Release 2.19q
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Charity Events

Our Privacy Notice is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations.  Click here to view the Notice in full.

Purchasing BB$

It is necessary to pay in advance to Bridge Base Online (BBO) in order to play in Newton Abbot's online events. BBO is an American website and  accepts payment for what they call Bridge Base dollars (BB$,) 

There is a minimum purchase amount of BB$10 and the payment you make is converted to UK £. Your account is credited and will then be debited by $3 when you pay the table money for an event .

Register to Play in an online Event

Everybody needs to go onto the BBO website and register for the event or tournament from 2 hours in advance.

Please do not leave it to the last minute as we need to resolve any of your problems and finalise the movement before we start.

Click for detailed instructions and screenshots


Welcome to Newton Abbot Bridge Club
Quarterly local charity events -see regular Calendar updates
Gold and Silver cup competitions -see Calendar
Newton Abbot "Face to face" Bridge

We play at the Recreational Trust on Marsh Road. Postcode TQ12 2AR 

There is free parking on site and table money is £2-50 (£3-50 for visitors). If the car park is full in the evening then Cricketfield Road car park is nearby (5 minute walk) where parking is free after 6-00pm. Note that there is now a barrier at the car park, so if you are visiting for the first time then please contact us for the code.

We are continuing with the hosted Relaxed Bridge sessions on Tuesday afternoons, 1-15 for a 1-30 start, and the more competitive Thursday evening sessions at 6-30 for a 6-45 start.  The Tuesday and Thursday sessions are in a function room exclusively for our own use. The bar is open in the evening along with other recreational facilities. Please ask at reception for directions to the bar and function room. 

Here is a map showing where the Recreational Trust venue is in Newton Abbot.

Hope to see you playing Bridge with us!



Form to join Newton Abbot Bridge Club

Please complete the form below if you would like to join our club.

The form will be sent to members of the Committee who will respond to your application.

Thanks for considering Newton Abbot.


All About Us

As an EBU affiliated club, we offer duplicate bridge for all players from beginners through to Grand Masters. 

Tuesday afternoon - Hosted Relaxed Bridge.  Suitable for all standards. 

Tuesday evening - online BBO bridge suitable for improvers and more experienced players. 

Thursday evening – this is our night for experienced players and improvers to play a serious competitive game of bridge.

We have a reputation for being a very friendly club where there is something for everyone and everyone is welcome.  Visitors are particularly welcome. 

For more information contact the Secretary Will Hand on 01364 661331 who will be able to help.

Newton Abbot Online Bridge

For the results from the online sessions hosted by Plymouth, click here.

Club online sessions are currently held on Tuesday evenings.

Bridge starts at 7.00 pm  (please register in good time before then)

Newton Abbot and Plymouth have joined forces for BBO on line events

and are hosting sessions on alternate weeks.

Just search New [ for Newton ] and PLY for [ Plymouth ] in the normal way.


 The results including details of hands and contracts will be viewable as usual on the Results tab.

Entry cost  is 3BB$ per person payable when you and your partner register on BBO to play in a session -

Registration is open from two hours before the scheduled start time of a session. Until then you will not find the event listed. 

If you would like to play online but do not have a partner you can use our partner finding page which you can access here - 


For an introduction to playing online on BridgeBase Online (BBO) click here

There is also an excellent FAQ and beginners guide from Bath Bridge club here


Provide BBO User Names for Online Event

In order to play in NABC competitions, the club will need to know your BBO name and other details in advance. 

You do not need to provide information again if you have already provided your BBO username for online events.

It is essential that details for players not already known to us are given by completing the box provided below.

This must be done at least 24 hours before the competition is due to start to ensure we can process submissions in time. If we can not then players may be blocked when they register.

Need help with BBO? Check our BBO Introduction

Devon County Congress 2025

11-13 April 2025 at the Toorak Hotel in Torquay

Entries are now open for this fully green-pointed congress.

Swiss Pairs on Friday evening 11th & Saturday 12th and Swiss Teams on Sunday 13th. 

Details and Entry Form available from  - (click on) /.


Don Pearson Teams


In aid of Rowcroft Hospice 

Director: Jeremy Child    10.30am for start at 11.00am

Coffee/Tea and Biscuits supplied      Lunch provided, included in entry     

£15.00 entry per person, please enter as a team £60.00 

Please pay by BACS to Teignmouth Bridge Club
Account No.03076882 Sort Code 30-96-06

Bottle raffle all bottles gratefully received
Bar facilities available before and between matches       

Entries to: - 

Please send me all the names in your team after payment.

Limited number of tables. (13)

Need a Partner?

Please contact our temporary Partnership Coordinator, Will Hand, by email:

… and he will reply, asking for dates & details, and then search for a suitable partner.

Thu 13th February 2025
Director: Richard Feetenby
Scorer: Will Hand
Tue 18th February 2025
Relaxed Pairs
Director: John Bower
Scorer: John Bower
Host: Yes
Tue 18th February 2025
Thu 20th February 2025
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Sue Knott
Scorer: Betty Golding
Tue 25th February 2025
Relaxed Pairs
Director: John Bower
Scorer: John Bower
Host: Yes
Tue 25th February 2025
BBO Pairs NA
Director: Will Hand
Scorer: Will Hand
Relaxed Pairs
Director: John Bower
Scorer: John Bower
BBO Pairs NA
Director: Richard Feetenby
Scorer: Will Hand
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Ferai Akyol
Scorer: Betty
Relaxed Pairs
Director: John Bower
Scorer: John Bower