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2017 AGM Minutes
Minutes of 2017 AGM




AT 7.15.PM


Present:   Mrs G Norman (Chairman) and 60 members.  (Appendix A)


1.   Apologies for absence:

 There were 7 apologies.


2.    Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting:

These had been published on the site prior to the meeting. They were unanimously approved and were signed.


3.     Matters arising:



4.    Committee’s report:  (Appendix B)

This had been published on the web site. There were no questions.


5.    Hon.Treasurer’s report and adoption of the accounts:  (Appendix C):

Hon.Treasurer Richard Burgess presented the accounts.  The balance at the Bank was  £4233 and there was a year to-date surplus of £465.  We need an average attendance of 13 tables to break even, having covered the costs of the hire of the hall, fees and refreshments.  There would be no increase in table money or subscriptions. It had been another good year, table numbers had increased above the break even numbers and were the best the Treasurer had known.

It was proposed by Fiona Ross and seconded by Pat Hammond that the accounts be adopted.  This was unanimously agreed.


6.   Election of Officers and Committee:

The Chairman Gail Norman was retiring from the Committee and was thanked by Kay   O’Gorman for all her hard work over the years.

It was proposed by Gail Norman and seconded by Jonathan Spring that Daphne Pugh be elected as Chairman. This was unanimously agreed. 

There was one vacancy on the Committee.  It was proposed by Philip Goldenberg and seconded by Rosie Branch that Katherine Kreuter be elected to the Committee. This was unanimously agreed.

All other Officers and Committee members offered themselves for re-election. It was proposed by Mike Mulligan and seconded by Rosie Branch that they be re-elected. This was unanimously agreed.


7.    Election of Hon.Auditor:

Jonathan Spring  was prepared to continue as  Hon.Auditor for a further year. This was unanimously approved.


8.     Announcement of Competition Winners:

Alan Hammond the President presented the following prizes:

Teams:        Winners:  Mike and Susan Sadler, Valerie Jones and Dorothy Steinhart.

Runners Up:  Elisa Money and Mike Mulligan,  Jonathan Spring and John French.

Tilling Trophy:     Winners:  Jonathan Spring and John French.

Runners up:  Elisa Money and Mike Mulligan.

Individual:   Winner:   Shelia Price.

Runner up:   Edwin Jones.


9.     Christmas Party:

This would be held on Wednesday 13th December.  There would be no charge for Members.  To assist with catering numbers, a sign up sheet would be available in advance.


10.   Rules Revision: (Appendix D)

The Chairman explained that the Rules and Bylaws  had not been revised since 2005 and in accordance with best practice the Committee thought they should be updated.

It was proposed by Valerie Jones and seconded by David Rotherham and unanimously agreed that the revisions be accepted.

The Chairman thanked Peter Wardle for all his hard work in up-dating them.


11.  Any other business:

The Chairman thanked Eric Austin who was retiring as Web Master for all his hard work over the past ten years.  Eric had set up the web site for the Club in 2007. Peter Wardle would now take over as Web Master.

The Chairman reminded members of basic etiquette when moving tables.  Whilst partners often liked to discuss the last hands played they should not forget to welcome the next players coming to the table.

Alan Hammond presented the Chairman with flowers and thanked her for all her hard work, reminding members that there was a lot of work going on behind the scenes that the Chairman had to deal with.


There being no other business the meeting closed at