Release 2.19q
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The name of the Club shall be "Middlewich Bridge Club" hereinafter called "The Club".
The objects of "The Club" shall be to provide facilities for the playing of Contract Bridge.
Every candidate for membership of "The Club" shall attend on 3 occasions before being proposed by one member and seconded by another. The full name and address shall be submitted . If 10 or more members object then the candidate shall not be eligible of membership.

The membership of any member who does not attend at least once during "The Club" year will lapse unless the committee agrees dispensation.

Each member shall notify any change of address or phone number.

The financial year of "The Club" shall be from the 1st of September to 31st August.

  Table Money

Members shall pay an annual fee of £10.00 due in September.

Members shall pay a table fee per session of £2.00.

Visitors shall pay a table fee per session of £2.00.

  General Rules

Any suggestions or complaints regarding the arrangements of "The Club" shall be submitted in writing.

"The Club" accepts no responsibility whatever for the property or belongings of any member or visitor whilst on the premises of "The Club".

All members shall be equally responsible for any liabilities incurred during their time of membership.