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Are you a member of the EBU? It costs nothing and you receive a regular Bridge magazine. If you would like to join, let us know.

Welcome to The Royal Automobile Club, Woodcote Park
Golf Bridge Pairs Competition
Golf Bridge Pairs Competition

On a pleasant sunny day 28 members competed for this cup. The Golf section was won convincingly by June Hill and Jo Stein with a combined stableford score of 47 points. The Bridge winners, with 68.9%, were Nigel and Heather Matthew. When added to their golf score based on 43 stableford points they also won the overall trophy. But as we don't allow anyone to win 2 prizes, the second bridge pair, Stuart and Pauline Knee, received the bridge winners prize. 


We restart on September 18th with the Chicago and Friends lunch followed by fortnightly Wednesdays, October 2nd,16th,30th, November 6th,20th, and December 4th from 2pm to 4.30pm. Charge £4 ph (£10 for guests attending with a member) including tea and biscuits. No partner required. Just turn up and play.


Members can join the Woodcote Park Bridge Circle for a series of bridge classes this autumn and winter for both Beginners and Intermediate Groups.

Beginners bridge is for the complete beginner without any experience and the intermediate class is intended for people that have recently completed a basic first year. Our courses provide the ideal opportunity for intermediates to gain experience and learn further conventions prior to joining in Chicago bridge and then later Duplicate bridge.

The Beginners Group commences on Wednesday 25 September and the Intermediate Group commences on Tuesday 24 September. Both classes start at 5.00pm and finish at 7.00pm.

The course tutor is Sue Jackson and she teaches ACOL bridge and has taught at Woodcote Park for many years. You can be assured of plenty of notes and practise along the way.

The course, with a half term break, has ten classes. The cost to members is £120. If you require further information or would like to book your place, please email Klaudia Szakal or email Bridge Support .

Deeley Handicap Cup - Monday 22nd July

Congratulations to Stuart Mann and Alan Torry, this year's winners of the Deeley Handicap Cup.

  • A full house
  • Andrew Robson teaching
  • Royal Marsden cheque
  • Sue our social organiser

Another excellent and informative day's tuition from Andrew, in which we raised over £3300 for the Royal Marsden.

Pall Mall Centenary Cup

The Woodcote Bridge Circle was well represented yesterday evening 20th May at Pall Mall’s Centenary Cup Event.  I am more than delighted to report that our team did exceptionally well and were runners up to formidable competition from teams representing the MCC, RAC Pall Mall - Blue and Red teams, The Cumberland Club, The Hurlingham Club, and The Athenaeum Club.   The successful MCC team won the cup by an amazing margin of 112 imps.  Woodcote scoring  64 imps.  Heather and Nigel Matthew were stars and named as the top pair.  Well done team Woodcote! 

Angela Reid, Chair Woodcote Park Bridge Circle

Pall Mall Centenary Cup

Dear Bridge Circle Member,

Following what appears to have been a dark, long and wet winter, a marvellous spring day emerges. As I type this newsletter the sun is streaming through my windows and my beautiful deep pink Japanese ornamental cherry tree is in full bloom. I can even hear lawn mowers in the distance. It feels like the promise of good things to come, speaking of which...

If you attended our recent Annual General Meeting at Woodcote Park you would have heard that the Bridge Circle Committee have been busy planning our activities for the year ahead. 

Upcoming Competitions:

We have organised several bridge competitions as outlined below, as well as three golf and bridge events with local clubs and an internal golf and bridge competition. In May, we have the Centenary Cup hosted by the Royal Automobile Club at Pall Mall to look forward to.

Stewart Broome, our Bridge Events Secretary, has planned a good number of matches to include a new fixture at the Marylebone Cricket Club (MMC). These are listed on the right

Alan Torry, our Golf and Bridge Secretary, has been busy organising three home matches and one away match, including a new fixture with Royal Wimbledon and Kingswood (home) and a return match with Tandridge (away). 

The matches will generally be four mixed pairs, the sign-up sheets for both Thursday 9 May and Thursday 11 July will be available at the clubhouse soon. The internal pairs match is planned for Friday 9 August.

Chicago Bridge:

Jill Namey, responsible for Chicago bridge, has reported that through the autumn and winter periods we have had growing numbers joining our Wednesday afternoon sessions. So much so, in order to accommodate the larger numbers, play is now usually in the Cedar Room.

Sadly, the last winter/spring Chicago afternoon is on Wednesday 27 March.

We will recommence Chicago bridge and kick-off the autumn period on  Wednesday 18 September with the 'Chicago with Friends Lunch'.

At the lunch winners of the Chicago bridge session will be presented with the silver salver donated to the Woodcote Bridge Circle by the family of a much-loved member of our circle who enjoyed playing bridge with her friends. Please note that the salver remains in the display cabinet at the Club with a note of the annual winners.

