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If you have any information relevant to Milton Keynes Bridge Club and its members that you would like to display on the website, contact any committee member or David Prichard our Chair.


General Information
About Milton Keynes Bridge Club


The club was formed in about 1976 and was then known as Stantonbury Bridge Club as it met at the school there.  Within 3 years it changed its name to Milton Keynes Bridge Club ,so it has been in existence for over 40 years and during that time has given much pleasure and enjoyment to hundreds of local bridge players. We pride ourselves on being a friendly club that is welcoming to players of all abilities. Our attitude is competitive but not combative.


We also take great pride in offering tremendous value for money. Our membership joining fee is £10. Table money of £2.00 is charged at each duplicate session. (Table money for visitors is £2.00).  Table money for World and National Sims pairs events can be as high as  £5.00 .


The club has a thriving membership and boasts several Grand Masters on its books. Members of the club have been very successful in many National bridge competitions. The club also enters representative teams into County and National events.

The club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union (EBU) and to Bedfordshire Bridge Association (BBA). Members are encouraged to join these bodies and to support  County and National events. Why Bedfordshire, you may well ask, when Milton Keynes is in Buckinghamshire? Well it is simply a geographical problem - the bridge playing communities of Bedfordshire are a lot closer than those of South Buckinghamshire, such as Amersham & High Wycombe so participation in County events is easier.

The club participates in the English Bridge Union Pay To Play Master Points scheme. EBU Master Points are issued for all duplicate sessions. These are automatically credited to members. All paid up members of the club are de-facto members of the EBU and Bedfordshire Bridge Association.

We play  Duplicate Bridge every Wednesday and Friday Evening.(See Where & When for details).

The current full version of the calendar may be viewed by clicking the Calendar Button.

We use electronic scoring and during the duplicate session player rankings are shown on a display screen when playing face to face. RealBridge gives details of the bidding, final contracts at eact table and how the hands were played.

Results of duplicate sessions are usually posted on this website the same evening. Personal scorecards and travellers are available so that a full analysis of performance can be undertaken.

All hands are dealt using RealBridge and records are available to players at the end of each session, complete with a computerised analysis.

The Club Membership & Financial Year runs from 1st January to 31st December. An Annual General Meeting is held as soon as practicable in the Club Year and a Committee is elected. The Committee meets as necessary to ensure that the club continues to run efficiently and that all of the events in the calendar take place as smoothly as possible for the benefit of all members. However, the essence of the club is participation. Members help to set up the tables etc and clear away at the end of the evening (though not required until we go back to face to face bridge). It is not down to the committee to do everything. All members are bound by a simple set of rules. (See Club Rules) The Club is ultimately governed by its constitution. (See Constitution)

The Club Competition Year runs from 1 January to 31 December. The detailed rules for the various competitions can be viewed by clicking the Competition Rules button The winners of trophies get to keep the trophies for a year.

Competition winners and individuals scoring 70% or higher in a club duplicate event also receive small prizes in the form of John Lewis Vouchers. This is subject to only being awarded one prize irrespective of how many competition wins and one prize irrespective of how many 70%+ scores.

 One or more newsletters are published each year and distributed to members.


Use of club equipment:  As part of our commitment to promoting bridge in the local community, and for the benefit of our members, the club is happy to lend its bridge equipment to members for non-club use. Permission must first be obtained from a committee member, and the borrower is responsible for returning the equipment in good order and in good time for the next club night. (Committee members wishing to borrow equipment should obtain permission from another committee member.) The committee member will inform the rest of the comittee to ensure that there are no 'double bookings' of equipment.




















Membership is subject to being proposed and seconded by existing members. In addition the Committee has to be satisfied about the bridge playing competence of the individual seeking membership. (It should be noted that we are not looking for “experts”, merely that we are seeking to ensure that the enjoyment of others is not adversely affected by lack of competence, poor etiquette or very slow play.) The Committee has the absolute right to determine membership.



























A membership application form can be viewed by clicking the Memb App Form button.