Services for Carol McCann |
Services for Carol McCann will be held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 11:00 am, at the Church of the Cross, 110 Calhoun Street, Bluffton. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.
Mentor/Mentee Game |
For our August 29 Mentor/Mentee session, let's congratulate our 2 1-st place pairs! Colin Ingham and Rick Yelverton as N/S, and Ginny Couch and Leah Melton as E/W Mark your calendars for September 12 for the next session. If you have 100 masterpoints or less, contact Georgia ( and sign up! We have a list of experienced players who are willing to mentor, and UP YOUR GAME!
Next Eight is Enough is September 17! |
Congratulations to the September 3 winning team!
After 3 wins in a row, they've been dethrowned! Back on top for this month (after a brief respite), is the 2/2/2/2 team of Ted David, Thea Heimlich, Fran Sullivan, and Eva Sicvol!
Do you use the Rule of 11? |
In contract bridge, the Rule of 11 is a mathematical tool that helps players determine what to play at trick one. It's used when the opening lead is the fourth best card from the defender's suit. The partner of the opening leader subtracts the rank of the card led from 11 to determine how many cards higher than the lead are held by the declarer, dummy, and themselves. The partner can then subtract the number of cards in their hand and the dummy to determine the number of cards in the declarer's hand.
Members achieving new rank in August! |
Marta & Rick Yelverton - Junior Master
Leah Melton - Club Master
Steve Carlton - NABC Master
Glynn Sisson - Bronze Life Master
Dian Urbano- Sapphire Life Master
Top 5 Scores for September |
Stanley Hurwitz & Joan Simon 68.92
Gretchen & Mark Teich 65.06
George Pope & Mary Gilroy 64.84
Glynn & Priscilla Sisson 63.33
Barb Schulz & Lynn Christy 61.72
Do you know your club and how the board is working for you? |
The board meets monthly; a link to the minutes is on the menu on the left.