Welcome to our website - we promote friendly, competitive, Duplicate Bridge in our EBU affiliated Club
We also offer facilitated Gentle Duplicate for less experienced players
We play in the accessible Lower Hall of Northallerton Town Hall on Monday evenings at 6:50pm - this is both a Club Night and Gentle Duplicate session
On Tuesdays at 1:20pm we play Gentle Duplicate only at Scout + Guide HQ
New Members and Visitors are assured of a warm welcome
Annual Subscription is £5.00 - the sessional Table Fee for Members, Students or Visitors is £2.50 in cash
We play all year, with various competitions for Members
Come and join us
On Wednesday 4th September 2024 we welcomed Members and Visitors to a Club Open Day
Our aims were to have fun, promote Bridge, and raise money for Cancer Research UK
We met all these objectives, with over 35 Members welcoming over 80 Visitors
Our Visitors were able to watch Chicago Bridge being played and some "had a go" at MiniBridge
Donations, Cake Stall, Tombola and donations at three Club sessions raised £742.30
Thanks to all who helped out with such a successful event