Release 2.19r
Patcham Bridge Club Sessions
Patcham Bridge Club Sessions

The Club plays Face to Face sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 13:15 and Thursday evenings at 19:15. We start promptly at the stated times so please be seated at least 10 minutes earlier so the Director can set the movement.

Virtual Bridge on BBO Monday at 19:15 - search "Patcham Monday Pairs".

We are an EBU affiliated club so all Patcham Bridge Club sessions are played with permitted partnership agreements as specified for Level 4 in the EBU Blue book (as revised August 2023).

We want to be a friendly and welcoming club so please read our "Patcham Bridge Club - Best Behavoiur at Bridge" document and try to follow the guidence therein.

Key Points about Playing at PBC on BBO


We play at 7.15 on Monday. Search "Patcham Monday Pairs" on BBO.

We also play in a number of national and inter club events all at 3BBO$

We welcome new members at a cost of £5 for the period up to 31 May 2025

To participate in a game a member must register their BBO name with the Club.

If you require any information contact


487 Pairs Nationally played in the Session on 22 July

Congratulations to the Patcham Pairs in the top 20 nationally.

5th Jeff & Lydia Stanford

7th Franco Civello & Andy Osborn

17th David Green & Sandy Fell

Relaxed Bridge - And Cake! Next one 1st August

The first relaxed session went well - 7.5 tables! 

So we will be running the third relaxed cake based session on Thursday 1 August at 1.15.

We aim to play fewer boards than a normal club duplicate session and have experienced players around to advise if required.  Crib sheets are allowed too.

If you know anyone who might be interested, please ask them to just turn up - with or without a partner.  If you don't have a partner we will find one for you.

£4 - but if you come as an experienced helper and are prepared to play with a random partner then you play (and eat the cake) for free. 

All welcome – club member or not.

Membership Renewals are due 1st June 2024

The Club's new membership year commences on the 1st June 2024.

The annual membership fee of £5 covers both  face to face games at the Centre and virtual events on BBO.

Our new Membership Secretary, Annie Simmons, will be collecting membership fees at the Club in the near future.

If you want to pay by bank transfer you can send £5 to Patcham Community Association's bank account (NOT to the Bridge Club's account please!). Please use your name as the reference :-   

The Patcham Community Association's bank account details:-

Patcham Community Association
Sort 30-99-50
A/C 39809068


Future Away Days

Ok folks – we have listened to you. Our away days are very popular, and spaces are limited. So, we know there has been frustration with the current registration process and you needing to be at the club on a particular day to register for the away day. Not fair we hear you say and we agree.

So, for future away days we are going to allow any pairs that want to register their interest in the event to do so in advance – either by an online form, by email or in person at the club. No money will be required at time of registration.  

Then a couple of weeks before the away day, pairs will be drawn from a computer “hat” at the club to allocate the places. A few places will be reserved for the club host, the director and their partners.

If you have been picked, then you will be given a week or so to pay either in cash or by bank transfer.  

Places for reserves will be allocated in the picking order.

We hope this new method works and we will keep it under review.




In 2025 West Sussex Bridge Club is again joining forces with Horsham Bridge Club to organise a winter bridge break at the beautiful Hotel Miramar in Bournemouth. The Miramar is wonderfully situated near the beach on the East Cliff with excellent food and superb service.

This time, the bookings and general administration will be done by WSBC B.C. and the bridge will be run by Horsham B.C. It will include 2 afternoon sessions and 3 evening sessions with standbys available.

Seminars and hand discussions will be held on Monday and Tuesday mornings. Non-playing partners would be most welcome (£30 discount)

Flight A & B Prizes and master points awarded for all sessions.

Prices for Bridge & Accommodation with Dinner, Bed & Breakfast for 3 nights: £245 per person sharing a double/twin room, £315 per person for single occupancy - Sea View room +£30; Sea-view room with balcony +£60

For more information or to book a room please contact Chris Jago on 01444 715915 or email


Find a Partner Virtual Pinboard

We know lots of you are looking for a regular or occasional partners. We also know that the facility in the Calendar pages is not the most “user friendly” thing in the world.

So, we are re-launching the “Find a Partner Pinboard” facility. We think that using the virtual pinboard will be easier for everyone. It has been available before but it was mixed up with the Contact Us form. Now it has its own menu link. You don’t need to login to the website to add a Pinboard request.

We are going to let the two methods run in parallel for a while so if you are looking for a partner, please check both the Pinboard (in the left hand menu) and the Calendar in the right hand column. Or add your own requests of course!

If you need assistance with the process contact


We are pleased to advise you that the car park is solely for visitors to the Community Centre or the Library.

To park there you will either need a Membership Permit or a Visitors Permit displayed in the parked car.

Membership or Visitors Permits are available to collect at a bridge session.

Failure to display a valid permit or not parking tidily in a designated space risks a  £100 fine.

Parking will remain on a first arrival basis.

Detailed Parking Rules are in the Documents section in the lefthand menu of the website or click here  Patcham Community Centre parking rules.pdf

Mon 29th Jul 2024
Centre Bridge Session 13:15
Director: John Hazard
Mon 29th Jul 2024
BBO Virtual Pairs 19:15
Director: Oliver Cowan
Wed 31st Jul 2024
Centre Bridge Session 13:15
Director: Ingrid Boyd
Thu 1st Aug 2024
Centre Bridge Session 19:15
Director: Peter Langston
Thu 1st Aug 2024
Relaxed with Cake! 13:15
Director: Frances Wallace / Peter Revell
Fri 2nd Aug 2024
Centre Bridge Session 13:15
Director: John Hazard
Centre Bridge Session 13:15
Director: Ingrid Boyd
Scorer: Peter Langston
Centre Bridge Session 19:15
Director: Jenny Marshall
Scorer: Peter Langston
Centre Bridge Session 13:15
Director: Ian Macgregor
Scorer: Peter Langston
BBO Virtual Pairs 19:15
Director: Oliver Cowan
Scorer: Oliver Cowan
EBU Summer SIM Pairs 13.15
Director: Ingrid Boyd
Scorer: Peter Langston
Centre Bridge Session 13:15
Director: John Hazard
Scorer: Peter Langston

Congratulations to the following who earned promotions in June

4 Star Master
Sue Cottrell
Advanced Master
Joe Dixon
Milli Fawssett
Jill Hassan
Linda McRae
County Master
Sally Clark
District Master
Keith Gordon
Area Master
Simon Wiseman
Club Master
Janine Marks
Paul Singer
Local Master
Peter Bloom
Maggie Dyer