North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Welcome to North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
February Game Changes

New Limits for Tuesday and Friday Games


As of the first week of February, the masterpoint limits for the Tuesday and Friday games have been raised:

  • Tuesday:  0-1500
  • Friday:  0-750


Please spread the word.  See you at the tables.

Newcomer Opportunity

New 0-50 Game


Do you have 0-50 masterpoints? Would you like a duplicate game just for you? If this sounds appealing, here are the details:


When:                 Every Friday starting in March

Time:                  10:00 am

Card Fee:             $8

No. of boards:      12


We currently run a 0-750 game on Fridays at 10 am, and this new game would be run concurrently. It would be a great way for you to have the duplicate experience in a relaxed atmosphere, and to mingle with players in the larger game. Mitch Snyder will be your director.


In order to establish this game, we’ll need to know how many players to expect, so please email the club at to let us know if you plan to attend. Your thoughts and opinions are welcome as well. We are optimistic and look forward to hearing from you.

Upcoming Events



02/12:  4 Is Enough

02/21:  0-750 Swiss

02/22:  Online robot game

Lessons at KOP

Lessons at King of Prussia

Join Linda O'Malley for Learn How to Play Bridge, a series for beginners on Wednesday mornings from 9:15–11:15 AM starting February 5. The course includes six instructional sessions and one all–practice session. The cost for the entire series is $150, payable by cash, check, or Venmo to @Linda-OMalley-4. Click here for the flyer, or contact Linda at or call 484–919–0425. 

Robot Individual

Happy Hour with the Robots


Our next robot individual tournament is on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 4 PM.  This is an Education Foundation game and will provide extra points.

You can find our tournament by signing on to BBO and clicking North Penn Tournaments.

You can check out the robot convention card by going to your account, clicking on "Convention cards" and selecting "GIB 2/1".  You can also just hover over any bid with your mouse while playing and it will tell you what it is.  Check out a video on the robots here.

Special Schedule Items


The first Thursday of each month, we will hold a “Handicapped Teams” game in place of our Open game.  Handicaps will be assigned based on the average of the masterpoint totals of each team’s players.  Any team may enter, but the higher the average points your team has, the more IMPs you have to give to the opponents.

Wednesday of the following week:  a “Four is Enough (4IE) Pairs” game will replace the noon Open game.  Each individual player will be assigned a value of 1, 2 or 3 based on their total masterpoints.  No partnership can exceed a value of ‘4’.

1 = 0-300 MPs        2 = 301-1500 MPs            3 = 1501+ MPs

Wednesday mornings:  we have a “Stay and Play” policy.  Anyone who pays to play in Shuffle and Deal will be able to play in the open game at noon for only $6.

If you plan to play in Handicapped Teams (1st Thursday) or 4 is enough (2nd Wednesday) games, please sign up in the book at the club or send an email to the club at  If you want assistance finding partners or teammates for these events, contact

IRS Charitable Organization

We are an official IRS Charitable Organization


Would you consider including North Penn as one of the organizations to which you give?  By doing so, you can help us continue and expand our education efforts, grow our games, and provide assurance that this great bridge club will continue to thrive in the future.

Earlier this year, the IRS officially recognized North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club as a 501c3 charitable organization.  That means that your donations to NPDBC are fully deductible for federal tax purposes.  A link to the IRS Approval Letter can be seen here.

There are many ways to give to the club, including

  • Cash or check made out to North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club.
  • Online via PayPal or credit card by clicking on Donate
  • Through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) 
  • Through use of a Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD) from your Retirement Account.  Donating as a QCD counts towards “withdrawing” your RMD for the year. And the amount of your donation isn’t counted toward your taxable income, which may help you save on income tax.

All donations to NPDBC will be acknowledged with a thank you letter that can be used as documentation when submitting your tax returns.  If you have questions or need assistance with planning a donation, please let Dave, Pat or Beth know.  Thanks in advance!

Partnership Desk


Partner requests for Tuesday limited games should go directly to Rose Wartman (email:

Partner requests for Friday limited games should go directly to Mitch Snyder (email:

If you are in need of a partner for a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday Open game, please email  We will do our best to match you up with others who are looking for someone to play with.

Shuffle and Deal

Monday @ 6:00 PM and Wednesday @ 9:30 AM


NPDBC is offering a casual session of bridge (no scoring, no masterpoints) for $8 a person.  Just drop in.  No commitment or advanced registration needed.  Singles are welcome!  Mentors will be available to answer any questions that may arise.

It's a great way to improve your bridge bidding and play while meeting other advancing players in the North Penn community.



This is our general schedule. Go to the Calendar to get details for individual events.


Time Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9:30       Shuffle and Deal Club       
10:00     0-1500 Club     0-750 Club  
12:00   Open Club   Open Club Open Club    
4:00             Robot Online (occasional)
6:00   Shuffle and Deal Club           


All online games use BBO.

Save Your Club (SYC) games are available online, playing anytime with robots.

Competitions Updated


Competitions have been updated.  Competitions should reflect those individuals who are or were eligible for the limited competitions.   If you aged out of a bracket last year, i.e., you now have over 100 points and aren't considered a novice, you will not appear in the rankings for the novices this year but you should appear in the competitions for last year if you had less than 100 points last year.

Competition brackets are as follows:  Novice under 100 points, C players under 500 points, Intermediate players under 750 points, B players over 500 points and have less than 1500 points  and the A players.  Brackets were set January 12 based on the masterpoints earned last year.  Aging out of brackets during the year is based on points earned at the club and ignores points earned elsewhere.  

For instance, if you started the year with 490 master points and earned 10 points in club play and you will be excluded from the monthly competitions once noted.  The fact that you earned points elsewhere would have no bearing.

If you join the club and believe you should be appearing in one of the limited competitions and aren't sent us a note.  It is likely your brackets have not been set. 



For just $20.00 a year, you can support North Penn and save on every game we play at the club.

Join online: Go to our membership form

Join by mail: New members should send your name, address, telephone number, email address, ACBL #, BBO name, and birthday (not year) and a check for $20 made out to the North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club.  Returning members whose information hasn't changed can just send the check.  Send it to:
    North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
    298 Wissahickon Ave, Suite B
    North Wales, PA  19454

New members: Apply during a bridge session; just ask the director.  Put your dues in an envelope and into the red mailbox by the restrooms.  We will contact you about creating a password for the Member Area.

Renewing members: Use the red mailbox, too.  After renewing, please verify your contact information by logging onto the Member Area or by sending an email to