Oliver Cowan Bridge Club
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Membership subscriptions for 2024/25 are due for payment before 1st September. The membership fee is only £10 per person and is used to find admin support and also allows for suitable venues to be checked out in advance of events taking place so please consider joining the club event if you only play in some of the face to face events.


Bank details for payment are sort 204895 acct 43186903 acct name Oliver Cowan Bridge Club Virtual Ltd and please use your EBU number as the reference. Please also email ocbridgecomps@gmail.com when you have sent payment.

We are EBU affiliated and accepting members

The Oliver Cowan Bridge Club is affiliated to the EBU and runs virtual club sessions on BBO 6 nights a week.

Club Membership costs just £10 per year and includes membership of the Friendly Online Bridge Club.

The most important rule of this club is best behaviour at the table, on the basis that good manners cost nothing. 

Please email ocbridgecomps@gmail.com to request a membership application form. 

Charity fund raising events

The Oliver Cowan Bridge Club is proud to support

Children in Need (raised £800 in 2021; £500 in 2020)

The Homeless Street Angels (raised £1426 in 2021; £920 in 2020)

Anthony Nolan Trust received £450

Mind received £300

The Zone received £325

Through our volunteer of the month scheme, the following charities have also benefitted:

St John Ambulance


The Emma Maltby Foundation


The club allows undo requests for genuine bidding mistakes made as a result of a mechanical error, not a lapse of concentration or forgetfulness, and only when the request is made prior to their partner's bid at the latest.  We do not allow undos for playing.
Any awkward exchanges should be referred to the director. 

Members are reminded that you can change your settings to ensure you double click to make a bid.

7th February 2025
Oliver Cowan BC Pairs
Online 7.15pm
Director: OC
Scorer: OC
9th February 2025
Friendly Online Bridge Club (FOBC) & Lancashire Online Pairs
Online 7.15pm
Director: OC
Scorer: OC
10th February 2025
Friendly Online Bridge Club (FOBC) & Huddersfield BC Online Pairs
Online 7.15pm
Director: OC
Scorer: OC
11th February 2025
Oliver Cowan BC Open Pairs
Online 2.00pm
Director: OC
Scorer: OC
11th February 2025
Play Without the Experts(PWTE)
Online 7.15pm
Director: OC
Scorer: OC
Welcome to Oliver Cowan Bridge Club

Please note that subs for 2024/25 are due by 1st September. A mail went out to all players on the database last week advising that fees are £10 per player for everyone. Please email Oliver at ocbridgecomps@gmail.com when you have paid. Account details are: sort 204895 acct 43186903 acct name Oliver Cowan Bridge Club Virtual Limited.

Membership of the of the Oliver Cowan Bridge Club also gives membership of the Friendly Online Bridge Club meaning players have an option of an online game on BBO 6 nights (7:15pm) and 1 morning each week. The membership fees go towards admin support and also allow for congress venues to be checked out prior to being booked so both online and F2F players will benefit.


Player Link for Midlands Counties 9 high

For the RealBridge Player link for the 9 High Swiss Pairs on Saturday 8th February, please click HERE

New Tuesday afternoon game

We have our new Tuesday afternoon game on BBO starting at 2pm under Oliver Cowan BC Pairs on the tournament list.

Open to all and some free game prizes will be on offer today (3Feb).
 Come and join the fun but remember the same best behaviour rules as normal will apply!

Dragon Swiss Pairs 6

The Dragon Swiss Pairs series returns on Saturday February 15th at 1pm for the normal 6 x 6 board rounds. We will have a break after 3 rounds and finish by 6pm.

Each players best 5 scores will count towards their final total but players can play in as many or as few sessions as they like as each game is a separte tournament where green points are awarded for each round won or drawn and on overall standing.

The game is open to members of ALL home nations and masterpoints won will be transferred to you account from the WBU. The game does not count towards NGS as it is under the WBU.

Please fill out your details on the entry form below. Entry is $16BBO which you pay on the day when regsitering. If you do not use dollars but want to play, please send £13 to sort 204895 acct 43186903 acct name Oliver Cowan Bridge Club Virtual and the dollars will be put in your account prior to the event.




Oliver Cowan New Year Congress Featuring The Richard Bowdery Pairs

The 2025 renewal took place on the weekend of 11th and 12th January at the usual venue of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nottingham.

The Richard Bowdery Pairs was won by Tom Cohen & Jake Milne and the teams on Sunday was won by Natalie Hoff, Imogen La Chapelle, Harry Madden & Andy Cope.

At the dinner on Saturday evening, we had a great meal and some exciting games of Play Your Cards Right meant we raised over £1000 for charity with the main beneficiary being the Homeless Street Angels.

The 2026 event will take place on the weekend of 17th & 18th January and the good news is that prices are being held at the same rate as this year!

 Booking will open soon!


