RDS Bridge Club
Release 2.19q

The Bridge Club is open to all members of the RDS.  We play on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm in the RDS Library.  All grades of bridge players are welcome.  Guests are also welcome to play bridge during the months of June, July and August.

If you would like more information about playing in the Club, please contact either the President, Veronica Donoghue (087 243 0805) or the Honorary Secretary, Marina Fleeton  (086 380 3057).

Need a Bridge Partner?

There are a number of ways to find a Bridge partner in the RDS. They include:

1. Using the printed Members' Contact List.

2. We have a What's App group to facilitate finding a partner if needed.  If you wish to be on this list please contact Cecily O'Donovan (085 767 0115) 

Enjoy The Game
Enjoy The Game

Please be polite to your partner and to your opponents

Player of the Year 2024 - Phil Harnett

Congratulations to Phil Harnett - our Player of the Year 2024

The trophy was presented by President Veronica Donoghue

Robin Donovan Teams of 4 Trophy 15th May 2024

Congratulations to the winners of the Robin Donovan Trophy 2024

Patricia Brady, Graeme Williams, Marina & Ann Fleeton


CBAI SIMS Pairs - 6th March 2024

You can access the overall results on the SIMs website

CBAI SIMs Pair result Wed 6th March 2024

The commentary booklet is available here

005321 CBAI Sim Pairs 2024 Wed Commentary

and also on the SIMS Pairs results page

Congratulations to Catherine Sheridan & Pat Ryan (41st), Elsa Ranalow & Kathleen D O'Connor (43th) and Marcella Maughan & Phil Harnet (57th) 

There were 1,200 pairs from 66 clubs playing on Wednesday

The final results will not be known for a week or so until all the participating clubs have uploaded their results

President's Prize 12th & 19th February 2024

Congratulations to Marcella & Pat who won by the tiniest of margins.

There was a tie overall between Marcella & Pat and Phil & Sheila after two sessions.

The CBAI regulations on breaking a tie in a pairs competition is to use the result of the match between the two pairs.
In this case, the two met in session 1 playing boards 1 & 2. Marcella & Pat got 28 match points and Phil & Sheila got 12.

    Session 1 Session 2 Overall


Pat Cowley & Marcella Maughan 60.68% 2nd 60.23% 3rd 60.45%
2nd Phil Harnett & Sheila Hillis 60.42% 3rd 60.50 2nd 60.45%
3rd Mary McCarthy & Kate Bambrick 65.00% 1st 51.50% 9th 58.86%
4th Roger & Vivienne Jupp 58.41% 7th 57.05% 6th 57.73%
Session 1 Ann Kenneally & Anne Mulligan 60.00% 4th      
Session 2 Josephine Fitzpatrick & Denise Sampson     62.75% 1st  


Perpetual Trophy 18th & 25th January 2024

Congratulations to the Michael Fitzgibbon & Phil Harnett, winners of the Perpetual Trophy 2024
They were very worthy winners with commanding leads on both sessions

1st Michael Fitzgibbon & Phil Harnett
2nd Betty Cody & Sheila Horkan
3rd Creeda Fitzgibbon & Anne-Marie Feeney


Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs 6th December 2023

The RDS Bridge Club played in the Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs competition this week.

Roger Jupp & Michael Fitzgibbon are 12th overall - 413 pairs from 26 clubs in 3 countries (Ireland, Scotland and Wales) played

The funds raised are allocated to the CBAI's Junior Committee for use in the promotion and development of the game in players aged under 26, a very good cause.

If you would like to see the booklet, please click on this link: Celtic Nations 2023 Wednesday Commentary

Full results can be found at Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs Wednesday.

Maeve White Turkey Drive 2023

Congratulations to Anne-Marie Feeney & Roger Jupp winners of the Maeve White Turkey Drive competition which was held on 29th November 2023

There was a very tight competition for the second prize 

1st Anne-Marie Feeney & Roger Jupp 64.49%
2nd Vivienne Jupp & Sheila Hillis 59.32%
3rd Graeme Williams & Mary MacAodha 59.12%


Fanagan League matches November 2023

The RDS Bridge Club hosted their first round matches in the Fanagan League Wednesday 22nd November 2023

In the Masters section, Anne Marie Feeney, Sheila Horkan, Elsa Ranalow and Kathleen D O'Connor played a team from Cypress Bridge Club. They were level at the half-way stage but ended up losing 5/15 after the 24 board match.

