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2019 AGM Agenda
2019 AGM Agenda


       The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Club will be held on Wednesday

                                23rd  October 2019 at the Oxshott Village Centre


  1.     Apologies for Absence.
  2.     Minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting.
  3.     Matters arising.
  4.     Committee’s Report.
  5.     Hon Treasurer’s report and adoption of the accounts.
  6.     Election of Officers and Committee.
  7.     Election of Hon. Auditor.
  8.     Announcement of competition winners.
  9.     Christmas Party, December 11th 2019.
  10.   Entry into EBU and Surrey Competitions.
  11.   Any other business.

It is hoped that all members will attend if they can.  After the meeting there will be a normal Duplicate Bridge session.

Any items for discussion should be submitted to the Secretary 14 days prior to the meeting. 

The current committee members are Daphne Pugh – Chairperson, Janet Kefford – Hon Secretary Richard Burgess-Hon Treasurer, Gillian Lowe,   Peter Wardle, Philip Duncan, Kathrine Kreuter , Donald Porter.  Peter Wardle, Gillian Lowe and Katherine Kreuter  are retiring from the Committee.

Janet Kefford – Hon Secretary

Please note:  The Committee having reviewed the Club Finances, decided it is not necessary to increase subscriptions, so  subscriptions remain at £10 this year and are due on the 1st October and must be paid by the AGM.  If a subscription remains unpaid after this date, membership may be deemed to have been discontinued.  If you have access to internet banking, you can pay your subscription directly into the Club’s bank account – HSBC 40-17-07, Oxshott Bridge Club Account No.31410067 stating your name as a reference.

If you do not intend to continue your membership of the Club, please inform the Secretary.