Pentland Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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14th Jun 2024 10:52 BST
Club Photos
14th Jun 2024 10:49 BST
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We play duplicate bridge on Thursday evenings at St Margaret's Court, Juniper Green. We aim to play competitive bridge but in a friendly atmosphere in which less experienced players can both enjoy themselves and improve.  We are now on our summer break and play will resume on September 12th when new members would be very welcome.


Visitors are always welcome. To help with the smooth running of our tournaments please contact us ( beforehand if you would like to play;  we will be happy to try and arrange a partner for you.


The club is affiliated to the Scottish Bridge Union and currently has a team - the Pentland Panthers - which will be playing in Division 2 of the  SBU Online Bronze Leagues.


Pairs Trophy Winners 2024 - Alison Holwill and Sandra Renton
Pairs Trophy Winners 2024  - Alison Holwill and Sandra Renton
Cross imps
Director: Ken Brown
Scorer: Ross Angus
Match Points
Director: Ken Brown
Scorer: Ross Angus
AGM; Cross imps
Director: Ken Brown
Scorer: Ross Angus