Upcoming Congresses

Upcoming Congresses being run by Oliver Cowan Bridge 

Oliver Cowan New Year Congress 2025 Nottingham 11-12 January

Sunday 18th May Leeds Swiss Pairs - Leeds Bridge Club

Spring Bank Holiday Congress 24-26 May - Hilton Hotel, Reading (EBU)

(Llan)Brighton 13-15 June - Leonardo Royal Hotel Brighton Seafront (LlanBrighton Bridge Union)

28-29 June Yorkshire Congress - Cairn Hotel, Harrogate (YCBA)

17-20 July EBU Summer Festival - Crown Spa Hotel Scarborough (EBU)

1-3 August Llandudno Congress - Craig-y-Don Leisure Centre (North Wales Bridge Association)

26-28 August Northern Midweek Congress - Cairn Hotel, Harrogate (EBU)

12-14 September Isle Of Man Congress - Venue TBC

15-16 November Lancashire Congress - Barton Manor Hotel & Spa, Preston (LCBA)

There are also going to be a number of 1 day events in clubs that will appear here when confirmed!

All details and booking information for the EBU congresses are on the EBU website under 'forthcoming events' and flyers for each will appear in the menu tab once bookings open.


Online League Supporting Junior Bridge

Season 7 of the Online Teams League is starting on 7th October 2025 which will be used to fund a program of helping develop junior bridge.

The event is not designed to compete with any clubs as the 5:45 start time will allow players to get to their clubs to play Face to Face or to play online in their club duplicate sessions.

Teams will play 2 x 8 board matches each week, ideally on a Monday and Friday but captains can agree to play at a different time. Teams of 4 and £36 entry per team to cover a full cycle which will run for 7-10 weeks depending on the number of entries. Email Oliver for more information.

9 High Pairs on RealBridge

I am running another 9 high NGS relaxed Swiss Pairs on RealBridge on Saturday 8th February. This is being run in partnership with the Midlands Counties and the EBU and is open to all players below and NGS 9. If you don;t know what that means then you will be eligible and all the details can be found on this page www.bridgewebs.com/cgi-bin/bwor/bw.cgi?club=midlandcc&pid=display_page28


zoom link for Seminars

This is the link for any zoom seminars/discussions run through the club. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86258032446?pwd=VEdHL0o2RHFoYzFxYmxDNjVtYmV4Zz09

LlanBrighton 2025 Congress

Bridge returns to (Llan)Brighton in 2025 - full details on the LlanBrighton Bridge Union page https://www.bridgewebs.com/llanbrightonbridgeunion/

Book early as places are limited! If you enter but qualify for the EBU Pachabo and choose to play in that then your bridge fee will be refunded in full.

New Sponsor

Delighted to announce that the exciting Socially Spirited, a forward thinking  producer of small-batch craft spirits has agreed to some sponsorship for Scarborough and the Northern Midweek Congresses. Check out their website on this link https://www.socially-spirited.com/ocbridge and use code BRIDGE10 at the checkout for a 10% discount. Please remember to always drink responsibly.

Membership Area and Find a Partner

I have finally got the Membership Area on the website set up!

To access this for the 1st time, you will need to click on the “membership” tab from the menu on the website then click on “member area”.

If you are using it for the 1st time, when it asks for your username and password, just click “set/reset password” and follow the instructions from there.

I am hoping players will use this area to advertise or look for partners for sessions so do please try this out and see if it works!

You will need to opt in if you wish for your contact number and email address to be displayed.

New Games Aimed At Non-Expert Players

In addition to the existing Tuesday evening Oliver Cowan PWTE game on a Tuesday night at 7.15pm, there is now an additional games solely for non-expert players.

Wednesday Morning at 10:15am - Friendly Online BC Pairs - this is a relaxed 15 board duplicate session on BBO played with the video function in use so you can chat with your opponents. The game is followed by a hand discussion on zoom where you can ask any questions about boards that gave you difficulty.

Both these new sessions are $4 in BBO dollars and are open to members and guests - get in touch with Oliver if you want to play but don't use dollars.  

Weekly Games

All games start at 7:15pm, are 20/21 boards and have a $4 BBO dollar entry fee - visitors welcome

Sunday @ 7:15pm Friendly Online BC & LOP Pairs

Monday @ 7:15pm Friendly Online BC & Huddersfield Pairs

Tuesday @ 2:00pm Oliver Cowan BC Pairs

Tuesday @ 7:15pm Oliver Cowan Play Without the Experts (for players no higher than NGS Jack)

Tuesday @ 7:30pm  - Oliver Cowan BC Pairs

Wednesday @ 10:15am  - Friendly Online BC Pairs (15 boards followed by hand discussion)

Wednesday @ 7:15pm Oliver Cowan BC Pairs

Thursday @ 7:15pm - Oliver Cowan BC Pairs

Friday @ 7.15pm - Oliver Cowan BC & LOP Pairs

Membership of the club is only £10 per year so please get in touch if you would like to join! 


Looking To Learn To Play Bridge?

If you are interested in learning to play bridge, please follow this link https://learnbridgeonline.com/jack-stocken-beginners/ which will take you to Jack Stocken's page. Jack is a very experienced teacher with an excellent reputation in Yorkshire and beyond and is currently offering learners their 1st 2 lessons free of charge.

Oliver Cowan BC Pairs
Director: OC
Scorer: Oliver Cowan
#84500 Pairs Friendly Online BC Pairs
Scorer: Oliver Cowan
Oliver Cowan BC Pairs
Director: Oc
Scorer: Oliver Cowan
#7578 Pairs Oliver Cowan BC Pairs
Scorer: Oliver Cowan
Play Without the Experts
Director: OC
Scorer: Oliver Cowan