bridge session for members only on Friday (on BBO) 7pm - 9.00pm.
Registration is between 5.00pm and 6.30pm and members should be logged on a minimum of 15 minutes before the start of the session
Yearly subscriptions are £15 and table money is £3.50 for members (vouchers sold in books of 10) and £5 for non members.
Pay Seaford Bridge Club. Account no: 60085642. Sort code: 20-49-76
Or pay by card at the club
Visitors are most welcome to join us - click here for more details
Pam Pelling