RDS Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

The Bridge Club is open to all members of the RDS.  We play on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm in the RDS Library.  All grades of bridge players are welcome.  Guests are also welcome to play bridge during the months of June, July and August.

If you would like more information about playing in the Club, please contact either the President, Mary Whelan (087 368 3784) or the Honorary Secretary, Marina Fleeton  (086 380 3057).

Need a Bridge Partner?

There are a number of ways to find a Bridge partner in the RDS. They include:

1. Using the printed Members' Contact List.

2. We have a What's App group to facilitate finding a partner if needed.  If you wish to be on this list please contact Cecily O'Donovan (085 767 0115) 

Enjoy The Game
Enjoy The Game

Please be polite to your partner and to your opponents

New Season starts Wednesday 4th September 2024

The RDS Bridge Club commenced the new bridge season on Wednesday 4th September in the RDS Library

Visitors can be invited on club nights, but not on major competition nights which are confined to club members only.

Members have volunteered to act as host or hostess for all club nights, so that everyone is assured of a game, even if they do not have a partner.
A Big Thank You to all those who have volunteered.



Committee 2024-2025

President Mary Whelan, Hon. Secretary Marina Fleeton, Hon. Treasurer Brigid Fitzpatrick, Past President Veronica Donoghue, Macrina Clancy, Marie Hutton and Mary Masterson

WhatsApp Group message

The RDS Bridge Club has a private WhatsApp group for members.

This is used to communicate messages and reminders to members

It can also be used to ask for a partner if you need one for a Wednesday night competition.

You can contact the Hon Secretary to be added to or removed from the group.

News Archives

News items from past seasons, including the 2023-2024 season, can be seen by selecting the News Archives tabs on the left of the screen

Wednesday Pairs
Host/Hostess: Pat Cannon
Wednesday Pairs
Host/Hostess: Pat Cowley
Wednesday Pairs
Host/Hostess: Marina Fleeton
Wednesday Pairs
Host/Hostess: Anne Mulligan
Final Open Night
2nd Oct 2024
Wednesday Pairs
Host/Hostess: Ann Fleeton
9th Oct 2024
Wednesday Pairs
Host/Hostess: Breege O'Donoghue
16th Oct 2024
Marie Owens R1
23rd Oct 2024
Marie Owens R2
30th Oct 2024
Wednesday Pairs
Host/Hostess: Phil Harnett