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Minutes of AGM'
Minutes of AGM 2012

Newcastle Bridge Club Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 13th June 2012 at 6.30pm

1.Apologies for absence ;  K.Armstrong , A.Bell.

2. Minutes of AGM 2011 had been put on the notice Board , website and a copy per table. They were agreed.

3 Matters Arising; None,

4.Chairman’s Report;  Chris thanked the directors especially as they are now reduced to 3,Anne, Frank and Simon. We are most grateful to Anne for  also scoring and running the website. Mike Craig  too  for his help as Deputy Scorer.

The committee and secretary were thanked and all the members who kindly help to clear the room and put everything away at the end of the evening.

We are indebted to B.Pacey for auditing the accounts so meticulously which took some considerable time before they balanced.

1st Team had a successful season and remain in their Division finishing near the top.              2nd Team remain in the bottom division.

During the course of the year a complaint was lodged by a member against a fellow member for allegedly being rude. Sadly this took many weeks before it was resolved. The chairman must be congratulated for his commitment to the task which involved a great deal of paperwork and negotiation.  He finally achieved a conclusion which satisfied both parties.

5.Treasurer’s Report; A loss of £704 was recorded for the year but £402 of this included the Christmas Party whereas in the previous year the party had been cancelled due to excessive snow.

6. Election of Officers; The Four committee members were confirmed on block.

7. Presentation of Trophies;

Firstly, Mike Lynch gave a short address on the life of Arthur Herron, who died on 5th June 2012 aged 94yrs.He had been a staunch member for many, many years playing regularly for the 1st Team and a very good player.

The chairman, C.Smith then presented the Trophies.

AGM Minutes 2011

Newcastle Bridge Club Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 15th June 2011 at 6.30pm

1. Apologies for absence ;  None

2. Minutes of AGM 2010 were put on the Notice board and website and were agreed.

3. Matters arising; a) After enquiries had been made to Bob Dodds, it was deemed unnecessary to take out further Insurance as we are covered by the West Denton Assoc.

b) After a trial period of 6 months for a 2 Winner Result instead of Arrow Switching , a Review was held in December. The Members voted to continue with the 2 Winner movement.

4. Chairman’s Report; Chris thanked all the Members who had helped in the Club Administration, also the Directors and Isi Mitrani the retiring Treasurer.

The A Team, captained by K. Armstrong, were congratulated for winning the Division C. The B Team remain in the bottom Division.

5. Treasurer’s Report; Chris presented the Accounts. There has been a reduction in income largely due to P2P which levies an extra £600 per year. The Christmas Party was cancelled due to the amount of snow and thus saved £300. Table money will remain at £1.50p. A. Kemp had failed to audit the Accounts so B. Pacey very kindly offered to help and audit them for this year.

6. Resolutions; a) It was agreed that an honorarium of £10 was not appropriate for the Committee. But the Members agreed to give A. Hauxwell an Honorarium of £25 in recognition of her services as Scorer, maintaining the Website and Congress Organiser.

b) S. Findlay proposed discontinuing the Tea/coffee Interval, seconded by B. Lumsden. After some discussion it was agreed by a majority to continue having it as it was felt to contribute to a friendly atmosphere enabling members to socialise.

7. Election of Officers;  G. Jackson had agreed to stand as the new Treasurer and was duly  elected along with the other 3 Committee Members of C. Smith , P. Procter, L. Emmerson.

8. Trophies; Some of the Trophies are in a very poor condition and even broken.  The committee wished to find out what the Members wanted to do. The Members voted to continue with them as they are a record of the club’s members. As the B. Crankshaw Trophy is particularly worn and in very poor condition the Congress Teams Trophy will be used as a more attractive trophy for this competition.

9. Presentation of Trophies; C.Smith presented the Trophies.

y� + mo�D@t-weight:normal'>Presentation of Trophies;

Firstly, Mike Lynch gave a short address on the life of Arthur Herron, who died on 5th June 2012 aged 94yrs.He had been a staunch member for many, many years playing regularly for the 1st Team and a very good player.