In the Senior section, Pat Cowley, Moya Murphy, Patricia Brady and Cecily O'Donovan played a team from Regent Academy and came out winners by 16/4

This was the first round, so there is still a way to go until the Grand Final on Sunday 12th may 2024

Gwen Morgan Individual 15th Nov 2023

Congratulations to Kathleen D O'Connor on winning the Gwen Morgan Individual competition on Wednesday 15th November 2023

The trophy was presented to Kathleen by Sheila Hillis, in memory of her late mother

1st Kathleen D O'Connor
2nd Josephine Fitzpatrick
3rd Pat Cowley



IBU Simultaneous Pairs

The IBU Simultaneous Pairs results have been posted on the right.

A total of 888 pairs from 46 clubs played in the competition and three pairs from the RDS featured in the Top 50

Congratulations to Sheila Horkan & Betty Cody (19th), Graeme Williams & Elsa Ranalow (36th) and Juliet Kelly & Mary Masterson (41st)

If you would like to see the booklet, including analysis by expert player and well-known bridge author Brian Senior, please click on this link: IBU Autumn Pairs (

Nationwide results can be found at ECatsBridge - Irish Bridge Union Pairs Wednesday (

Marie Owens October 2023

The Marie Owens Pairs competition was held Wednesday 11th & 18th October 2023

Congratulations to the winners, Joan Casey & Marcella Maughan, who had two very good sessions, finishing 2nd in Session 1 and 3rd in Session 2.

Kathleen D O'Connor & Roger Jupp had a storming second session and rose to 2nd place. Josephine Fitzpatrick & Denise Sampson had two very regular results and finish in 3rd place.

The session prizes go to Sheila Horkan & Betty Cody and Mary MacAodha & Moya Murphy

1st Joan Casey & Marcella Maughan
2nd Kathleen D O'Connor & Roger Jupp
3rd Josephine Fitzpatrick & Denise Sampson
Session 1 Sheila Horkan & Betty Cody
Session 2 Mary MacAodha & Moya Murphy
Fanagan League Winners 2023

Teresa Gavin, President of the CBAI Dublin South region, presents the Fanagan League Trophy to captain Pat Cowley.

Congratulations to Patricia Brady, Moya Murphy, Cecily O'Donovan and Eilis Walsh who all played a part in winning the Senior Intermediate division.

The presentation was made after the the first RDS bridge supper of the season which was very well supported and enjoyed by all who attended.


New Season starts Wednesday 6th September 2023

The RDS Bridge Club commences its club bridge on Wednesday 6th September in the RDS Library

Visitors can be invited on club nights, but not on major competition nights which are confined to club members only.

Members have volunteered to act as host or hostess for all club nights, so that everyone is assured of a game, even if they do not have a partner.
A Big Thank You to all those who have volunteered.



WhatsApp Group message

The RDS Bridge Club has a private WhatsApp group for members.

This is used to communicate messages and reminders to members

It can also be used to ask for a partner if you need one for a Wednesday night competition.

You can contact the Hon Secretary to be added to or removed from the group.

News Archives

News items from past seasons can be seen by selecting the one of the News Archives tabs on the left of the screen

Committee 2023-2024

President Veronica Donoghue, Hon. Secretary Marina Fleeton, Hon. Treasurer Mary Whelan, Past President Marcella Maughan, Macrina Clancy, Marie Hutton, Anne Neary and Paul Twomey 

Wednesday Pairs
Wednesday Pairs
Wednesday Pairs
Wednesday Pairs
Wednesday Pairs
31st Jul 2024
Wednesday Pairs
7th Aug 2024
Wednesday Pairs
14th Aug 2024
No Bridge - Horse Show Week
21st Aug 2024
Wednesday Pairs
28th Aug 2024
Wednesday Pairs