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21st Sep 2024 23:16 BST
Release 2.19r
NBC Constitution

To open a copy of the Constitution in pdf format which can be downloaded or printed, please click here.

Newent Bridge Club Constitution
Newent Bridge Club Constitution (2022)
1. The name of the Club will be Newent Bridge Club (NBC)
2. The purpose of the club is to conduct sessions where duplicate bridge is played and to promote the game of bridge. It will operate as an affiliated Club with the English Bridge Union and Gloucestershire County Bridge Association.
3. The club will be composed of members who will have applied in writing to the Secretary and agreed to abide by the club rules.
4. Annually (unless prevented by external events) at an Annual General Meeting, the membership will appoint a Committee. This Committee will consist of 3 nominated Officers and up to 5 members. The Officers will be: Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Each officer will serve for up to 3 consecutive years and no person will be permitted to hold more than one post. The Committee will attempt to stagger the 3 year period for each Officer so that only one Officer is elected each year. If any post becomes vacant during the year the Committee will, at their discretion, appoint a suitable replacement or continue to operate with a vacancy until the next AGM. A quorum for the Committee consists of 4 members including 2 Officers.
5. The Committee will have the right and duty to manage all matters concerning the running and governance of the club. The Committee may wish to appoint a Webmaster to manage the web site and a Tournament Director to take responsibility for running the bridge sessions. The appointee(s) must be member(s) of the club and will not serve in an executive capacity unless already elected to the Committee. The members(s) appointed will serve for as long as they and the Committee wish – the posts will not necessarily be reviewed annually. In the event of a tied vote in the Committee the Chairman will have an additional deciding vote.  
6. The Committee will ensure that, under the guidance of the Treasurer, the club is run on a sound fiscal basis. This may include table monies, annual membership fees and/or a joining fee and the level for each. No charitable donations in excess of £500 will be made without the express consent of the membership.
7. Exceptionally, members whose behaviour does not conform with the EBU’s Best Behaviour at Bridge guidelines may be suspended or excluded from the club at the Committee’s discretion.
8. The Committee may also nominate members who, having provided a service to the Club over a substantial period of years will be made Life Members. These Life Members will be exempt from all recurring charges.
9. The Club will be open to visitors who will become Day Members for the day. Such Day Members may have Master Points awarded in line with their results but may not win any of the Club’s named competitions or vote on any resolution.
10. An Extra-Ordinary General Meeting will be convened if ⅓ of the current membership sign and submit a request to the Committee to consider a specific resolution. The Chairman will convene an EGM within 14 days of receiving the request which will only consider and vote on the one specific resolution specified in the request.
11. In the event that the number of fully paid-up members falls below 20 the Committee may call an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting to recommend winding-up the club. The assets of the Club will be donated to the Gloucestershire Contract Bridge Association (GCBA).
Adopted at AGM 8th June 2022