The chairman, C.Smith then presented the Trophies.

Newcastle Bridge Club

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 16th June 2010 at 6.30pm

1 Apologies for Absence;  B.Pacey.

2Minutes of last AGM were circulated and were accepted as a true record.

3.Matters Arising; None.

4 Chairman’s Report.

 Chris thanked in particular the Directors and Anne Hauxwell who do so much towards the smooth running of our Club Night.

This is reflected in the increased Table numbers. Anne also gives a great deal of her time scoring, overseeing the website, organising the competitions and the Annual Pairs Congress. Anne Wake was also thanked for her contribution to the website which is much appreciated by the Secretary.

We are all grateful to Bernard Shepherd for coming early to set up the Room every week.

Chris also thanked the Two Team Captains, Kathleen Armstrong and Anne Hauxwell. The first Team finished 3rd in Div C only 

narrowly missing promotion. Unfortunately the Second Team will be relegated to the bottom Division.

He thanked the Treasurer Isi who collects the Table money so calmly, which is never an easy task. Also the other three committee Members G.Jackson, L.Emmerson and P.Procter.

5.Treasurer’s Report.

The  Accounts had been prepared by Isi Mitrani and Alastair Kemp. In Isi’s absence they were introduced by Chris Smith .and were circulated to Members a week before the AGM.

The Income remains the same and the expenditure is down a little. So Table Money will remain the same at £1.50p for the time being.

The Secretary was asked to make enquiries from B.Dodds as to what Insurance cover was provided by The West Denton Association.

6 Resolutions;  a)  Members voted and agreed the Teams Congress should be discontinued  due to lack of support.

b) Members voted that we continue to hold two BGB Simultaneous Pairs – Autumn and Spring on the same money terms.

c)Members agreed to discontinue Arrow Switching and use a 2 Winner Movement ( 1N/S  1E/W ) for  a Trial period of 6 months and then have a Review.

7 Election of Officers;  the Chairman, Secretary, and 2 committee members were all re-elected.

8. Any Other Business; None

9 Presentation of Trophies;  C.Smith presented the Trophies


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Held on 10th June 2015 at West Denton Community Association  
Apologies for absence: Doreen Quick  
The Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting were agreed a correct record.  
Matters arising. No progress had been made on either Simultaneous pairs or sale of wine at club nights because of lack of manpower on the committee.  
The Chairman thanked all members who had assisted during the year by directing, scoring, and collecting table money. He also thanked his fellow Committee members for their support. He finally thanked Bernard for setting up, and all members who helped in clearing up at the end of the sessions.  
The accounts were presented by the Treasurer. They showed a deficit for the year to 31st March 2015 of £841.  The Treasurer pointed out that for 2015/2106 table money of £2.50 per head would apply for the whole year. This would increase total receipts from table money. In addition the increase in subscription from £5 to £10 per year would increase receipts by several £’00s. It was hoped these two measures would eliminate the bulk of the deficit. The Treasurer pointed out that at the moment the Christmas Party was free to members (although table money was payable on the night). It was agreed that the Christmas party remain a free event. The amount of interest earned on the substantial deposit account balance was raised. The Treasurer reported that interest rates for club accounts remained extremely low. It was suggested that the funds be invested in premium bonds. The accounts were approved.  
The following officers were elected: Chairman:  Kathleen Armstrong Secretary:  Paul Costello Treasurer:  George Jackson  
Under any other business it was proposed and agreed that visitors should pay an additional £1 on top of regular table money of £2.50, making £3.50 in total.   
The Chairman presented the various trophies to the year’s winners.  
Sue Caygill thanked the retiring Chairman, Chris Smith, for his work on behalf of the club over the years during which he had been Chairman.  
The meeting closed at 6.55pm.