Release 2.19r
Result Statistics
Result Statistics
  • Player Numbers - this shows the number of player sessions averaged over a month as it changes over the years.
  • Yearly totals - this presents a graphical representation of the total number of player sessions during the year, starting from the date in the header and going back exactly 365 days. Each column is labelled by the year in which the last session was played. It gives a good indication if the club is growing or shrinking as using a whole year's numbers cancels out any seasonal fluctuations. (Numbers tend to drop during the summer holidays).
  • 70% Hall of Fame - this lists those partnerships that have scored over 70% in a session and the date of its achievement.
  • Leading Player - the ranking of the current best player based on the number of Wilsons scored. Wilsons are awarded roughly in the same way as the EBU's master point scheme, but they decay over time by one point per session.
  • Player Analysis - allows you to see all the sessions you and your partner(s) have played at the club. Click on the left hand box and select your name, then click on the right hand box and select a partner or "all". The buttons at the top of the columns will re-sort the table by that column.
  • How you doing? - this allows you to select up to five active players and generate a graph of their session percentage over time. Nothing is shown until you use one of the five drop down menus and select an active player's name. To remove a player from the plot, select the first menu item of dashes.
  • All session count - All members' session counts over 50
  • Treasurer's Trophy - Lists players by their best 10 percentage results with at least 3 different partners. Named after John Beamish who devised the scoring scheme.
  • Improvers - Lists players that have increased their top 12 session percentage score from the previous year. Only those players that averaged less than 50% last year are considered.
  • Pair Total - total number of Wilson's awarded to a pair during the year.
  • Pair Percentage - the average of the best 10 percentage scores made by a pair. Also included on the output is the percentage needed by the pair to improve. Those pairs who have player fewer that 10 sessions are marked as "Unqualified" and will always sort below any qualified pairs.
  • Pair Win/Place/Show - three points awarded for a win, two for second and one for third irrespective of the field size.
  • Pair Sessions - number of times a pair have played together so far during the year.
  • The next entries are the same as the pair variants, except that they list individual players rather than pairs.

Note that if you don't play at the club for 6 months, the software marks you as inactive. Inactive players will only show up in the 70% Hall of Fame. If you play again after becoming inactive all your results/session details will re-appear.

The software may also mark players as 'png'. These players have all their sessions discarded except for the player session totals. They never appear in any of the ranking or analysis pages. Any partner playing with a player marked as 'png' has that session discarded.

The code to generate these pages is part of the Knave Bridge Scoring software suite, freely available to download, use and modify.