Chicago bridge will then return during the autumn/winter period of this year and the early spring of next year on Wednesday afternoons, dates to be advertised on the noticeboard at Woodcote Park. 

Bridge the Gap to Duplicate Bridge:

By popular request, we are re-launching ‘Bridge Behind the Curtain’ under the new name of ‘Bridge the Gap to Duplicate Bridge’. The first session will commence on Monday 8 April at 6.30pm. As before, play is behind the curtain in the Cedar Room.

The sessions are suitable for Intermediate players who wish to practice and then consider joining the Duplicate Bridge evenings. For more details, please speak to a committee member who can introduce you to the organising member or alternatively contact Bridge Support. Unfortunately, there is limited space so we do need to know if you would like to join in. 

Competition Diary Dates and Events Diary dates:

These are listed on the right

No More Cash:

We have moved away from cash payments for Monday evening Duplicate and Wednesday Chicago bridge to charging the member’s club account. However, please note that guests will still be required to pay in cash. 

EBU Rules:

The English Bridge Union (EBU) have updated the ‘alert’ rules. To be fully aware and updated it is advisable to visit the EBU website. I found it very useful to print off the new rules and have it to hand as a reminder.  A link to these can be found under EBU to the left.

Bridge Classes:

Currently at Woodcote Park we have over 40 of our members in different stages of learning bridge. We are hoping to continue these classes after Easter. As a result we are currently in the process of rebooking the tutor and the requisite rooms at the Club. We also hope to start new classes again in the autumn. More information will follow in due course.

Final Words:

On Thursday 22 February, many of our Bridge Circle members had a very enjoyable day in the company of  Andrew Robson. A gentleman I seem to quote on almost a daily basis when playing bridge. It is such a pity I forget the most important part of his lesson when I make minus one or two tricks, as I seem to say so very often, 'sorry partner!'.

It was hoped that the event would raise a sizeable donation for the very worthy Royal Marsden charity. I am delighted to say that wishes do come true, we raised over £3,325.00 which is tremendous. Thank you to everyone that gave so generously.

Before finally signing off, I feel we should congratulate Michael Cartwright and Philip Richardson who took part among 48 members and guests of members in the Surrey Charity Simms on held Monday 4 December. £105.00 was raised for the charity. Michael and Philip came out top of the pile of the amalgamated results. Very well done indeed! 

Please do all enjoy your bridge and the lovely spring weather ahead.

With very best wishes and kindest regards.

Angela Reid

Chair, Bridge Committee


We have moved from cash payments for Monday duplicate and Wednesday Chicago to charging the member’s club account. Guests will continue to be required to pay in cash. 


The Committee  encourage all Woodcote Park Bridge players to join this site. This will allow you to seek a Bridge partner, when required, in a password protected enviroment. For instructions on joining, click on the 'NEWS PAGE' tab. 


Face to face Bridge is played on Mondays at 6.45pm and is open to Club members and their guests


Wednesday 18th September - Chicago Autumn Lunch

Monday 9th December - Christmas Social


Monday 13th May - Munns Pairs Championship
Monday 20th May - Centenary Cup (Pall Mall)
Monday 22nd July - Deeley Handicap Cup
Monday 28th October - Teams Championship
Monday 11th November - Children in Need Sims
Monday 2nd December - Surrey Sims

In addition the Woodcote Centenary Cup will run from 1st Dec 2023 to 30th Nov 2024


See Noticeboard for sign up sheets in due course

and News page for the scores when season starts. 

Wed 6 March MCC (Home)
Wed 10 April     Pall Mall (Away) 
Thu 9 May  G&B Royal Wimbledon (Home)
Mon 20 May Centenary Cup (Away) 
Thu 30 May  Kingswood (Away) 
Thu 13 June Roehampton (Away) 
Thu 11 July G&B Kingswood (home)
Tue 6 August Dell Bridge (Home)
Fri 9 August G&B RAC Internal (Home)
Wed 25 September G&B Tandridge (Away)
Fri 30 August G&B Effingham (Home)
Wed 9 October Royal Mid Surrey (Away)
Thu 16 October Roehampton (Home) 
Thu 14 November Kingswood (Home) 
Tue 26th November Dell Bridge (Away) 
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Martin Matthews
Scorer: Martin Matthews
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Nigel
Scorer: Nigel
Duplicate Pairs
Director: dick
Scorer: dick
Duplicate Pairs
Director: martin
Scorer: martin
23rd Sep 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Cedar Room 6.45pm
Director: Stewart
30th Sep 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Cedar Room 6.45pm
Director: Nigel
7th Oct 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Cedar Room 6.45pm
Director: Nigel
14th Oct 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Cedar Room 6.45pm
Director: Stewart